Who will be the next Strawhat

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You start from a invented point stating that Carrot is somehow irrelevant. If Carrot is indeed not present in the wano too much, she is the secondary character with the most powerful treatment after the princes and princesses & their siblings which are arc characters (Yamato included, because yes.. Narratively, Yamato is presented like any other prince and princesses, she is the Oni princess and the clear parrallism of Momo). So yeah, Carrot has a place that no other character ever had in term of dynamic with the crew, relationship with the crew, impact on the story, treatment and outlining, and creation design.

Carrot is unique in that regard. So she is the opposite of irrelevant. Her presence only shows that Wano is not her story, it negates nothing about everything I just said. To point everything into perspective in a way you can clearly understand. Carrot even has a better dynamic with the crew, a better treatment and a better character design choices (from design to symbolism to character) than any member of the straw hat fleet.

Your reasons are therefore irrelevant.

Carrot will join the crew, it's time to accept the reality.

We have yet to see Carrot's dream. But we have enough evidence and setup to theorize it without falling into the headcanon territory. Right now Carrot only wants adventure, hers isn't finished yet. At the end of it, her dream will most likely evolved in relation to the words of Pedro.

You have to understand that Carrot is a cahracter in complementarity with Jinbe, this is no surprise that you can see both of them on the sidecover of volume 88 and taht Oda choose to make both Shining Nakama action one after the other. Starting from that point, you can expect Carrot's dream to be very similar to Jinbe's but in a different way.

The minks are oppressed by the world gouvernement, you can therefore expect Carrot to direct her dream toward the salvation for her people.
That is where you are wrong. All strawhats get shown and have important roles even if it isn’t their story arc.
WCI wasn’t jinbe‘s arc yet he got a lot of presence and relevance.
enis lobby wasn’t franky arc yet he got to defeat one of cp9(showing that he will join later on)
Carrot was in WCI and she played a part but nothing to major she is a side character and has no special part. She doesn’t get any special treatment, her dynamics with the crew are nothing special, it’s even less than Momo, lineman and raizou. She didn’t get any important fights in wano, she barely is even in it. You just see what you want to see.

The next Nakama is gonna be Yamato.
1) she wants to join Luffy. She wants to travel but not with just anyone, it has to be Luffy.
2) Luffy already trusts her and has fought with her. Once she asks again to join he will accept
3) She is strong and can take one of the 3 admirals(together with Sanji and Zoro) while Luffy kicks akainus ass.
Give me three reasons why Carrot would want to go back to Zou after what she lived with the strawhats. I'm talking about those kind of stuff:
there is no need for a reason. what carrot wants is irrelevant because oda already turned her into a background characters. the plot does not need to accommodate what background characters think or want, only main and secondary character drives are taken into account and need to be consistent.
yamato is being treated as a relevant character so the story will need to give a reason for her to stay in wano instead of sailing if that is her fate. but carrot is became too unimportant so oda can just ignore what she would be thinking or wanting. oda just needs to show her crying while hugging nami and saying she will miss her and that is enough.
Dude we got Jinbe's dreams and aspirations very early in his character arc. Carrot has been part of the cast for over 200 chapters and we still don't know shit about her actual goals
You seems to think that because we are 200 chapters in with Carrot, we are somehow late in her characterization. This can't be wronger.

We are in fact in the middle of Carrot's characterization.

But this is logical. The reason you think that we are late is simple: Oda did not characterize Carrot like any other strawhats (or any other character for that matter)

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

- He started directly at the beginning to impose her character as someone worthy of attention by clashing her against Zoro andgiving her a setup for the Sentry ability.

- Then.. He put Carrot in silence during Zou only to give us two one panel of setup: One to say that Carrot was the only mink with Wanda capable to have a exceptionnal status and second to setup her departure. By doing that, Oda begun her character arc.. and you can be sure that Oda KNEW that Carrot was about to lose to Perospero back then already as Carrot was departing to a yonko territory just to have "fun".

