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What could have been...
Also I had a feeling all the claimed shooters were scum. I literally ordered a role with impact from novas. I wanted kills and do stuff and he gave me Jigglypuff. The role was very fun but it was no compensation to the shit that happens to me in these type of games. I had to be three times the one who starts the mainwagon on a scum and get them lynched in order to unlock my next evolution and unlock superkills.

So again I was just watching until I could kill people. And then I was uneligible because I got culted as a dead mafia of your opposing mafia.
I literally told them that even if we merged I would go after Ratchet and you and I am surprise the other mafia didnt take out Ratchet who was literally a mafia reviver or so with a day kill ability.

Like even if town would have better roles, it would not compensate by how much distraction these revives had done. Plus the mafia which recruited me played absolutely garbage.

Balancementwise this game was flawed because during my time alive as townie I felt like we had zero impact on anything, be it with kills, or lynches. And later on naive townies were not able to compensate and remove open wolfing anti towns. Also scum could just vote me in council and off me so they could take majority in council. Aslong such a strategic loophole is played its no wonder town has lost.

Last weebgame lasted longer this one ended after D6 with scum openwolfing to the core and townies having be sacrificed to out the baddies and still nothing happened. Lmao, this again shows that one can low effort shit and play terrible but still see through a game and figure out whos aligned how. Like this is the lesson I try to tell people for years and noone listens to me. XD

Next game I will play like Midnight Delight 2.0
last weebs we hunted other faction badly which gave town more of a fighting chance

this weebs its all out war on town so they gor hit pretty badly

poor guys


Arbiter of Truth
This was so messed up as well tbh. Who even came up with this @MangoSenpai ? You guys do know Kvothe wasn't the only member of our team alive, then, right?
I don't know who said it first, honestly.

it becamed an echoed thought at some point, it was more a perception thing, I guess.
I was also under the impression that kvo was dissatisfied with her team, this was what I was led to believe


What could have been...
+ Ratchet made a huge gamble because he sent me the offer to join the Believers, well, hinted at it. Which means I could have outed him to Ultra and he could have revealed that in the thread had I decided to not accept.
read my role lol
i have to risk outing prof and kvothe to cult lind

if i died to any random day 1 2 or 3 kill then prof and kvothe were goners along with lind lmao

its why we wasted to much to make sure my role flips differently


Arbiter of Truth
Let's be honest here, if town pulled their shit together and stopped judging based on claims, despite the number of times that I and others said that in the thread, they would have solo'd the scums.

Town lost cause they weren't shrewd enough.
Ya, some of the town roles woulda fucked us over bigtime



Not only this. The most inactive players were all town.
It's not only played bad by town, but also lucky RNG on the players on both scum teams.
In our scum chat we were thanking the gods some of these busted ass town roles went to inactives. This was the strongest town mechanically I’d ever seen. If RNG went right for even the existing town and roles were swapped around we could have got stomped.
I knew something was off with you and Ratchet.
Once UB told me not to shade Lind and that it was my last warning. He turned Red.

I did the same to you, and Ratchet told me to stop lol. At that point I knew what was happening, but it was too late ;-;
Basically I got a message from him during the night, offering me a revival. He said that the Two Timers killed me and negated my revival. Stuff Town Ratchet couldn‘t have known and then told me to believe. So I had the option to accept and join them or decline and reveal everything to Al and Ultra in the dead chat. And well, I chose the scum life…


There's no "Tina!"
Like you letting Mango go after he killed TAC, Jinri, and Borto. Ignoring the result on Xlaw and Zem and her claim being shaky and not adding up through the game, how anyone missed Ratchet trying to pivot the lynch to a dead Ekko by missing Blue's name on purpose and not scum reading it except for Cal is fucking mind blowing.

How any of you guys scum read Ultra when he couldn't be more town, Noctis and Salah as well. Town, should have given players a chance rather than being stubborn and thinking they were right.

Listen to UB, Kiwi, Naomi, Noctis, and more next time and you'll win. There's a reason we tried to kill them so many times. Hell, by the end I wanted to convert UB and Kiwi cause getting rid of them was a pain in the ass.


What could have been...
We were gullible lol. Or specifically I was gullible and I steered us in the wrong direction. It’s a game of lies anyway.

I just wanted to vent what I had to vent because otherwise I’d have exploded down the line and to make it clear that a.) mechanically and b.) honorably it was bad arguments against it and that there was zero reason we couldn’t all win together. Us not winning was simply choosing winning alone > winning together for the sake of it. But no one is obligated to play mafia to make friends.
we rly cant blame them or make them feel bad for it. its not their fault after all. its honestly nones fault

just clash of ideals

surely the joy of us winning together wuda been so much more i agree. kinda weird they didnt do it after all uve done for them

u took them in a good faith. u rly did ur best prof


Ya, some of the town roles woulda fucked us over bigtime



I was about to, seriously. Like I said, if I could have lived for 1 more day lol

In our scum chat we were thanking the gods some of these busted ass town roles went to inactives. This was the strongest town mechanically I’d ever seen. If RNG went right for even the existing town and roles were swapped around we could have got stomped.
Yeah , town was super powerful, but just so many inactives not paying attention etc.
Really sad.
I don't know who said it first, honestly.

it becamed an echoed thought at some point, it was more a perception thing, I guess.
I was also under the impression that kvo was dissatisfied with her team, this was what I was led to believe
in what way ?? what indication that i was dissatisfied? huh

i was sharing all the great times to flower about our team. And sending back and forth quotes.
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