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I've already answered all of this. If you want to throw my info out because it isn't claimable (the fact it exists or at least claimed to exist is info in and of itself of course, but whatever), your handling of our interlocution IS my case. Which is why I've been pointing this out as we go.
Ratchet, how would *you* handle such an accusation your way, as town? You wouldn't even give it the time of day. I think it's completely fair to throw it out if you can't even establish it exists. By all means go ahead and try to assert its importance anyway. Your case is baloney, because you are compounding off a false premise, and holding my responses as further indicative of my guilt when you don't have shit to begin with. You have zilch, nada. And it shouldn't really be hard to coherently explain why I'm suspect.
update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.

flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Lanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play
ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!

nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

See, Broki put you in a situation in which you had to respond. Should you choose to ignore her post the suspicion on you rises. You needed to answer it. But what you did also raises some flags. You purposely, self-admittedly, did not do a part of what she asked you. Plus, like I already stated it was kinda clear she was setting up an LD, so you avoiding it like that reads bad. Being afraid of possibly being hit by a scum ability is a somewhat valid reason, but, she did it openly like this, so I don't see her trying that here as the first thought anyone would have is that she must have done something to you if you claim having some bad effect, being hit by a bad ability. So you not answering properly is a bad sign.
I can see why that looks bad now, but like I said that was honestly not the first thing on my mind when I saw her message.

If I understood properly, earlier you said you still have not gotten your abilities, right?
Yes, I have not gotten any write-up of my abilities. All I see in the write-up is my role supposed activating some kind of ability. I don't know if I got abilities stolen or someone is just masquerading my role, etc.
I pretty much said everything already.

There was the redirect with Borto and the rc on Worst. And you misunderstood something because you thought I wanted a chat with Worst, but the rc and chat are different abilities.

And when you told me to tell you my target on Disc last night and I tell you in the post right after that Ratchet needs more pressure, then that obviously meant I was gonna target Ratchet lol.
Kvothe's wording was "invite", how does someone get invited to a rolecop? Of course I would interpret it as your chat ability.
color on yellow got mixed up with green, repost

update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.
flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Wanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play

ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!
nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.
flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Wanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play
ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!

nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

Glad you ignored me makes sense


update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.
flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Wanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play
ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!

nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

It's fine xD

I'm just a baby :milaugh:

I think this was Novas way of using trickery so people couldn't be identified by their claims, and that is why I'm just a baby lol.
I can see why that looks bad now, but like I said that was honestly not the first thing on my mind when I saw her message.

Yes, I have not gotten any write-up of my abilities. All I see in the write-up is my role supposed activating some kind of ability. I don't know if I got abilities stolen or someone is just masquerading my role, etc.
My impression of you is that you are trying to be as straightfirward as possible
color on yellow got mixed up with green, repost

update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.
flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Wanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play
ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!
nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

noctis yellow!!

forum i saw you color it yellow, why you greeen!!


oh yeah

color on yellow got mixed up with green, repost

update :rosismile:

blue-thirds claim
green-town read
yellow-50/50 null
orange- not good
red-light scum
dark red-scum

zemmie--ok she got cell, imo i expected this roll to be sk. lol sorry zemmie.
-post look good, active and answering questions.
fuji-claimed third survivor
mosquito, has anyone gotten sick lol?

odd-lean town, voting scum, suspecting other players
midnight- same with odd, claimed Ouija board..not sure if that third/town
mango-active and scum hunting, claimed from what i saw, not familiar with character.
hayumi- perhaps third/town day 2 leaning possible scum, but seeing there post later looked better.
flower-claimed vanilla town?? though she active and calling out her reads on who she sus, so lean town for that. she maes other miller...scummy town role.........
Ultra-scum hunting, sus others with his reads-

Wanji- expected more post from you!! :catrude:
muu- pr on votes??? he claimed he nullified al, when al shot beky, this could be scum covering for one other, so there is sus plus he put vote later when everyone voted council. and he voting everyone, so this includes town to.
noctis- null, if he shows up later in game, and not sub out.. scummy play

ryu-says scummy things, 50/50
rej- get active!
nana-made some post, asked questions, null but lean scum.50/50
destroyer-came in and sus others, null for now
usopp- 50/50 lean more scum from him.
t-pin third/scum with 1 vote on me while beky was being outed, sus for scum. not look good
kiwi-hardly any post.
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
rehea-subbed in for misty, scum

jinri-hopped on odd wagon.
ratchet- weird agressive attitude early game when mention he sounded scummy.
nick-reaction to beky handling ultra and laughing when ultra back off, also grumpy attitude possible pr..but did not like response

So that but Noctis is yellow
Kvothe's wording was "invite", how does someone get invited to a rolecop? Of course I would interpret it as your chat ability.
It's complicated with my ability. And I rather not reveal everything about it yet in case I get cured somehow. But getting invited back is a requirement for my ability's effects to work. So it works a bit like my Trader's license ability I had in Mango's game where both parties had to agree. That's why I wanted to use it on Worst and @Fujishiro to get useful abilities for me.
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