- Then.. Oda reintroduce Carrot a SECOND time, to make us see this time a whole other facette of her personnality

- And rather than giving us what we should expect at this point for a character with that much attention put behind them.. Oda don't dive to much into her character, instead, he hides her behind Chopper. By doing this, Oda is slowly putting a bridge between the strawhat and Carrot and start the trope of the little scared sister.... who ends up being far more usefull that anybody can expect (but I will comeback to that)

- Oda will even keep Carrot silent AGAIN after the midpoint of wholecake, but again not without giving us a little pannel first "wow Giant, so they really do exist". During the second part of the second act, Carrot will be almost invisible UNTIL the death of Pedro

- With the death of Pedro, Oda dives in into Carrot's emotion and recklessness.

- And at the moment where we would again expect a flashback between Pedro and Carrot.. what is Oda giving us ? A few panels.

- Here Oda doesn't care about Carrot's past, it's all about Carrot's emotions in the PRESENT, what she sees, what she fears, what she feels.

- Again, a few chapter passes and we finally have the combo setup+Sulong. This time Oda will take almost an ENTIRE chapter only for Carrot. But this time this is not about her feelings, this is about her actions and what she can do.

- 888 & 889 passes and Carrot is AGAIN invisibilized. We won't see her until Cacao Island with a few panels here and there.

- Comes the end of the arc and Oda gives us another big moment for Carrot. This time, we dive into her psyche. it's not about her emotions or actions, but the manner in which she can deal with the events. We understand here, one of the most important things about Carrot: She is strong. Even with the death of her mentor, she will be the one to go and lift away Sanji's guilt about the entire trip. Yes falls in tears, but only after delivering the message.

- Chapter 910 and the arrival to Wano. This time Oda is giving us ANOTHER side of Carrot's character: her reaction to the wonders of the world

- After that Carrot disappears almost completely by blending with the strawhats until she is almost nowhere to be seen minus a few interactions.

- Carrot only reappear at the beginning of the raid, with the strawhats. And is given the PRIVILEGE to be at the center of the FIRST group panel of the strawhat pirate since 2008

- Carrot will be blend with the strawhats with little apparition here and there until the moment she realizes Perospero is here

- Again, we won't see Carrot's emotions, we will only see her action (the anime is non canon)

- Finally.. Carrot disappears completely.. only to be seen defeated in chapter 1006


So.. what do we learned here ? What is my point ?

Carrot has been given every parameters of a strawhat, but has been characterize in a completely different way!

Instead of giving us a short and dense characterization, Oda choosed to construct Carrot's character brick.. by .. brick following the flow of the story.

But yes.. Oda seems to portray Carrot as a background character, after all.. she has almost no real impactfull dialogue, almost no decisive action (minus Sulong) and "almost" no purpose here.. but when you look at the entirerity of Oda's work around Carrot.. you witness something strange..

This little bunny character, this background character, has become a little sister to the casual reader without us even noticing it!

Yes she didn't do much.. but we KNOW her.. and I mean from a real narrative standpoint. Every action she took was made to send her toward one purpose: making her understand the reality of the world.

And you can check with most casual readers, you will get the exact same reaction: "Carrot is like the little sister of the crew"!

Then you realize one thing.. Carrot, a background character.. in an arc where she is almost innexistant.. managed to make the TOP 8 in the popularity poll!! Yes, Carrot has a big fanbase, but as big and as strong as we are, we are just a few and Carrot should not even make the top 15 with us and the furry out there.. but she made it to the EIGHTH PLACE !!!

And this is where the genius of Oda lends:

Carrot is a strawhat constructed like a background character ! The reason to that seems pretty clear: Making the reader oblivious to the integration of Carrot, but making the integration perfectly natural!

You just have to look at this forum to understand how much of a SHOCK the integration of Carrot with the strawhat would be. Still.. it would feel perfectly natural for the casual reader to see Carrot join the crew again.

What is left to do for Oda ? Well, now that Carrot is integrated he will just need to make her shine in order to make her the official Lookout of the strawhat pirate. This could take multiple form, it could be an entire storylineduring the next arc or a focus on a few chapter.. who know..



This is why you think that we are "late" in Carrot's development. After all.. it's like we know everything about her.. but this is far from the truth.. Carrot's development is not finished yet. Her defeat was only the beginning.
You seems to think that because we are 200 chapters in with Carrot, we are somehow late in her characterization. This can't be wronger.

