Who did more damage to Linlin?

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The thing is, what I see from Law and Kid chapter is exactly what I wish for a Yonkou, insane feats and awakened powers.
Im not gonna lie I wanted a bit more Cqc feats for Both. But the feats are great no denying at this point!!! Meme a Yonko, second most durable top tier after all.
As a ruler of the new world I really expect more of BM, like awakening in full power.
I mean Kid and Law awakening are insane, imagine what soul df awakened power could do.
It just sad but she is done, Law and Kid used all her power and trumpcard,
Yea totally, never imagined a Yonko fight be mostly off panel. That really hurt her smh
she not standing up again for a fight, Kid and Law won the battle.
Sadly that seems to be the case. But Yonko nation can dream until it’s completely confirmed

All these years of asura wank!!! An I told y’all Law would still show something superior. I just didn’t know it’s be massively stronger
Where at @Rivaille ?? Remember when the clown kept saying

Law/Kids awakening 1 move? Not a mode with a completely different set of abilities. Extremely more powerful then base Like already establish in canon smh. Fanboy was Literally claiming it was a single attack yall lls....

Or these clowns
@Aknolagon @CbShadow @Cinera @Gol D. Roger @ShishioIsBack
Wasnt Law/Kid not nerfed on rooftop??? What happened to there awakening just “WaSnT uSeFuL oN tHe RoOfTOp” ?? B list attacks Like Dragon blaze/asura, are ass to Laws awakening. Seems extremely relevant now, what’s y’all thoughts?
Pranks at 39 : a Great Pirate / Yonko with 4 Bil
Kaido at 39 : get defeated by Oden

I wonder if Kaido bounty was 2 Bil up to age 39 or not

How does that debunk Pranks is below Rocks duo?
Bounty, hype, feats ...he's inferior
He's also the first Yonko shown
The first among a group are usually the weakest

:kayneshrug:there's no Statement of Pranks > BM/kaido from Oda
Pranks is the weakest Yonko....I have low expectations....So as not to be surprised in the future:josad::josad:
That's literally what every Big Mom bootlicker wants you to think, Oda would never let Pranks get tossed around like a piece of garbage by Jinbe lol.

Teach and Pranks literally had barely any panel time during the post timeskip, good is saved for last.
Pranks at 39 : a Great Pirate / Yonko with 4 Bil
Kaido at 39 : get defeated by Oden

I wonder if Kaido bounty was 2 Bil up to age 39 or not
Pranks at 30: lost his arm to a fish.
Pranks at mid-30s: scarred by a Yonko lankey.
Pranks at 39: World government snitch.

Let’s not pretend Pranks is a saint. :milaugh:
Never coated his attacks on panel with it. Sanji always had CoA and he was trashed for never showing hardening.
How is he trash for not showing Harding when his clear coa was insanely strong and even block the gaint genie sword swing casually even cracker invisible coa was harder than luffy and mingo lol no bruh your delusion is trash :milaugh:
That's a double L; assuming chapter 923 Luffy and Doflamingo were low top tiers.

Again, that was before seeing Flying Six' powerlevel as well as Drake's since I initially put him more comparable to Urouge who defeated Snack.
Joker was supposed to be in Wano. His story is tied to Law's. Even if you assume Law solos (which he wouldn't because none of the Supernovas soloed), his power is tied to current Law's at bare minimum.

The matchups were supposed to be

Luffy vs. Kaido
Law vs. Joker
Zoro vs. King
Sanji vs. Queen

Your "arcs ago" logic doesn't work here after Oda's comments.
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