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The End and the Beginning
always join
they r so fun
I feel like you've been fairly disengaged intensity wise this game, so it's probably easier for you to say this.
I mean this role is fun Im not denying it, I feel like a neutral arms dealer of sorts XD.
Yeah, I won't deny it can be cool I guess. I just feel like as a wincon it's meh. And also, I'm pretty certain I'd get shot if I ever came forward as a Survivor, too.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
I feel like you've been fairly disengaged intensity wise this game, so it's probably easier for you to say this.

Yeah, I won't deny it can be cool I guess. I just feel like as a wincon it's meh. And also, I'm pretty certain I'd get shot if I ever came forward as a Survivor, too.
i have been having fun
the chat was far more fun than council
its gna be even more fun tonight since no council so we'll join the chat


No dude... that's a bike...!!
It's probably a good mindset, though I won't deny I've missed seeing your energy this game. It feels like I'm getting half an Ekko.
u wont see it for awhile
u missed the discord chat. i decided to tone down myself there going forward

im still same player its not like i changed. same reads same actions. just less forceful. less bullying. less ADHD

i have to force myself to stay calm. so gna do it until it becomes a habit
The Fallen Believer, and the Mad Orange -

Sauron activated [Shapeshifter]

Orange Peel used [???] to super-kill @Flowa [T-Bag]

"Remember pretty, I'm serving life plus one."
You are T-Bag!

Delver Rank - Red Whistle

[Passive - Theodore Bagwell] - A walking encyclopedia, T-Bag spent his youth reading books and encyclopedias due to his father's dream for him of becoming a President. T-Bag is a charismatic person with memorable lines and quotes, as such, he must always conduct himself in the thread in a way reflecting that and seamlessly work inspiring quotes in his posts. Failure to comply will result in nightmares from his youth, blocking him that night.
--- [Sharp Tongue] - T-Bag is immune to any kind of vote manipulations, or other post-restrictions. He will always be himself.

[Passive - White Supremacist] - A member of a neo-nazi group, T-Bag has trouble interacting with the other weebs as they do not wish to associate with him. He will show up as [Guilty] upon investigations, and his role may not be healed nor buffed.

[Passive - On The Run] - A wanted man, T-Bag is looking to keep a low profile and not bring attention to himself. He may not share any information in the thread regarding any results, or his role, including this very ability.

[Passive - Special Friend] - Before the start of the game, T-Bag may choose a player to become his friend. They will be cellmates and gain a neighbor chat. They will gain immunity against each other and will become linked through the [White Whistle] mechanic.
--- [Reputation] - T-Bag has a lot of influence within the prison. As long as he is alive, his special friend is protected by him, however, they will show up as [Guilty] due to their relationship with T-Bag.

[Active - Silver Tongue] - T-Bag is a master bullshitter, he can go on all day to get what he wants. During odd cycles, T-Bag may target a player and convince them to redirect their next action to a player of his choice. During even cycles, and twice during the game, he may activate this ability to redirect any actions targeting him to one of the living players adjacent to him.

[Active - Cunning] - T-Bag is an extremely charming man, capable of duping anyone with his swift tongue. In each phase, he may target a player and invite them into a neighbor chat. They may talk with each other for a phase, and at the end of it, the invited player will have the opportunity to invite T-Bag to continue the chat or not for another phase. If they do, T-Bag will enter their life and steal any artifacts and gold coins they have in their possession. He will also gain immunity against them. If they continue for a third phase, T-Bag will steal one of their abilities permanently. If they continue a fourth time, T-Bag will take control of their role for that phase. If they continue a fifth time, T-Bag will steal their role completely and role-crush permanently.

[Active - Con Artist] - On even cycles, T-Bag can target a player and kill them. If he successfully kills a player at night, T-Bag will janitor their role and steal their abilities temporarily. He will show up as their character role to role-cops, as well as their investigation results to cop. If he fails to kill someone, they will learn his identity 2 phases later. On odd cycles, T-Bag can target and wound them. They will be role-crushed for a cycle, however they will receive a list of 5 players containing T-Bag's name.
--- [Finish the job] - If he targets a player a second time, he will upgrade the effects of his ability. If it is a kill, it'll turn into a super-kill. If he role-crushed a player a second time, it'll be a permanent role-crush.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town

[Jealousy] was triggered, Orange Peel attempted to super-kill [???], [???] and [???], but failed.

[The Life of the Party] was triggered.

In the Weeb community, replacements really had it tough. She had seen it all during her journey, her past life was haunting her with rumors about it leading people to admonish her. The mood wasn't great for someone like her, anytime someone showed any kind of courage and refused to claim, they were hunted by a lynch mob and accused of being a devil's pawn. Only bad people had something to hide according to the Weebs.

