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@Salah WG this was the previous summary:

Some additions to this:
- I claimed Sauron and revived Flower.
- Ekko claimed and basically we have a mason chat from day 1 and he protects me and attacks for me.
- some other drama and emotional shit.

More additions after this:
- Zem claims to have survived 3 super kills at night. She is a survivor who has "lost" the game already due to claiming but apparently might have not lost yet.
- Xlaw claimed more and said that he can verify himself next day phase where he's given a gift to that player and that player himself will respond for Xlaw.
- Blue was revived by the character Decim.
- Ryu used his artifact to tell us that the main wagon last day phase - Rhea - who had 15 votes had 3 guilty players. Flower is one of them but she's miller so she scans guilty.
- Players were giving out who they trust and don't trust in that list.
- Ultra thinks lynching between Xlaw and Zemmi is better since it's still 50% odds and even if Xlaw is saying the truth about his claim he could be mafia.
- There's a lot of votes on Jinri and people suspect her for being scum.

And I think that's it. Tagging other players: @Cinera @Michelle @Random Asshole @Reborn @Juliet @Naomi @Hayumi etc. etc.
Many thanks, you're the MVP even if you're actually scum lol
Zem claims to have survived 3 super kills at night. She is a survivor who has "lost" the game already due to claiming but apparently might have not lost yet.
I lose count how many games Zemmi said this, and it blows my mind how many players always believe it
Xlaw claimed more and said that he can verify himself next day phase where he's given a gift to that player and that player himself will respond for Xlaw.
Clearly a Scum's Last Effort
Blue was revived by the character Decim.
Too much Revivals, is it from Artifacts?
Ryu used his artifact to tell us that the main wagon last day phase - Rhea - who had 15 votes had 3 guilty players. Flower is one of them but she's miller so she scans guilty.
What kind of player uses such an Artifact on a List of 15 Players??
So if we catch those two, that means the rest are all cleared?
Definitely not, i will check this Ryu
Ultra thinks lynching between Xlaw and Zemmi is better since it's still 50% odds and even if Xlaw is saying the truth about his claim he could be mafia.
- There's a lot of votes on Jinri and people suspect her for being scum.
Who do you prefer between these three sus?
I've have already give my read..Kindly search my post through search button
I saw but I really didn't see your reasoning. Are you still convinced Zem killed Nick?

We also have light saying Nick visited someone even though you said you RB'd himw

What do you make of that.
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