We are in fact in the middle of Carrot's characterization.

But this is logical. The reason you think that we are late is simple: Oda did not characterize Carrot like any other strawhats (or any other character for that matter)

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

- He started directly at the beginning to impose her character as someone worthy of attention by clashing her against Zoro andgiving her a setup for the Sentry ability.

- Then.. He put Carrot in silence during Zou only to give us two one panel of setup: One to say that Carrot was the only mink with Wanda capable to have a exceptionnal status and second to setup her departure. By doing that, Oda begun her character arc.. and you can be sure that Oda KNEW that Carrot was about to lose to Perospero back then already as Carrot was departing to a yonko territory just to have "fun".

- Then.. Oda reintroduce Carrot a SECOND time, to make us see this time a whole other facette of her personnality

- And rather than giving us what we should expect at this point for a character with that much attention put behind them.. Oda don't dive to much into her character, instead, he hides her behind Chopper. By doing this, Oda is slowly putting a bridge between the strawhat and Carrot and start the trope of the little scared sister.... who ends up being far more usefull that anybody can expect (but I will comeback to that)

- Oda will even keep Carrot silent AGAIN after the midpoint of wholecake, but again not without giving us a little pannel first "wow Giant, so they really do exist". During the second part of the second act, Carrot will be almost invisible UNTIL the death of Pedro

- With the death of Pedro, Oda dives in into Carrot's emotion and recklessness.

- And at the moment where we would again expect a flashback between Pedro and Carrot.. what is Oda giving us ? A few panels.

- Here Oda doesn't care about Carrot's past, it's all about Carrot's emotions in the PRESENT, what she sees, what she fears, what she feels.

- Again, a few chapter passes and we finally have the combo setup+Sulong. This time Oda will take almost an ENTIRE chapter only for Carrot. But this time this is not about her feelings, this is about her actions and what she can do.

- 888 & 889 passes and Carrot is AGAIN invisibilized. We won't see her until Cacao Island with a few panels here and there.

- Comes the end of the arc and Oda gives us another big moment for Carrot. This time, we dive into her psyche. it's not about her emotions or actions, but the manner in which she can deal with the events. We understand here, one of the most important things about Carrot: She is strong. Even with the death of her mentor, she will be the one to go and lift away Sanji's guilt about the entire trip. Yes falls in tears, but only after delivering the message.

- Chapter 910 and the arrival to Wano. This time Oda is giving us ANOTHER side of Carrot's character: her reaction to the wonders of the world

- After that Carrot disappears almost completely by blending with the strawhats until she is almost nowhere to be seen minus a few interactions.

- Carrot only reappear at the beginning of the raid, with the strawhats. And is given the PRIVILEGE to be at the center of the FIRST group panel of the strawhat pirate since 2008

- Carrot will be blend with the strawhats with little apparition here and there until the moment she realizes Perospero is here

- Again, we won't see Carrot's emotions, we will only see her action (the anime is non canon)

- Finally.. Carrot disappears completely.. only to be seen defeated in chapter 1006


So.. what do we learned here ? What is my point ?

Carrot has been given every parameters of a strawhat, but has been characterize in a completely different way!

Instead of giving us a short and dense characterization, Oda choosed to construct Carrot's character brick.. by .. brick following the flow of the story.

But yes.. Oda seems to portray Carrot as a background character, after all.. she has almost no real impactfull dialogue, almost no decisive action (minus Sulong) and "almost" no purpose here.. but when you look at the entirerity of Oda's work around Carrot.. you witness something strange..

This little bunny character, this background character, has become a little sister to the casual reader without us even noticing it!

Yes she didn't do much.. but we KNOW her.. and I mean from a real narrative standpoint. Every action she took was made to send her toward one purpose: making her understand the reality of the world.

And you can check with most casual readers, you will get the exact same reaction: "Carrot is like the little sister of the crew"!

Then you realize one thing.. Carrot, a background character.. in an arc where she is almost innexistant.. managed to make the TOP 8 in the popularity poll!! Yes, Carrot has a big fanbase, but as big and as strong as we are, we are just a few and Carrot should not even make the top 15 with us and the furry out there.. but she made it to the EIGHTH PLACE !!!

