It doesn't require two top-tiers to beat one top-tier. Use common sense, mate.
Thats why Sengoku didn't beat a Great Pirate until he got help from Garp?
Garp didn't beat any too unless he had help?
Only Great Pirates can beat each other 1v1
Or be like Oden to have a chance.
Only Top tiers can beat each other 1v1
YCs are trash to Rocks pirates
Oda made it clear when Marco is annoyance who gets choked like fodder, can't break free with Queen being wasted in 2 moves.
Kaido beating people equal or above YCs easily
BM beating kid and law temporarily
You need to be at least 2 low top tier or 1 low top + inbetweener to gain a miracle win
Stop coping
Kid and Law pulled out Garp & Sengoku feat
You guys thinking they are still around or below King what the hell is this.
Your fandom is cancerous