
Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
While it might seem like he gave up on Kaido, Oda could quickly write Luffy losing again and Kid trying to buy time for Luffy to fight Kaido for one last time.

Law is out, I think it will just be Kid. think of it like the civilians in dressrosa stalling against Doffy.

Luffy already got two chances.

This is final.

And, luffy was matching kaido in base form and both were laughing and enjoying. It's totally different than last few encounters.

Don't think Oda will make luffy lose after that.

If and if Oda really pulled what you suggested then let me assure you that it won't be just kidd but whole SHs coming up together to stall Kaido. It's SHs piece.
While it might seem like he gave up on Kaido, Oda could quickly write Luffy losing again and Kid trying to buy time for Luffy to fight Kaido for one last time.

Law is out, I think it will just be Kid. think of it like the civilians in dressrosa stalling against Doffy.
Defeating big mom to then fighting kaido,that would be pure madness, but id love every minute of it