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Oh yeah...I'm not familiar with this type of WU
We donโ€™t know their alignment. I think you are using the Sanji theme and thatโ€™s why they were blue.
It's actually quite shady lol I put AL and Blue in my town list last DP and someone killed them both

Are they trying to frame me or something. I don't think it's coincidence.
Since Some people were pushing Blue Lynch too..
and youre happy to accept that summary at face value?
He already have 12 votes and I'm not sure I can read entire 900 pages to judge him. Since DP1 first half was all about Muggen..
So that summary is helpful to know why they voted him..And I'm convinced to vote him over other judging by that post...I think it's ok to give it a shot..Unless we get a solid mechanical claim on someone
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