Who did more damage to Linlin?

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1 question, do you think Law speed that we saw in the first part of Wano is the same that we saw on the rooftop and also vs big mom?
I dunno, all strawhats + alliances had exactly one week of training before they did the raid. It's also possible that Law learned awakening after DR. However, Kidd only learned awakening after Udon I think, everything else is just not possible before.
Continue coping clown.

Big mom may not be strong enough to defeat an Admiral but she can maybe go either way with Old Garp so rejoice.
Again why are you going with the insults? Answer the question. Why didn't the marines just off big mom and take her poneglyph? Why won't the marines take over wano and their seastone craftsman?

The only answer to these questions is that an elite troop. 3 admirals. 15 VAs would get shit stomped by a yonko crew.
This comparassion makes no sense, Doffy's awakening was simply making more strings for him to use, but Law's awakening is specifically about going through defenses to attack the inside and Kid's awakening cant be blocked at all
dude that's like saying logia awakening will be like unblockable. Same law's ability. he can't do much when he didn't use awakening . Same goes for bigmom. because her haki which she didn't use is too high law or kidd cannot do much damage. if one has high haki can block against df abilities.
Stop quote me, you powerscaling sucks since your whole powerscaling is based on to hype Doffy somewhere, don´t waste my time with your bullshit and move on.
Law busting mountains is good and such thing, what he did here is beyond island lvl, that is above mountain lvl, in fact Law even sacrifice his life span to do this in DR, now he can do far and stronger skills. Because you want your ass Doffy around Law Lvl or Luffy lvl, it doesn´t mean they always stay at that lvl, move on, I even admit that Law and Luffy would trash any YC(except Ben and Shiiryu?)...

Current Law and Luffy would stomp their DR versions.
Fuck off your ass Doffy wank shiit.
He daydreaming

Law pulled island level room easily when he moves Retainers inti Onigashima
That alone should show he was > DR Law
Awakened Law >>> DR law
Shanks is the one character that resembles Oda the most as he said, and Winbeard is based off of his favorite real life pirate. It takes some good kind of weed or a massive copium dose to think Oda would have injured Kid or Law finishing either of them.

That's enough reasons to say both Teach and Shanks would obliterate Big Meme in a 1v1 lol.
Shanks is the weakest Yonko....I have low expectations....So as not to be surprised in the future:josad::josad:
Cope Shankstard.
Shanks - Got his arm bitten off by a sea king. Slave to World Nobles. Got scarred by pre-haki pre-DF Blackbeard.
Blackbeard - BTFO by Magellan. Begged for his life like a coward against Whitebeard.
Whitebeard - Got stabbed by his own "son". Dabbed on by Akainu. Killed by fodder marines. Scared to fight Kaido.
Kaido - Screamed like a bitch against Scabbards. Is getting bitch slapped by Luffy. Told to dodge Zoro's attack by Big Mom.
Big Mom - Killed by Trafalgar D Low Tier and Useless Captain Mid

I will be loving all the salt this week from powerleveltards
No man they are not weak our loved characters are going in their primes:myman:
Law can legit stretch out his sword around an island and shockwave the shit out of thousands of people simultanously lol
If that's not just a shockwave like move, but also destroys actual physical matter (spoiler: hole in the ground) than it's also an extremely powerful defensive move and something with which he can actually kill entities like Zunisha.
I ranked Big Mom among top 3
from now on I rank Big Mom below Shanks , Kaido , Teach , Mihawk , Dragon and Akainu ...
Im really not sure myself anymore.
When Big mom trashed Pageone with adv CoC, it was soo good looking for her, promising that she had awakening and such things.
And now she goes down like that... And if Kaido get awakening soon... Idk what to thing about her powerlvl.
Her endurance feats are godly, but to not have with her insane df(soul df) a awakened power is really a minus point in terms of her powerlvl.
How is your current top 5 looking like?
a Kaido who don't give a shit? sure ... and Shanks kill both of them :)

Shanks is better swordsman and Haki user than Oden
Shanks can Kidd

Shanks >>>>> Kaido + Big Mom


Luffy and co. have defeated the executives of the Beast Pirates one-by-one! Remaining are the two strongest “Yonkou!" Who will be the victors that take control of this era?”

:goyea: Let Shanks overtake their bounties first :kobeha:
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