And this is where the genius of Oda lends:

Carrot is a strawhat constructed like a background character ! The reason to that seems pretty clear: Making the reader oblivious to the integration of Carrot, but making the integration perfectly natural!

You just have to look at this forum to understand how much of a SHOCK the integration of Carrot with the strawhat would be. Still.. it would feel perfectly natural for the casual reader to see Carrot join the crew again.

What is left to do for Oda ? Well, now that Carrot is integrated he will just need to make her shine in order to make her the official Lookout of the strawhat pirate. This could take multiple form, it could be an entire storylineduring the next arc or a focus on a few chapter.. who know..



This is why you think that we are "late" in Carrot's development. After all.. it's like we know everything about her.. but this is far from the truth.. Carrot's development is not finished yet. Her defeat was only the beginning.
Can’t wait for wano to be over and Carrot to go home.
No that's not factual. If that was factual, Yamato would have a dynamic with the crew, with Luffy and a post. Those are undeniably missing. Yamato spent 10 minutes top with Luffy. Carrot spent 4+ week with him and the others. This is incomparable and Oda knows that.

Yes, the strawhats are build for Carrot or rather, they are build to welcome someone like Carrot. Their dynamic proves it and the relation between Chopper and Carrot proves it.

Carrot is overshadow by no one in the mink tribe. Even until today with her lack development she has been portrayed as THE protagonist amonst the Minks while her master were depicted as scabbards. If you think that in a story you can just forget everything that happened to fit your narrative, you should reread One Piece.

You want to talk about manga fact, those are manga facts.

This is utterly and completely false and the manga proves it, therefore I don't need to make any more comment about that. Such invention is not worth my time.

Like I said previously, if you think this is logical to compare a 5 minute relationship with a 3+ week one, you might be
wise to reconsider your point of view on the story. Luffy entrusted Momo to Yamato because she is strong just like he would trust any strong ally to take care of him (Law / Kinemon etc.)

It's not required by Luffy, it's required by the story. Without a post, a strawhats lack the dynamic proposed by Oda through the place on the Sunny. Without a post, Oda can't make a shining mugiwara action and therefore put the cahracter into perspective in something else than his attitude. Without a post, Oda can't make a strawhat shine in relation to the sea. Even Oden had a post. Yamato has none.

The guardian deity of Wano not only has been brought up by Kaido, but by a lot of characters regarding Luffy and Yamato. Making a clear parrallel between the two. Yamato staying would completely make sence in regard to what is happening in the story right now. Momo needs guidance, he needs someone who will be able to guide him through the tough choices he will have to make in the future.

That is precisely what those panel in 1041 are all about. Oda is preparing Yamato, not only as Wano's guardian, but Momo's councellor.

Give me three reasons why Carrot would want to go back to Zou after what she lived with the strawhats. I'm talking about those kind of stuff:

- Wrong Carrot needs an antagonist and after reflexion, I think Perospero was exactly that
- Right, Carrot does not need a backstory. Not when all the content delivered by usual backstory is developped precisely in real time.
- Wrong. Carrot needs an highlight moment, but she does not need them right now to join. She had enough highlights in whole cake during two chapters. Nothing more is narratively required for Carrot to join. But more is required for Carrot to be recruited (if you would care to pay attention to what I am saying you would understand the difference) it would mean 2 or three chapters of development, that can perfectly happen after Wano (but something tells me that a moment is coming.. soon)
- Wrong. Carrot do indeed need a 1v1 conversation with Luffy or rather an interaction with him, but like many strawhats, this interaction can happen anywhere between now and the moment Carrot is recruited (not joining) meaning between now and the end of the next arc.
- Right.. and wrong. Jinbe and Franky didn't get a centric arc, therefore the fact that the strawhat should have dedicated arcs in the story is a missconception. What the strawhats needs is a moment of focus like the flashbacks of Jinbe or the flashback of Franky. But like I said, this can happen in real time for Carrot, so it will more likely taking the form of a real time action development.
- Right, Carrot will join through being a stowaway, now I don't think she will be recruited that way.. I expect Oda to do something different for that part
- Right, Carrot will do something in the future, it's like.. writings on a tablets right now
- Right, it's okay for Carrot to be skipped over during this arc as she had enough shining action and development on whole cake to join the crew. That's said, it's not enough to be recruited, that's why you can expect Carrot to be heavily focused on either during the end of Wano or the next arc.
- Right, Carrot was curious about the giant in the next arc. This was an actual setup. Congratulation, you found one.
- Right, Pedro talked about moving forward. Which ties exactly with what any moral pillar said to all the strawhats. So Pedro ties perfectly with that pattern.

