Legit question, how strong are Drake and Apoo together?
Both together got outshinned by Izo, are this meaning both together wouldn´t be even able to beat a YC3lvl character.
Like legit can´t both together even beat Jinbe and Doffy together?
Izo alone seems be even above them at this point, this is just ridiculous if you think about.
Kinda open up the question,how large is the cap between Izo, WsW, Drake+Apoo,Jinbe and Doflamingo.
How all stand to each other?
Are Drake and Apoo weaker then WsW? Kaido strongest flying six? I doubt it, but then Izo is most liike not even WB strongest veteran, are this mean WB vets are kinda little stronger? Or was WsW indeed pretty far stronger then Drake and Apoo? Or is Izo close in Jinbe and Doflamingo lvl?
Are Marco,Vista,Ace and Jozu that strong? I mean if Izo already outshine two WG members, how strong are Whitebeard commanders.
This kinda show again what a massive feat Zoro and Sanji did this arc, beating Queen and King is pretty a insane feat.