Things weren't different for her, all it took were a few rumors about her having supernatural abilities and a lynch mob immediately headed her way. There was no talking with these people, and it didn't help that after a few days of long hours at work, she spent the last day sleeping and resting unable to see what was coming for her.

@Rhea Calliope [Battra] has been lynched.​

"Take that you dinosaur!"
Delver Rank - Red Whistle

[Passive - Earth's Champion] - Created by the Earth because of the danger posed by humans, Battra is here to destroy everything and anything that is endangering the life of the Earth. It is bulletproof and immune to role-crushes as well as most debuffs.

[Passive - The Protector] - Alongside his mission to protect the earth, Battra has taken it upon himself to also protect his newfound allies. He will deflect the first 2 actions targeting one of his teammates each cycle.
--- [Unleashed] - If one of his allies is killed, he will retaliate and devour the perpetrator, super-killing and janitoring their role. If it fails, he will learn their identity and gain 2 additional votes against them. [1-shot]

[Passive - Insect] - Battra has access to two different forms, his larva form, and his adult/imago form. Each form gives him access to a different set of abilities, and he may switch between the two throughout the day.
--- [The Abyss] - As a non-human, Battra can see the force-field of the abyss which makes him immune to the [Curse of the Abyss]. He can dive without being affected by it.

[Passive - Conductive Touch] - Battra can discharge harmful energy via contact in both of his forms. He will drain the vote of any player that visits him, and learn the name of everyone that visited him during a cycle at the end of it. If a player visits him twice in a row, performing hostile actions, he will poison them.

[Active - Larval Form] - In his larval form, Battra is an extremely brutal combatant who attacks his opponents relentlessly.
--- [Burrowing] - While in his larval stage, Battra is able to burrow. He evades the first hostile action targeting him in this form each cycle. He can also post and vote during the night phase.
--- [Amphibiousness] - As a larva, Battra can swim great distances and also come onto land. He is able to visit a second layer during the day, and will always discover an artifact when diving.
--- [Horn] - Wielding his massive horn as a bludgeoning weapon, Battra will janitor the role of his target if he performs any kill when in this form, including the factional kill.
--- [Force Field] - Each cycle, Battra is able to encase himself in a force field and redirect any actions targeting him to its sender, including super-kills. This lasts a cycle, and he may not change form once activated. [2-shots]
--- [Electric Blasts] -
During the day, Battra may target a player and fry half of their abilities for a cycle. They will be unable to use them.
--- [Energy Pulses] - At night, Battra may target a player and redirect their actions to a random target. The random target can not be someone from his team.

[Active - Imago Form] - In this adult form, Battra develops three pairs of legs as well as new wings. He has even more control over his abilities.
--- [Flight] - In this imago form, Battra attains flight at very high speed, allowing for easier and more effective travel. During the day, he is immune to actions performed by players not currently voting for him. At night, he may perform an action a second time, excluding factional kills.
--- [Enhanced Strength] - Battra is immune to role-blocks in his adult form, and at night, he may assist one of his teammates, enhancing an action they perform.
--- [Powder] - From his wings, Battra can emit a powder to freeze a target of his choice. They will be role-blocked and afflicted with the [Frozen] debuff. Twice, during the game, he can use the powder to... [Redacted]
--- [Energy Shock] - At night, Battra may send an energy wave in the layer he is in. He will role-block all players present in that layers. [1-shot]
--- [Prism Beams] -
Having developed more powerful optic prism beams in this form, Battra may target a player and role-crush them for a cycle. If this fails, Battra will learn about it and will rebound the prism towards his target once more in the following phase, role-blocking them through immunity.
--- [Purple Blasts] - Twice during the game, he may target a player and destroy one of their abilities. If he targets the same player twice, he will instead role-crush them permanently. [2-shots]

[Active - Dark Hurricane] - A powerful wind attack that Battra can unleash by a single flap of his wings, sucking the oxygene from the air itself. Starting D3, and after having participated in the lynch of at least one innocent player, Battra may target a payer and super-kill them, as well as kill the players adjacent to them due to it's high area of effects. Each subsequent lynch in which Battra is amongst the first 3 voters, he will gain an additional shot of this ability. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to The Believers Mafia
Night 2 starts.
You have 48 hours to submit your actions & delving layer for the next day.

Note - Apologies for another 48 hours phase but I need it, it will be the last. Processing canvassing results, you will receive your artifacts (if any), and the Discord invite to your Layer of this cycle in a few hours.
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