You say all these things but remember this is Oda.

If he wants to make Big Mom become a villain for a third arc and get defeated by Luffy he will find a way to do it.

The same thing if she gets defeated in this arc by Kid and Law.

At the end of the day, Big Mom returning for a third arc and fighting Luffy is what I want but not what I believe in.
There is absolutely no point in her getting defeated by Luffy in the future if she falls as a "yonko" by the hands of Law and Kid.

Luffy is basically beating a nobody then for whom he has little to no vendetta against, the only thing to grab on is that one statement from WCI which has been retconned by Luffy himself


People thought Jinbei vs WW gonna continue, it didn't.

People thought Sanji vs. Queen gonna continue, it didn't.

Now we have BM against Law (+Mid)...

If this was really it, we gonna keep witnessing a horrible trend at the final phases of One Piece.

hey guys, what are the hints so far..?? Is it hinting towards the battle end between Law/ Kid Vs Big Mom?
Drumz said Big Mom has a twin and her name ins WinWin and kills everybody

lance voted no in the poll, but later said he meant it’s regarding the 1038 ending

Scotch tagged Pantheos. Last time he tagged someone was the biggest killer fan for killer vs Hawkins