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That's a you problem then lmao.

Ace was Luffys brother lol
I'm inclined to agree with you in this argument, but your sig and what I believe it implies kinda discredits your opinion on anything One Piece :lulz:
Have whatever opinion you want, but if your argument is โ€œitโ€™s always been this way lolzโ€ or โ€œitโ€™s a goofy kid comic who caresโ€ you and I have literally no common ground and thereโ€™s no basis for discussion.
Please see the last response I made to @PizzaBread then, because it's not the point. Coming into a series with the wrong expectations after 20 years is silly though.
Don't worry man

You are overthinking it, this is a kids pirate manga

Oda has never made a hero / menter / father figure end up being a secret gray character / villain before, so he will never do it

Don't expect it
Sure, act like we are talking about the same thing.

Character analysis based on events happening in the manga like this:

Are from ACTUAL panels and scenes. What you want didn't exist before lmao


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Why? Did you actually read the sig post? Do you even know my reasoning?
I didn't. Just clicked and it's too long. I'll bookmark and read it later lol

But doubt anything will ever convince me Shanks is evil/insincere in his support for Luffy. It'd go against so much of what's been established thematically so far.
I didn't. Just clicked and it's too long. I'll bookmark and read it later lol

But doubt anything will ever convince me Shanks is evil/insincere in his support for Luffy. It'd go against so much of what's been established thematically so far.
Not evil. I believe Shanks is inherently a decent person

Read the post when you can/want
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How can you read 1030+ chapters of a story and still being on the same level as people who have only seen the art style.

But that's not even what I'm talking about....

I'm talking about the fact that this manga has NEVER been a battle manga with health guages and stamina bars and limitation factors.

Every single arc is has ridiculous feats and moments pulled from Luffy's ass. Wano is no different.

Literally not once did I mention the plot not being dark or complicated. My whole theory on Shanks is LITERALLY that lol
Not evil. I believe Shanks is inherently a decent person

Read the post when you can/want
Post automatically merged:

But that's not even what I'm talking about....

I'm talking about the fact that this manga has NEVER been a battle manga with health guages and stamina bars and limitation factors.

Every single arc is has ridiculous feats and moments pulled from Luffy's ass. Wano is no different.

Literally not once did I mention the plot not being dark or complicated. My whole theory on Shanks is LITERALLY that lol
Okay then Iโ€™m not arguing with you.

Iโ€™m arguing with people who are saying that every arc has had the same feeling/tone as Wano which is straight up false.

Like obviously One Piece has always had BS and weird power ups. Thatโ€™s not what Iโ€™m complaining about.
No, because Oda made 3 decisions that completely killed the fight being rewarding imo:

1 - The Asspull: Oda gives us the reveal that Law and Kid have awakenings out of nowhere, just completely out of nowhere. If he had taken a single panel during the preparation of the raid to show us Kid and Law training their Devil Fruits, this would be much better, but no, out of nowhere both characters have Awakenings. In the 11th hour, Kid and Law have amazing powers that we the audience didn't know, so we had tension before because from what we know Kid and Law could do, they couldn't beat Big Mom easily, so by just giving them a power with no setup before completely kills that tension the viewers had. And why didn't they use it before in the Rooftop? because this leads us to the second point.

2 - The Fake Tension / Limits: Oda wants to make the asspull less bad, so he makes Law and Kid say they didn't use it before because it's unreliable, takes a lot of stamina to use and it's not great for combat. Oda just gave us this rule. So what do Law and Kid do? Both use awakenings and attack Big Mom, but they aren't strong enough to down her for good, they get absolutely rekt, smashed to the floor, but get up and start using their powers again, then on the third chapter Kid uses two new powers (assign and canon) and Law uses an even more powerful attack, 3 new even more powerful skills than before again to take down Big Mom. No fucking stamina draining here. Imagine if in Dressrosa Oda said to us that Luffy had 10 minutes to go back to G4 because he ran out of Haki, but then in 3~4 minutes Luffy goes back up. That's what it sounds like. And for being "unreliable" in combat, every single fucking thing they did worked and to great effect and power, there was nothing "unreliable / not good for combat" here.

3 - Nerf the Enemy: Because Oda new the asspulls and fake limiters were not enough to make Kid and Law win in a believable way with everything he already showed us Big Mom was capable, what he decides to do? Let's not make Big Mom do anything for the rest of the fight that has an impact. We see her that she has this new power to heal, but loses life force, then she has this massive misery attack that does absolutely nothing to nobody, even Kid's metal bull did better than Big Mom's big attack, then she keeps punching Law in the face with CoA attacks (that just one arc ago was insane to even block by many characters) and Law can just tank it IN HIS FUCKING FACE without even getting pushed back or anything, and then she gets hit with every single attack, with the exception of the second kid bull she blocks with the tower, but the rest she just lets everything hit her. Oh yeah, and don't let Big Mom use Adv. CoC.

It was stupid on top of stupid on top of stupid.

It broke the fight's tension 3 times in a row, by giving the heroes broken powers we didn't know they had, but putting fake limiters on those powers that have no impact on the fight and then by nerfing and not letting Big Mom do any of the things Oda already setup for her to able to do.

It made Big Mom's defeat completely unsatisfying.
I can't blame you for having these complaints.

Even though I think the chapter was solid, but at the same time I don't think it was that great and if Big Mom is truly defeated then I'm really disappointed in how Oda handled the fight and his writing for Big Mom.