Who did more damage to Linlin?

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This weekend I will do a thread about why BM isn't top tier and what is her level?
Story says otherwise

zoro feats:
adv coc
resistive a hakai and continued fight
survive 2 hakai and defeat the dead
BM feats:
not adv coc
need souls to continue fight
lose against two rivals who don't have adv coc
That's right, Yonkou Big Mom is stronger than Zoro even with the lackluster treatment even by Oda.
law having country level feats

And, he is below zoro

Damn, Oda always finds a way (direct or indirect) to wank zoro:optimistic:
Big brain:laughmoji:


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
But she is tho. Let's stop acting like any two Novas minus Killer can't defeat any high top tier rn.
there are many proof which show than BM is weaker than kaido and others top tier:
-When she and kaido crashed their weapons they didn't use adv coc such as luffy vs kaido
-She never used adv coc
-Kaido didn't consider like top tier and the same kaido said than he was a long time since he fought rival like luffy (luffy>bm)


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Kid and Law are gna defeat Big Mom in less than an hour
Garp and Goku took 3 days to put down Shiki

The whole fighting for days/weeks was never a good idea. What exactly was Oda's thought process when he decided to include this shit in the manga:choppawhat:
He is blind.
Him being a CoO specialist allows him to battle, which means he will be able to block and attack. That doesnt mean he will be specialized in dodging.
How does that make sense. If he can block knowing how and when an attack will land then he can also dodge, but he never found it necessary to do so.
Linlin was never more than his "elder sister". They never competed for the "throne" or challenged each other, they didnt see between themselves in more than 20 years.
And BM battling him for 3 days while splitting the sky ends any retarded debate about Big Mom not being as strong as him (slightly weaker because Kaido is the one with the title).

Giant mode = more powerful. Like G3 was for Luffy.
How it didnt bring nothing? She "won" in the last chapter against those two, which she didnt previously. Seriously ... xddd.
For Linlin herself Kaido is an unbeatable monster. While Linlin had nothing but respect for Kaido throughout he has been stating how he finds her pathetic and that she drags him down by hindering his performance.

They may have been rivals but they were never truly equal. The final straw was Kaido admitting that he hasn't really fought anyone in the recent time that could "truly" go toe to toe with him 1v1 including Big mom whom he just fought before.

We should've seen that when BM wasn't included in Kaido's hall of fame.

BM never defeated them really. She momentarily put them on their asses, neither was unconscious nor out of commission for more than 30 seconds.

No, because Kid without being nerfed + Law > Kid being nerfed + Law, which would mean they will be more far away than Luffy.
BM is almost as strong as Kaido, anyone not seeing an obvious fact like these should return to highschool and pay more attention in class.
"Almost" can be a lot more than you think it is. Kid and Law can defeat Luffy but have no hope of defeating Kaido.

Overall BM was always just a watered down version of Kaido, inferior in all areas.

Sanji had his organs pierced by Absalom and fought like nothing after that, or in Arlong Park where his internals got busted. Fightning with broken bones is not impressive, it's not a more serious damage than organ damage, unless you have your entire body bones broken like Zoro.
Let's wait for the panels too accurately judge that. Why would she take the trouble too heal her wounds if it wasn't serious ?

How is she getting broken bones by getting slammed with non-hakified junk in the first place ?
Ofc it doesnt. Curiel is probably the weakest and the fight barely lasted and they keep running like they were trying to do before their encounter with Akainu since WB pirates were retreating by their Captain's last order. They only stopped enough so Luffy could escape his pursue. That was the goal.

Akainu is not the pinacle of AP since WB couldnt even use basic CoC in MF, let alone AdCoC + him being nerfed by being a sick old man.
Curiel has portrayal over Izo.

- Marco fought Kizaru
- Jozu fought Aokiji
- Vista fought Mihawk

And Curiel stalled Moria and actually managed to hold his own while Atmos was washed by Doffy. Izo didn't have the luxury too receive an individual matchup like Curiel.

Akainu is the pinnacle of AP that's related to devil fruits, not Haki.

When WB hit Akainu with the Gura Gura point blank he suffered no lasting damage, when Akainu returned that favor WB lost half his face.

The difference of lethality is immense and mind you that WB had the power to destroy the world
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The last remaining brother who isn't a D or or have the worst criminal in the world as his father.

So no. Sabo doesn't have it
We'll see about that as well.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
there are many proof which show than BM is weaker than kaido and others top tier:
-When she and kaido crashed their weapons they didn't use adv coc such as luffy vs kaido
-She never used adv coc
-Kaido didn't consider like top tier and the same kaido said than he was a long time since he fought rival like luffy (luffy>bm)
She can use adcoc tho.
Big Mom said no one has manage to hurt her in years just coupla days after fighting Kaido. Going by your logic. Big Mom > Kaido
Big Mom would merk current Luffy
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