You suspecting me can be left unsaid.
You and
@Ratchet appear to be wanting to kill one another. I don't mind killing between the two of you. What are your cases?
Ratchet first accused me of being team mates with Adam. An accusation I shot down rather easily. Then he is implying he has info on me, but claims that he cannot claim.
Given that he has taken a very sudden turn, that I know he can't have bad info on me (or at least that bad), and that he can't really seem to make a coherent case on me, I suspect motive. I don't see Ratchet's progression or thought process involving me or several other players. Like Muugen, Muugen said so so much that was bad or questionable but not once did Ratchet pause to address it. You could sense a lot of players felt conflict over Muugen's play but Ratchet feels like he comes in with an angle and comes up with ad hoc reasoning to justify it. I'm not sure what the exact calculus of his play her is but it doesn't come off as genuine. I also get the impression that he's not really all that committed to my lynch, although he's putting on a good face right now.