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Being difficult does not mean I think you are being rude. Just more awkward, like trying to draw blood from a stone. If that's not how you intend to approach this game, then carry on, my position is open to changing here.
Well, thatd be unfortunate, but theres 53 other players here, 51 of whom I have no real read on and a large proportion of I have no experience with, so giving these folks a reason to communicate with me saves from arbitrarily reaching out to them

You should assume Im acting in good faith would be my TLDR



Roll out the red carpet, bring out the cameras, for the towniest townie to town is coming through!
Long time no play, my favorite tabernacle. You town? :catsure:
Y'all better vote for the towniest townie to town for the Weeb Council. I'll deliver y'all to the promised land, pinky promise.
Even though we're supposed to vote through PMs, I want everybody to publicly reveal who they're voting for regardless. Let's minimize the potential scum shenanigans.
Stop trying to steal my title......
I, Dio, Love Spaghetti Thrusday..

You're tempting me with your pitch, but alas, I, DIO, should always stand on top of the world and all else before me!

I will vote for myself, as there are no greater than I, DIO, to lead town.
Felt like I quoted tbh but it didn't all stick this site irritates me - not the best coding for mafia especially of this size.

Regardless I believe Hayumi and Blue both made some I'm Town remarks - if we take the giggles at face value I'd go after Drago and their mate personally. I wont go into details cause I mean he claimed Vanilla Mason so we should all just inherently believe iright?
I’ll start giving more in depth thoughts soon lol.

For now I think Ultra, Hayumi, Lind, Mango, and you (kinda) look the most townie. Misty, UB, Muugen, and Adam ping’d me the most.
why are you waiting to give actual thoughts/reads?
We haven't even reached 200 post yet so this is a prebaked announcement post. Possible trap here. Hm
you misread the text it said thread not phase
Also if anyone does say they voted for him, that didn't hint towards it last dp, that is some red flags also. I did look back, I believe @Fujishiro said he was voting for him, sorry if I'm wrong but is this correct Fuji?

I wasn't able to go through the entire thread, that is the only one I seen from skimming though.
So Ultra started this nonsense about me and high council and zemmi veered scum away from actually coming out - by logic Zem should be a suspect for giggles Scum clue - she's also playing quite passive to start.

why would you ask for players to come forward then essentially tell them it would look bad if they did vote me? illogical

redemption arc bakas, I brought nothing to the table, I am a masochistic gamble nutter and I joined the council, eat this scum!

I will go sleep now and try to read some stuff tomorrow through work, see ya later folks
idk why i quoted this bit guess rej ping me when i tried to read back. 20post is dogshit for mafia, even MangaMAid had better coding.
Voted him because I wanted to lol, he's my boy.
Fuji I chose broki over you but know you were a first choice of mine <3
I was also for sure it would be me or you 100% I was surprised too.
hmm forgot the context to this. think it was about me not choosing baba - honestly my first choice if I would choose would've been a low hanging fruit that normally dies early so I could just get the white whistle. outside if that for trust i would've chose fuji, zem or cypher just to get her to not feed into drago/ekko arguments early.


There's no "Tina!"
You and Zem have some pretty weak FoS on me.

Warrants for further evaluation

if you’re scum best of luck to you m8t
Pretty odd take away given your FoS on me Doc. . .

Looking like you’re trying to push for some reason, what’s your beef aye?


you’re beginning to become tiresome. If you’re going to push me stop being so soft make your point and see if it sticks cause your first move already failed.

oh here comes ultra again.

cause I mentioned it I immediately wrote it.

Try again.
I was questioning that post because it felt like you might be padding. Obviously there’s probably scum in the first 200 post so you talking about how your going to ISO it felt redundant lol.

I’m trying to ask you questions to figure out your alignment. If you’ve read enough how are you only thoughts my/Zem’s FoS on you?

And what about the other people who have you in their suses why do me and Zem stand out specifically?
Do you think I might be padding or know I am peeing cause there’s the difference.

it’s evident you’re not a strong scumhunter so you don’t see the value in it explaining anything further would be a waste of my time, which is scarce for me thee days. Left Zemmi on read for days weeks you think I have time to continue this asinine back n forth.

come back when you got something better for me.

Your line of questioning is weak and unsound, especially if you’re trying to gauge my alignment my thread presence is inherently the same no matter what my alignment is.

You two specifically have made it a bigger issue than it needs to be you causing unneeded chaos after I already answered the question is suspect enough to further look into your thread play and presence.
I admit my early game skills aren’t that great but my scumhunting skills have literally zero to do with trying to get you to get your thoughts on the game. And you saying you “don’t have time for it” is just saying that you don’t want to share your thoughts lol.

My line of questioning is weak? Asking for your thoughts and for you to expand on them is literally the only way to get a gauge on you. By making you put thought to paper so people can develop there reads.

But instead all you seem to want to do is dismiss me and dodge it by attacking the quality of my play.

These tells me you either aren’t reading or you’re being dishonest because you came to ME after I added my thoughts to the discussion on you possibly having a passive. Other than that you were just in my FoS. You were not even one of my top 2 scum reads.
Idk, from her recent posts I really don't feel good about her.

something's off, and I mean like serious off.

Not just the PR, but the way she's trying to get people to talk about her.

I'm not getting good vibes at all from it.

Like none.

So I'm saying I wouldn't exclude the possibility entirely.

Tbh those are Muugen's and Prof's posts and ngl, I kinda town read Prof from this lol.

Muugen~ hope we see you in the thread soon. Wanna hear your thoughts on current players.

Finally. Hello.


There's no "Tina!"
Jinri - TPein
Ekkologix - Fuji > Zem > Fuji > Flower
Nick - Sallucion
Ultra - MUUGEN
Hayumi - Rhea
Flower - Broki
Lindltaylor - Juliet > Odd
Cinera - Arondlight
MUUGEN - Ekkologix
oddoddfruit - Ekkologix > Lind
Dragomir - Flower
Sallucion - Nick
MangoSenpai - TAC
Adam - Blue
Michelle - Blue

Muugen/Blue/Flower - 2
Rhea/Broki/Odd/Arondight/T-pein/Sallucion/Nick/TAC/Ekko/Lind - 1

Somebody update this post count if I missed your vote.
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