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Hmm I've actually liked most of his takes tbh. Didn't find them too malicious.

Maybe he's just being very confident in his posts - If I'm understanding your "matter of facty" reason.

Lanji and Prof from their cases on Muugen, Jinri and Broki.

Prof as scum wouldn't go and drop an ISO on Broki. Never seen him do that in all his scum games. I've liked his take on players and how he's rational, questioning and takes a step back to reevaluate. He's also brought different opinions to the game that I've liked. Overall gameplay is very townie from a meta and content point of view.

Lanji has been very genuine in his posts and this is reflected best in his unique voting patterns, suggestions and reads. I don't know Lanij's view of Nick, but I don't think he would have questioned Juliet much otherwise. He even insists that he'll go back and give it a reread. His case on Jinri is something I agree with and he's been pushing it well. He also questioned my reevaluation of Odd's read and that tells me he's paying attention and shows a sense of curiosity. He could have easily jumped on it, but chose to ask instead.

Ultra - A lot of activity. Tbh I think Ultra has an activity meta. I may be wrong, but I think it's there. His activity this game screams town to me. I've liked him going against the flow, and rethinking on stances. A recent situation was when I came out with my ability usage on Muugen and told players Muugen is very much town. He really thought it through with Gram. What I would gain from this? How would this implicate Muugen and me and more.

Hmm. Any posts in particular?
Okay thanks

about Rej, to me I thought he was bullshitting all game cuz I haven’t seen a post by him that was actually good. But when I iso’ed I found some stuff which made him less worse. I don’t entirely see him as town but it’s certainly better than what I expected when I haven’t
He seemed really clueless, overall
The post I didn’t like most was his explaination on how got in the council, like looks like he had to put a lot of thoughts into that explanation
This one
You guys tryharded D1 too much to get into the council, people often use their first and second vote to decide between all those people that advertise themselves. The third vote often turns out to be a wildcard vote. Same question would go to someone like Blue who has a low read accuracy and a terrible high fluff quota. This is a social experiment and I was just an entertainer. This time people prefered to wildcard vote the entertainer. There is nothing odd about me being in the council. It is rather odd that people are surprised about it. Do you expect only people from your hotshot-clan to enter the council lmao?

Yes, everyone who questions my presence in the council is auto scumlock. Doesn't mean they are all scum but there is a 50% roughly imaginary guarantee of one of those being scum if voted.

I'm actually buying Ratchet's claim. His claim was detailed and one of his abilities he said he can talk to the dead using it 2 times. He can confirm himself by talking to a dead town that is not janitored and they could confirm Ratchet in the thread.
Add to this that I don't think someone like Ratchet will come up with fake claiming this ability, knowing we have stumps who can talk. I like how he said this stump thing may disappear or doesn't know how and what.
I do trust his claim too.
Nani I must have missed this post
she means this one :moonwalk:

While I'm at it, here's what I can claim.

I can create a chat with people after conditions have been met. One of the boons of that chat is I learn the role name of a person once they join.

@Ekkologix was the only living player to have met these conditions. No, I cannot claim them. Last night phase, he and I should have been in a chat. We were not, and I was told my ability to learn his role name had failed, however I was specifically informed that the conditions had been met.

I can also communicate with the dead, however I haven't used it yet. It's only up to two dead people, so nothing to work with yet. I assume the whistle link might need to be broken too, not entirely sure the point of it otherwise.

As for actions failing on me, the only egregious one is the role cop. The first one was role crushed, and the second one comes during a phase were all actions pertaining to chat creation has failed. Nuance, of course, that's missed on most people.

Ultra is 100% scum. I am not sure if he's Mafia, he could be a scummy Indie, but he's not town. This is also evidenced in thread. Ultra as Town has fake claimed investigations before. The fact he threw out the possibility of me doing this early is damning to him, because it indicated that he was willing to throw whatever he could at the problem to bismirch it. I don't know why I'm bothering typing this because I suspect it will either be ignored or not addressed and then later brushed away, but whatever. If anyone is interested, they really should read the start of our interaction today - Ultra was throwing everything he could find at me and he's allowed to do so for reasons I can only guess at. Of course no one will address this, because you'd rather not think, but that's not my concern.

So yes, Ekko is immune to investigative abilities (this is the only explanation) and that's all I have for now. If I'm around in the night, maybe some of you will be invited to my chat along with him.
For my previous summary please check it out on page 860.

Okay so I saw a lot of misreading while catching up. This is a summary from page 861 to 978:
- Muugen claimed that he disabled Zem's passives last day phase which Zem said she absorbed.
- Muugen confidently came to the thread and said that I shot Zem. This was an assumption by him which was perceived as a slip by everyone.
- Mango healed Flowa's role crush.
- I used an ability on Muugen and got his role from it. I told people he's town and that we should not lynch him.
- Flower used her ability to start a chat with Ratchet which failed. She used an artifact to start a QT with me which also failed.
- She apparently shot Muugen which failed.
- Fuji won the contest of weebs and super kill Muugen who flipped town Mahito.
- Michelle came out and said that she protected Zem at night only.
- Lots of Ratchet and Ultra back and forth. Ratchet exploded and some perceived it as a scum tell and some genuine. Apparently 2 chats and one role cop has failed on Ratchet this phase.
- Zem claimed that she tried to start a chat with Ekko and it failed.
- Ratchet claimed that he used an ability, which has certain conditions, to start a chat with Ekko and it failed again. He would find out the role too apparently. He claims that Utra is scum to him and Ultra claims that Ratchet is scum to him.
- Basically a lot of chats failing in this game.
- MCU talk and Odd's, Juliet's and Jinri's birthday.

And that's it I think. @Noctis @Cinera @Random Asshole @Juliet @Hayumi @Ryu Kishi @Kvothe Kingkiller @Dr_Professor83 etc. who ever couldn't keep up.
While I'm at it, here's what I can claim.

I can create a chat with people after conditions have been met. One of the boons of that chat is I learn the role name of a person once they join.

@Ekkologix was the only living player to have met these conditions. No, I cannot claim them. Last night phase, he and I should have been in a chat. We were not, and I was told my ability to learn his role name had failed, however I was specifically informed that the conditions had been met.

I can also communicate with the dead, however I haven't used it yet. It's only up to two dead people, so nothing to work with yet. I assume the whistle link might need to be broken too, not entirely sure the point of it otherwise.

As for actions failing on me, the only egregious one is the role cop. The first one was role crushed, and the second one comes during a phase were all actions pertaining to chat creation has failed. Nuance, of course, that's missed on most people.

Ultra is 100% scum. I am not sure if he's Mafia, he could be a scummy Indie, but he's not town. This is also evidenced in thread. Ultra as Town has fake claimed investigations before. The fact he threw out the possibility of me doing this early is damning to him, because it indicated that he was willing to throw whatever he could at the problem to bismirch it. I don't know why I'm bothering typing this because I suspect it will either be ignored or not addressed and then later brushed away, but whatever. If anyone is interested, they really should read the start of our interaction today - Ultra was throwing everything he could find at me and he's allowed to do so for reasons I can only guess at. Of course no one will address this, because you'd rather not think, but that's not my concern.

So yes, Ekko is immune to investigative abilities (this is the only explanation) and that's all I have for now. If I'm around in the night, maybe some of you will be invited to my chat along with him.
Ummm why are people still placing their votes on ratchet after this? Looks solid + confirmable. Like hey talk to a dead person, ok = confirmed

Anyway, I’d leave Ratchet for now
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