Take note that I highlighted for you both words "recruited" and "join". This is done in order for you two clearly understand the difference between the two. Because if you can't understand the difference, you will never be able to understand what I'm writing.

More provocation, no need to comment this.
I feel like you're more deluded than before but it isn't fun anymore, you don't get mad anymore, this is boring.
It seems like a little deconstruction and a panel analysis is necessary... Fine:

Why Carrot is the protagonist in this panel ?

First: Because there is two sets of lines. The first are the vanishing lines on the side those are converging in the center of the panel where Wanda and Neko are. There are here to make us look at their face. Then there are the sight lines, the lines where the two characters looks at Carrot (or rather behind her). What is the result of that ? Our sight is naturally guided to Carrot's face who is looking backward with intensity and fleeing from something (probably the rocks crumbling down in the air).

Second: Because Carrot is in shadow. Making her Character instantly stand out. We are again naturally attracted to the character of Carrot.

So yeah, Carrot is the protagonist of this panel and this is exactly what I was waiting for. Oda is still focusing on Carrot. Meaning that even after her defeat, she still has a role to play.

It's visual storytelling, it doesn't get any better than that.
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Well you should.. right now the story is only confirming what I predicted.

Can’t wait for wano to be over and Carrot to go home.
She will not!. Home will come to her!
Post automatically merged:

You seems to think that because we are 200 chapters in with Carrot, we are somehow late in her characterization. This can't be wronger.

We are in fact in the middle of Carrot's characterization.

But this is logical. The reason you think that we are late is simple: Oda did not characterize Carrot like any other strawhats (or any other character for that matter)

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

- He started directly at the beginning to impose her character as someone worthy of attention by clashing her against Zoro andgiving her a setup for the Sentry ability.

- Then.. He put Carrot in silence during Zou only to give us two one panel of setup: One to say that Carrot was the only mink with Wanda capable to have a exceptionnal status and second to setup her departure. By doing that, Oda begun her character arc.. and you can be sure that Oda KNEW that Carrot was about to lose to Perospero back then already as Carrot was departing to a yonko territory just to have "fun".

- Then.. Oda reintroduce Carrot a SECOND time, to make us see this time a whole other facette of her personnality

- And rather than giving us what we should expect at this point for a character with that much attention put behind them.. Oda don't dive to much into her character, instead, he hides her behind Chopper. By doing this, Oda is slowly putting a bridge between the strawhat and Carrot and start the trope of the little scared sister.... who ends up being far more usefull that anybody can expect (but I will comeback to that)

- Oda will even keep Carrot silent AGAIN after the midpoint of wholecake, but again not without giving us a little pannel first "wow Giant, so they really do exist". During the second part of the second act, Carrot will be almost invisible UNTIL the death of Pedro

- With the death of Pedro, Oda dives in into Carrot's emotion and recklessness.

- And at the moment where we would again expect a flashback between Pedro and Carrot.. what is Oda giving us ? A few panels.

- Here Oda doesn't care about Carrot's past, it's all about Carrot's emotions in the PRESENT, what she sees, what she fears, what she feels.

- Again, a few chapter passes and we finally have the combo setup+Sulong. This time Oda will take almost an ENTIRE chapter only for Carrot. But this time this is not about her feelings, this is about her actions and what she can do.

- 888 & 889 passes and Carrot is AGAIN invisibilized. We won't see her until Cacao Island with a few panels here and there.

- Comes the end of the arc and Oda gives us another big moment for Carrot. This time, we dive into her psyche. it's not about her emotions or actions, but the manner in which she can deal with the events. We understand here, one of the most important things about Carrot: She is strong. Even with the death of her mentor, she will be the one to go and lift away Sanji's guilt about the entire trip. Yes falls in tears, but only after delivering the message.

