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Arbiter of Truth
All those guys who call me sus are a bunch of sheep, too. But Drago's so stuck in that tunnel he doesn't even realize that. Well, he's gonna crush hard. Looking forward to roasting him after I flip next day :cheers:.

Let's gooooo!!!!!!
TBH, my gut says you're town

But I get that it's easy to forget about your supporter and ally

Even though it is I, DIO, who is that to you

But I shall forgive, for who else is there to forgive, but me?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Well, I dunno what to tell you. This is the effort level I'm going to give day 0 in a game this large. And yes, I have. Am I required to share it, too?
im chilling day 0 as many have noticed and im open about it. u keep acting like its something weird.

how r u gna approach the game day 1? more active or same gameplay
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