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Arbiter of Truth
So from this whole thing, my presentation of the argument, rather than the sentiment or the argument itself. Let me ask you this - Do you disagree with the argument itself that I presented. Irrespective of how it was presented?

Honestly, I don't know how else I presented it that made you think I was ascribing the thought of Muugen being bullet proof to my vig shot proposition. If you are town, and are sincere here, then maybe my presentation is to blame. I don't know. All I was aiming to do was voice my thoughts which may have been perceived in a manner I didn't intend.

I don't know about my reaction to the whole thing. I admit that I was frustrated at my intentions being taken the wrong way, and this being unduly prolonged certainly played a factor in it. But those reactions and posts were made with Town's best interests in mind.
So from a pure argument perspective - I don't disagree.
But I think in this game of mafia it's more to it than just what's there at face value a lot of the time.

This all could've been circumstancial and be just one thing after the other, and I don't think it's any point for me to go back into why I thought the way I thought because I've already explained my PoV, and if you don't get it you simply don't get it.

I even stated in my post that I wanted you to be town, because I really don't want to sus you lmao.

I will take what you say with a grain of salt, but I will say that my perspective of you has been changed a little bit.
You're giving off a much more towny vibe to me in this interaction as opposed to the previous ones we had.

I think impressions play a big part here after all.
I know that info because of other things.

I didn't want to disclose her tanking a super-kill because I've seen it before in a weebs game. Tanking a super kill isn't inherently scummy here. I mentioned already that she may have been protected, too. But when Muugen came out, I felt that there was no need to hide it anymore. I already discussed this and posted about this twice.

As for Muugen shooting Zem the very next night she tanked a kill. It doesn't have to be related to me. They can both be mutually exclusive.
The part that tanking a SK is not a dead giveaway I completely agree on, this was more that it felt like too big of a coincidence to be a mere coincidence.

of course if you are truly a townie with no inside info then it would make sense for you to claim after Muugen claimed.
But I think the other way around is also within the realm of possibilities.

I will not fish for more information at this point in time, because I think I've got most of what I need out of this interaction for now.

But just to make it clear, our first interaction really rubbed me the wrong way because I did mention I wanted you to be town, I wanted to give you doubt - but you went on what I percieved as hyper defensive about it.

This interaction however made it hard for me to argue, so maybe I am in the wrong - unless you're using your lind charm which I find so irresistable

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