
The Rogue Prince
I've been through the later part of Bartomeu's years :josad:

Seriously though, I quit because it was way too taxing on me and I was getting angry/sad about that shit for like half a week, every week lmao. I had to apply for grad school as well, so I decided to stop football for a year since it was just not worth the effort lol.
Fully support that decision it's not worth it getting too invested in a club that was doing it's utmost to destroy itself and everything that made it great. Things are now slowly changing for the better though with Laporta and Xavi, it's still going to be a long process to rebuild.
Now we can understand the pain Arsenal fans have been living in:kobeha:
you dont even have to think admirals == yonko to recognize this isnt a tough question to answer.
dealing with both of them is more of a handful . thats about it .
literally seeing them both go down to an alliance not close to the strength the marines and their allies had in mf.
Do you agree that the notion about Yonko being equal is very messy especially after this confrontation in Onigashima?