- Chapter 910 and the arrival to Wano. This time Oda is giving us ANOTHER side of Carrot's character: her reaction to the wonders of the world

- After that Carrot disappears almost completely by blending with the strawhats until she is almost nowhere to be seen minus a few interactions.

- Carrot only reappear at the beginning of the raid, with the strawhats. And is given the PRIVILEGE to be at the center of the FIRST group panel of the strawhat pirate since 2008

- Carrot will be blend with the strawhats with little apparition here and there until the moment she realizes Perospero is here

- Again, we won't see Carrot's emotions, we will only see her action (the anime is non canon)

- Finally.. Carrot disappears completely.. only to be seen defeated in chapter 1006


So.. what do we learned here ? What is my point ?

Carrot has been given every parameters of a strawhat, but has been characterize in a completely different way!

Instead of giving us a short and dense characterization, Oda choosed to construct Carrot's character brick.. by .. brick following the flow of the story.

But yes.. Oda seems to portray Carrot as a background character, after all.. she has almost no real impactfull dialogue, almost no decisive action (minus Sulong) and "almost" no purpose here.. but when you look at the entirerity of Oda's work around Carrot.. you witness something strange..

This little bunny character, this background character, has become a little sister to the casual reader without us even noticing it!

Yes she didn't do much.. but we KNOW her.. and I mean from a real narrative standpoint. Every action she took was made to send her toward one purpose: making her understand the reality of the world.

And you can check with most casual readers, you will get the exact same reaction: "Carrot is like the little sister of the crew"!

Then you realize one thing.. Carrot, a background character.. in an arc where she is almost innexistant.. managed to make the TOP 8 in the popularity poll!! Yes, Carrot has a big fanbase, but as big and as strong as we are, we are just a few and Carrot should not even make the top 15 with us and the furry out there.. but she made it to the EIGHTH PLACE !!!

And this is where the genius of Oda lends:

Carrot is a strawhat constructed like a background character ! The reason to that seems pretty clear: Making the reader oblivious to the integration of Carrot, but making the integration perfectly natural!

You just have to look at this forum to understand how much of a SHOCK the integration of Carrot with the strawhat would be. Still.. it would feel perfectly natural for the casual reader to see Carrot join the crew again.

What is left to do for Oda ? Well, now that Carrot is integrated he will just need to make her shine in order to make her the official Lookout of the strawhat pirate. This could take multiple form, it could be an entire storylineduring the next arc or a focus on a few chapter.. who know..



This is why you think that we are "late" in Carrot's development. After all.. it's like we know everything about her.. but this is far from the truth.. Carrot's development is not finished yet. Her defeat was only the beginning.
a war is knocking the world doors and you are wasting your time with bunnies!. Straw hats do not need bunnies, they need ogres!
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Oda said in a SBS that he had a plan for Carrot but since hes fast tracking the story to see the end of it in a relatively acceptable futur for him to be able to have his own adventures he decided to put many plotlines on the back burner to push forward.. In a sense its for this reason that Carrot keeps having Pedro's memory to push forward.. Even if Nekomamushi is the one who defeated Perospero, Carrot is moving forward with her cheerfulness and its my hope the One Piece fans do too..

So there you have it folks.. :kayneshrug:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You seems to think that because we are 200 chapters in with Carrot, we are somehow late in her characterization. This can't be wronger.

We are in fact in the middle of Carrot's characterization.

But this is logical. The reason you think that we are late is simple: Oda did not characterize Carrot like any other strawhats (or any other character for that matter)

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

- He started directly at the beginning to impose her character as someone worthy of attention by clashing her against Zoro andgiving her a setup for the Sentry ability.

- Then.. He put Carrot in silence during Zou only to give us two one panel of setup: One to say that Carrot was the only mink with Wanda capable to have a exceptionnal status and second to setup her departure. By doing that, Oda begun her character arc.. and you can be sure that Oda KNEW that Carrot was about to lose to Perospero back then already as Carrot was departing to a yonko territory just to have "fun".

