Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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Dude just stop, you're pathetic at this point, I won't even bother to read this bullshit or any of your other replies, you literally confirmed you never read the chapter and probably just read biased comments on this forum that described this fight in a very stupid way to downplay sanji and queen

Go read it then come back, so you won't find yourself in an embarrassing situation next time you downplay sanji
Dude I didn't mean to get you so defensive and insecure

I have addressed everything here

Sanji complaining
Sanji cheap shotting

And everything else you accused me of lying
Please read this thread instead of trolling and baiting because I am actually putting some effort here
This is a serious thread so I promise I am not trying to run over Sanji fans parade, I think Sanji is very strong, probably equal to Katakuri or slightly below him but certainly stronger than Doflamingo. But I wanted to just point out the way battle went, and the way it ended it might have given us false idea that battle was an easy one for Sanji or at least easy one for exoskeleton Sanji.

Overall this battle is certainly not the easiest and neither is Zoro vs King but we will get to that some other time but this overall battle was a battle where Sanji would have died or at least have had every single one of his bones shattered had Queen not shot himself (which side rant but one of the most pathetic use of plot induced stupidity in the series).

But there is where the true fight begins this is where Sanji unlocks Exoskeleton
I am going to the events of fight between Sanji and Queen after exoskeleton was awakened. When his exoskeleton was awakened his fire was supposedly burning hotter anyways, not as hot as Infrit Jambe but it was still burning hotter than normal.

On top of that his body healed from the damage and became extremely durable to the point where it broke Queen's sword

But lets see how the events of fights go from this point onward where Sanji has taken some damage and healed from and Queen has taken some damage such as shooting himself, Marco's kicks, Chopper's attacks and Sanji's own attacks. I'd say Sanji's regeneration is fresh so he's probably in better shape but lets run with the idea that both Queen and Sanji are in equally good shape.

So Sanji's strongest attack before developing Infrit Jambe is Hells Memories which Sanji called his "Ultimate technique" he developed in Fishman Island and that technique had next to no effect on Queen at all

And while Sanji is in his base mode Queen can land hits on him as I showed you earlier he could grab Sanji and put him in his snake mode.
He can even do damage to Sanji post exoskeleton with his lasers

And then Queen was able to overwhelm Sanji's base stance and reflexes and land a few hits on him in his Germa form

And also no sell another one of his exoskeleton attack Flanchet Flayer
All that is seen in the page above.

This gives me the impression that Sanji can not beat Queen without going Infrit Jambe as Queen can do damage to him, Queen can land hits to him, he can not do damage to Queen, he would eventually get exhausted.

Oh and after that he shows Queen that he can turn invisible simple with his speed for a few seconds for shits and giggles anyways and ends up huffing and puffing. Cool scene but adds nothing to the fight besides Bragging rights

Now here comes Infrit Jambe, a mode he developed with help of combination exoskeleton and armament Haki and his muscle strength and speed through which he can sustain hotter flames and by the looks of it even hit harder period.

Then he lands a couple of Infrit Jambe hits on Queen like Tendron Tenderizor Palderon Pound and BEEF BURST (Worst name for a finisher ever) and beats Queen

And then Sanji eventually falls

Now here is the gist of things, read carefully, Infrit Jambe mode is A LOT stronger than Queen. That mode mid diffs Queen or even low diffs but that mode causes so much strain on Sanji he passes out. You can argue Sanji passed out due to damage from Queen but that won't be a very good argument because besides that Snake wrap that Sanji regenerated from, Queen hasn't done much damage to Sanji. We need to see Sanji's further use of Infrit Jambe but it seems to be as taxing as Gear 4th and even more and by the virtue of that alone this is a very high difficulty fight. If Sanji were to be able to use Infrit Jambe in the future without passing out then he would obviously low/mid diff Queen. This fight isn't just similar to Sanji vs Jayabura, its carbon copy of it. Sanji has more skill than Queen even before Infrit Jambe but its useless as he can't hurt him. Infrit Jambe comes like Diable Jambe comes and Sanji is toast.

Now some would bring up things like Zoro vs Killer, Luffy vs Hody Jones but problem is Hody's bite did make it extreme diff battle for Luffy as he would have died without Jinbei but that can be avoided.

Killer was able to land a hit on Zoro with Gyukimaru's help, that can also be avoided in a 1v1 fight
-Luffy doesn't need to be bit by Hody to beat him
-Zoro doesn't need to be hit by Killer to beat him
-Can Sanji win without Infrit Jambe

I'll do you one better
-If Zoro passes out next chapter without drug effects, then Haoshoku Zoro high diffed King too and not mid diff because
-Zoro needs Haoshoku to beat king (Unless Ashura can do it)

This is still not a bad thing, Sanji is still ridiculously strong like I said before not an attempt to clown Sanji, BEEF BURST (Disgusting name) is one of the strongest attacks out there alongside King Kong Gun and Tempuradon as peak of high tier attack potency.

Leave your thoughts
@The Unworthy
@Light D Lamperouge
@Mr. Anderson
@Gol D. Roger
@Hanzo hattori
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Monkey D Theories

And next time try to take a deep breath and don't lose your shit and get emotional like this
Big Mom herself said she Didn’t have the souls to defeat Marco. Plus Marco fought her 1v1..

kidd and law are together and still aren’t really doing shit. Big Mom is taking their shit and keeping it pushin.
Marco fought 1v1 with BM for a second then he got strangled. Even doing damage to BM is an accomplishment for Kid and Law.
Something that kinda annoys me about the Raizo vs Fuku fight is that right now it's just going to be the both of them staring at each other until one gives up.

I honestly wouldn't mind too much if they were doing cool ninja stuff like they were at the beginning, but it's just a staring contest at this point.
because no, current Zoro will never beat fresh BM, not in this level.

he even freaking strugle to fight King and worried enough that he might die sooner because of Enma already drained his haki that much in a short time.

you can go back debating this freaking matter again if Zoro already mastered Enma that he can easily wield it like Oden.
Zoro actually destroyed King in 1035
Currently Zoro has more than enough AP to kill Big Mom and is fast enough to repeatedly blitz her.

How does she win??

At least for me, I never expected Zoro to block Hakai momentarily w/o using Asura.

Neither did I ever think Zoro would scar Kaido in such poor conditions.

Nor did I think Zoro would get ACoC, the strongest boost in OP history so far, mere 20 chapters after MC. I expected him to use it once at EoW and use it consciously next arc. Not perform conscious, perfect usage this soon.

And I didn't expect Zoro to be back into plot this soon after 1035.

It just keeps coming. I've been underestimating the spotlight Zoro is getting in Wano so much.

Wonder how those people are doing who thought he'd fight Who's Who or Queen and be done for the arc, though?
Most Zoro here fans thought he wouldn't fight King and were apparently satisfied with his rooftop performance, only wanting ZKK after.

Even Zoro fans downplayed that potential. I got into tons of arguments with people here about that
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