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That's... awfully high.
Oh. That was more than I expected. I do think some of this is a bit hedgy, in the sense that you have wiggle room to walk it back built-in, but for where we are in the game it's good enough. What about for scum reads?
One of Borto/Fuji, leaning Borto. I more or less stated my case on him a few pages back. I didn't like his push on Fuji, but Fuji hasn't done all that much for me to 100% pick him over Borto for the Town in that interaction either. Their interaction and Borto's push didn't look TvT. Something was off.

Drago has good power wolfing qualities here. I don't like his lack of interactions with me either. Town Drago says D1 is super important (which technically this here is) and yet he says he ain't gonna interact with me that much because it's just the first day? Like, bruh, that's a whole load of BS if you ask me.

I don't really know why Mango is being Town read either.

Never give up!
I feel like it's too high a level of certainty you could possibly reasonably attain this early into the game for a player like Flower. So either you're being lazy with your reads, or you're falsifying them. And yes, it was self-explanatory. My question was rhetorical.
Was also pretty confident pointing to me how Fuji is town, might be a bit too informed for town
Because he got pissed off while arguing with Usopp and when he gets angry, it's usually when he's town.


@Dragomir I keep going back and forth on you. The main reason for this, is because I remember that game I was a mason with you and everyone thought you were scummy. Even I did at points, even though I knew 100% your were town. I honestly can't even put a finger on it, why you come off scummy because it's not really even in the words themselves.

AL sama

Red Haired
You can't give me a free pass, you aren't the almighty host.

I'm starting to feel like you are trying to trick me too.

I'm gonna have so many knifes in my back after this game, I'm going to need help pulling them out xD I am really sorry if this really isn't the case. I'm starting to think I made some bad life choices along the way.
nah not trying anything and you know that lol

I think novas was worried hence he made me town
Slight, tiny Town lean.

Don't lose your way!
oh come on I can't be playing that bad
Is your main concern with Drago, how he was self promoting? And you are trying to stem an argument off that.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong but that is kinda how it feels. Then again I'm really tired, I think I only slept 3 or 4 hours last night, so I might be miscomprehending some of your posts.
What I'm currently discussing with Drago has nothing to do with that. Odd interjection.


I’ve been mafia buddies with you more then once in the past and your posting here feels very similar to how I remember you playing in those games. I think you have a tendency to try and take control of conversation and push certain agendas as scum which is the same vibe I’m getting here. Imo, the way you came in guns blazing for a council spot was something scum Drago would definitely do.
I would do the exact same thing as town. I am a power player. I like to take control and drive the phase. That's how I play mafia. That's how I am most comfortable. I do this as town, indie, and mafia.

You also typed a paragraph response to Juliet within the first pages, getting over defensive because they seemed to be holding some type of grudge against your play in the past. I’m not saying your reason wasn’t valid whatever it was, just that it didn’t seem too genuine
As I told to TAC, if you knew my mafia backstory, you would understand why I reacted to Juliet the way I did.

But also: This is based off how I know you to play scum. If there’s nuances in your town game that make a difference, I probably wouldn’t know. Also this is literally D0 so things are subject to and will change. This is just my early impression and honestly I wasn’t even planning on having to explain it as much as I just did lmfao
There aren't really any nuances to it. I would play the same way regardless of my alignment. Maybe a little less brazen if I was scum, but I'd be brazen nonetheless.
I really do not like Flower. The more I think about it, the scummier she gets. This whole lack of trust in her own reads thing is something scum Flower says that all the time as a way to buddy up with a town read and follow their lead. Additionally, she's been more aloof than normal. There's a tonal aggressiveness that's lacking in her posts. Not assertive enough. She's trying to be in the background and not at the forefront. Town Flower doesn't do backgrounds. She's always at the forefront. And by forefront, I mean on top of shit, not getting suspected.

Apparently, her PR is to not argue but that's super vague. What would count as an argument? A back n forth, a disagreement? Cause if so, we literally just had one earlier. And she even expressed earlier that she wants people to make cases on her so she can respond to them. That's pretty much arguing. Flower is not to be trusted.
I do see Drago made this post on Flower, but before this, you kept mentioning Flower as "55%" suspicious without much elaboration. So my charitable assumption is that this is a formal consolidation of your earlier observations.

It just you're not giving off the impression you have someone as 85% scum at the moment.


I feel like it's too high a level of certainty you could possibly reasonably attain this early into the game for a player like Flower. So either you're being lazy with your reads, or you're falsifying them. And yes, it was self-explanatory. My question was rhetorical.
Well, I don't really know what to tell you. After assessing Flower, I feel that confident in my scum read on her.
You know I dislike this line of reasoning, though I can accept your premise outside of this.

The rest is fine. I feel like you've brushed over Drago a bit though - he claims to be 85% sure you're town. Have you acknowledged or responded to this?
Could be pocketting. But let me look into this real quick. People keep posting a lot while I write my posts.

Never lose yourself!
I would do the exact same thing as town. I am a power player. I like to take control and drive the phase. That's how I play mafia. That's how I am most comfortable. I do this as town, indie, and mafia.

As I told to TAC, if you knew my mafia backstory, you would understand why I reacted to Juliet the way I did.

There aren't really any nuances to it. I would play the same way regardless of my alignment. Maybe a little less brazen if I was scum, but I'd be brazen nonetheless.
So then you should understand why I’m suspicious correct. If you’re telling me through self meta (which isn’t always accurate anyways) that you would do things the exact same way I know scum Drago to do things then..?


Drago has good power wolfing qualities here. I don't like his lack of interactions with me either. Town Drago says D1 is super important (which technically this here is) and yet he says he ain't gonna interact with me that much because it's just the first day? Like, bruh, that's a whole load of BS if you ask me.
You realize that I more or less changed my mind the moment I made that case on you, right?
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