- Then.. Oda reintroduce Carrot a SECOND time, to make us see this time a whole other facette of her personnality

- And rather than giving us what we should expect at this point for a character with that much attention put behind them.. Oda don't dive to much into her character, instead, he hides her behind Chopper. By doing this, Oda is slowly putting a bridge between the strawhat and Carrot and start the trope of the little scared sister.... who ends up being far more usefull that anybody can expect (but I will comeback to that)

- Oda will even keep Carrot silent AGAIN after the midpoint of wholecake, but again not without giving us a little pannel first "wow Giant, so they really do exist". During the second part of the second act, Carrot will be almost invisible UNTIL the death of Pedro

- With the death of Pedro, Oda dives in into Carrot's emotion and recklessness.

- And at the moment where we would again expect a flashback between Pedro and Carrot.. what is Oda giving us ? A few panels.

- Here Oda doesn't care about Carrot's past, it's all about Carrot's emotions in the PRESENT, what she sees, what she fears, what she feels.

- Again, a few chapter passes and we finally have the combo setup+Sulong. This time Oda will take almost an ENTIRE chapter only for Carrot. But this time this is not about her feelings, this is about her actions and what she can do.

- 888 & 889 passes and Carrot is AGAIN invisibilized. We won't see her until Cacao Island with a few panels here and there.

- Comes the end of the arc and Oda gives us another big moment for Carrot. This time, we dive into her psyche. it's not about her emotions or actions, but the manner in which she can deal with the events. We understand here, one of the most important things about Carrot: She is strong. Even with the death of her mentor, she will be the one to go and lift away Sanji's guilt about the entire trip. Yes falls in tears, but only after delivering the message.

- Chapter 910 and the arrival to Wano. This time Oda is giving us ANOTHER side of Carrot's character: her reaction to the wonders of the world

- After that Carrot disappears almost completely by blending with the strawhats until she is almost nowhere to be seen minus a few interactions.

- Carrot only reappear at the beginning of the raid, with the strawhats. And is given the PRIVILEGE to be at the center of the FIRST group panel of the strawhat pirate since 2008

- Carrot will be blend with the strawhats with little apparition here and there until the moment she realizes Perospero is here

- Again, we won't see Carrot's emotions, we will only see her action (the anime is non canon)

- Finally.. Carrot disappears completely.. only to be seen defeated in chapter 1006


So.. what do we learned here ? What is my point ?

Carrot has been given every parameters of a strawhat, but has been characterize in a completely different way!

Instead of giving us a short and dense characterization, Oda choosed to construct Carrot's character brick.. by .. brick following the flow of the story.

But yes.. Oda seems to portray Carrot as a background character, after all.. she has almost no real impactfull dialogue, almost no decisive action (minus Sulong) and "almost" no purpose here.. but when you look at the entirerity of Oda's work around Carrot.. you witness something strange..

This little bunny character, this background character, has become a little sister to the casual reader without us even noticing it!

Yes she didn't do much.. but we KNOW her.. and I mean from a real narrative standpoint. Every action she took was made to send her toward one purpose: making her understand the reality of the world.

And you can check with most casual readers, you will get the exact same reaction: "Carrot is like the little sister of the crew"!

Then you realize one thing.. Carrot, a background character.. in an arc where she is almost innexistant.. managed to make the TOP 8 in the popularity poll!! Yes, Carrot has a big fanbase, but as big and as strong as we are, we are just a few and Carrot should not even make the top 15 with us and the furry out there.. but she made it to the EIGHTH PLACE !!!

And this is where the genius of Oda lends:

Carrot is a strawhat constructed like a background character ! The reason to that seems pretty clear: Making the reader oblivious to the integration of Carrot, but making the integration perfectly natural!

You just have to look at this forum to understand how much of a SHOCK the integration of Carrot with the strawhat would be. Still.. it would feel perfectly natural for the casual reader to see Carrot join the crew again.

What is left to do for Oda ? Well, now that Carrot is integrated he will just need to make her shine in order to make her the official Lookout of the strawhat pirate. This could take multiple form, it could be an entire storylineduring the next arc or a focus on a few chapter.. who know..



