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Bestie I missed this lol. Can you elaborate what you mean?
I truly believe there was no way the husband was town.

His role was scummy.

He was caught lying

& there is an angle shooty thingy that ekko said I shouldn't I mention, so I won't.

Though all in all, Muugen wasn't town, you guys can work back from there and see if the other things I was saying is the truth or not.


The End and the Beginning
Well that what happens when u have exams going on and work, I dont have much time to backread and i do sometimes before sleeping but at least I am still doing my stuff in this game and posting
And for other scum reads on me it is been lame so far it is either the discord dumb af thing or bc being busy make u automatically bad, no actual shit or questions were made just some players that made their mind or whatever

Like ok I am sorry I have life outside mafia and just wanna play this game while chilling

I might comeback later tonight
Hmm. I'll break this one down.
]Well that what happens when u have exams going on and work, I dont have much time to backread and i do sometimes before sleeping but at least I am still doing my stuff in this game and posting
Okay, this is not the first response to me where you've defended from an allegation that I have not made. I am fully in support of you not burning yourself out on this game, and if you have other priorities, by all means. Whether you invest yourself a little, or whether you invest yourself a lot, the goal first and foremost is to have fun doing it. I have never said having a presence that could be described as "floating" is a bad thing. Going forward in this discussion, I would appreciate it if you change your mindset from one feeling like you have to defend your effort levels so far, because otherwise it's going to obfuscate communication.
And for other scum reads on me it is been lame so far it is either the discord dumb af thing or bc being busy make u automatically bad, no actual shit or questions were made just some players that made their mind or whatever
Okay, so would it be fair to say that your position is there is no strong case made against you right now? Also, could you refresh me on this Discord thing please? Finally, and most importantly, what do you think is the motivation of those who are putting your name forth as a lynch candidate?
Like ok I am sorry I have life outside mafia and just wanna play this game while chilling
Eh, I would think we all have lives outside of Mafia. Just as I appreciate that your position is a valid one here, I'd hope you can appreciate that those putting in more hours reading over the thread and posting also hold valid positions. Not judging relative activity levels goes both ways, after all.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Still waiting on Nova.

I truly believe there was no way the husband was town.

His role was scummy.

He was caught lying

& there is an angle shooty thingy that ekko said I shouldn't I mention, so I won't.

Though all in all, Muugen wasn't town, you guys can work back from there and see if the other things I was saying is the truth or not.
Yes bestie I follow up to there. But remember what I asked about? His ability says killing or lynching guilty players gives him more shots, opposite to Rhea's in which it says Inno players. Can the abilities be manipulated as well?
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