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I know what my bias is - and I don't think it's a bad one - is that people tend to trust or believe the queen by default. Like I said, I'm not suspecting you yet, but I think you're getting voted to council to 100% certainty due to a certain prestige and not what you've put forth so far necessarily.

I really don't have anything against you or your play!
I don't actually disagree with you to some extent so I won't say sorry about that. I will say sorry about, that I do believe I have the right to be on council, because I am a good player and I truly believe it will be helpful to town for me being there.
In my limited mafia experience, I have seen certain roles where scums or indies have this kind of ability to give a PR to someone. I have rarely seen a townie ability of giving PR. I'm not sure how this applies to this game since none of us submitted any actions and there seems to be quite a few individuals who have been given PRs. Plus I also feel like she has been pretty consistent in maintaining hers which means less chances of her faking it. But then again it's Flower and she can do anything.
What was the point of this post


u havent had a proper scum read entire game

which is fine. i think not saying our scum reads isnt bad so we can catch them offguard day 1
See I feel like this is almost made up because I have discussed Dragomir, Flower, you and Fuji, on several times. I'm sorry however, if you missed me talking about those. Not saying it's made up, just if I would assume the worst about you, I would think that.
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