Questions & Mysteries Say something positive about Wano

Sanji asking zoro to kill him cause he thinks he's losing his mind
Zoro's dilemma about kings race, thinking he will never beat him without knowing it
many higlights of possible Scabbards death.
bigmom effectiveness to flyings six members, but not with member of strawhats.
Tamas's plot
It looks really good on paper:

- Luffy has biggest alliances to date, mostly which are characters from pre timeskip: Kidd Pirates, Heart Pirates, Marco, fighting animal soldiers, and samurais from Wano Country hyped since pre timeskip!!
- The enemies are 2 Yonkos who are also making alliances!! Easily strongest enemies to date!!
- Kaido has a rebellious daughter who can fight well and apparently will join the crew! The crew is finally completed on this arc!
- CP0, including old faces Lucci and Kaku, are here again with same old purpose: capturing Nico Robin, good old days with Ennies Lobby!
- Flashback about biggest names of the past: Gol D. Roger and Whitebeard!
- Another flashback with good old Ace and Kaido's daughter.
- Most Straw Hats will get 1 vs 1 battles and unlocking new power up, Ennies Lobby style!

Sounds really good, not sure why the actual chapters feel like shit.


I will never forgive Oda
I've enjoyed

  • Franky in Onigashima
  • Robin in Onigashima
  • Nami in Onigashima
  • Zoro v. King
  • Zoro on the rooftop
  • Sanji v. Queen
  • Yamato and her introduction
  • Perospero
  • The Tobi Roppo
  • The All Stars
  • Ulti specifically

It's not perfect. It drags. I think the biggest issue with Wano is how Acts 1 & 2 feel like dead space whereas Onigashima is both long and rushed.

But I think I'd put Onigashima as its own arc and make it a solid 6.5/10 so far. The anime easily makes this a 7.5/10, highly recommend watching it.


Zoro Worshipper
Sanji asking zoro to kill him cause he thinks he's losing his mind
Zoro's dilemma about kings race, thinking he will never beat him without knowing it
many higlights of possible Scabbards death.
bigmom effectiveness to flyings six members, but not with member of strawhats.
Tamas's plot
Sanji asking Zoro to kill him was one of my favourite moments :zosleepy:

Actually I presume Sanji had recognized his superiority as well
Wano is genuinely a great arc (although flawed):

- Rooftop piece is legendary
- Kidd and Law totally delivered their hype.
- Oden’s flashback has been (for the most part) great.
- it has some of the best panels in the series.
- Wano country, with his geography and lore, is the most culturally diverse and detailed nation Oda ever created.
- It has some great fights (Kidd and Law vs BM, Zoro vs King, Robin vs Black Maria, Killer va Hawkins. Rooftop Piece, Luffy vs Kaido so far).
- It has a great side cast (Scabbards, Kanjuro, Orochi. Hyogoro, Yasue). Momonosuke himself shows a solid character development in Onigashima.
- It showcases great team work from the crew.
- Beast pirates top members have cools and diverse fighting styles.
- CP0 very appreciated inclusion gives the impression that we are not witnessing “isolated” events and shows how much the world itself is being affected by them.
I love wano...
Seriously, this is the best arcade for me.
First serious fight after ts for zoro (Zoro's best imo).
New and awesome pu's for the M3 that can make us visualize them at their prime.
Oden's story was something awesome for me especially after i reread his flashback.
Second ancient weapon on the move.
Yonko actually losing a fight!! I mean we see WB losing but he was sick and weakened plus he took hits from everyone and their families so it's not the same lol..
And we will learn about our boy (zoro)
Family and that interests me a lot.
There are things that i didn't like but the ones that i like are more and way more powerful also.