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The End and the Beginning
You are right about that. My activity hasn’t been great so far. Like last day I was mostly talking about the delving part and now I’m just observing things as they are talking. But I have missed a LOT of posts and the mere thought of reading all those is making me nauseous.
Nah, Kag, I'm saying your activity has been fine. 200 posts this far in is a lot. Don't let someone tell you you're inactive or lazy because you haven't spammed 400 times and camped the thread every waking hour. And also, trying to read every post in this game is impossible. Just do what you think is fun, that is the point after all.


The End and the Beginning
I figured.

What do you think of the council members? It's been a hot topic that certain players may not have gotten in legitimately. Good place to start since it doesn't necessarily require catch up.
Remind me who they are pls. I voted for you, Blue and Zem. If some of them got it I'm happy.

AL sama

Red Haired
So I assume you and Fuji were the voters for Muugen.

I don't think Muugen is a bad choice though. I mentioned before that if he's town he's a good addition to the council. Have you caught up? What do you think of him this day phase?
muu did nothing last day that made him look like town at best he was giving null viubes

so you saying he isn't a bad pick cause you think he is a good player is weird lind

are you trying to play the game with emotions here??
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