This is why you think that we are "late" in Carrot's development. After all.. it's like we know everything about her.. but this is far from the truth.. Carrot's development is not finished yet. Her defeat was only the beginning.
I truly wish I could get as much mileage out of a single useless and completely benign panel as you’ve been getting out of that one of Carrot merely reacting to outside stimulus, you’re acting like it’s the key to understanding the entirety of Oda’s plans instead of literal throwaway ink.

Also, @solis, that’s off topic AND a misrepresentation of what happened between you and @TheKnightOfTheSea, take it somewhere else.
You seems to think that because we are 200 chapters in with Carrot, we are somehow late in her characterization. This can't be wronger.

We are in fact in the middle of Carrot's characterization.

But this is logical. The reason you think that we are late is simple: Oda did not characterize Carrot like any other strawhats (or any other character for that matter)

Let's have a little retrospective shall we?

- He started directly at the beginning to impose her character as someone worthy of attention by clashing her against Zoro andgiving her a setup for the Sentry ability.

- Then.. He put Carrot in silence during Zou only to give us two one panel of setup: One to say that Carrot was the only mink with Wanda capable to have a exceptionnal status and second to setup her departure. By doing that, Oda begun her character arc.. and you can be sure that Oda KNEW that Carrot was about to lose to Perospero back then already as Carrot was departing to a yonko territory just to have "fun".

- Then.. Oda reintroduce Carrot a SECOND time, to make us see this time a whole other facette of her personnality

- And rather than giving us what we should expect at this point for a character with that much attention put behind them.. Oda don't dive to much into her character, instead, he hides her behind Chopper. By doing this, Oda is slowly putting a bridge between the strawhat and Carrot and start the trope of the little scared sister.... who ends up being far more usefull that anybody can expect (but I will comeback to that)

- Oda will even keep Carrot silent AGAIN after the midpoint of wholecake, but again not without giving us a little pannel first "wow Giant, so they really do exist". During the second part of the second act, Carrot will be almost invisible UNTIL the death of Pedro

- With the death of Pedro, Oda dives in into Carrot's emotion and recklessness.

- And at the moment where we would again expect a flashback between Pedro and Carrot.. what is Oda giving us ? A few panels.

- Here Oda doesn't care about Carrot's past, it's all about Carrot's emotions in the PRESENT, what she sees, what she fears, what she feels.

- Again, a few chapter passes and we finally have the combo setup+Sulong. This time Oda will take almost an ENTIRE chapter only for Carrot. But this time this is not about her feelings, this is about her actions and what she can do.

- 888 & 889 passes and Carrot is AGAIN invisibilized. We won't see her until Cacao Island with a few panels here and there.

- Comes the end of the arc and Oda gives us another big moment for Carrot. This time, we dive into her psyche. it's not about her emotions or actions, but the manner in which she can deal with the events. We understand here, one of the most important things about Carrot: She is strong. Even with the death of her mentor, she will be the one to go and lift away Sanji's guilt about the entire trip. Yes falls in tears, but only after delivering the message.

- Chapter 910 and the arrival to Wano. This time Oda is giving us ANOTHER side of Carrot's character: her reaction to the wonders of the world

- After that Carrot disappears almost completely by blending with the strawhats until she is almost nowhere to be seen minus a few interactions.

- Carrot only reappear at the beginning of the raid, with the strawhats. And is given the PRIVILEGE to be at the center of the FIRST group panel of the strawhat pirate since 2008

- Carrot will be blend with the strawhats with little apparition here and there until the moment she realizes Perospero is here

- Again, we won't see Carrot's emotions, we will only see her action (the anime is non canon)

- Finally.. Carrot disappears completely.. only to be seen defeated in chapter 1006


So.. what do we learned here ? What is my point ?

Carrot has been given every parameters of a strawhat, but has been characterize in a completely different way!

Instead of giving us a short and dense characterization, Oda choosed to construct Carrot's character brick.. by .. brick following the flow of the story.

But yes.. Oda seems to portray Carrot as a background character, after all.. she has almost no real impactfull dialogue, almost no decisive action (minus Sulong) and "almost" no purpose here.. but when you look at the entirerity of Oda's work around Carrot.. you witness something strange..

This little bunny character, this background character, has become a little sister to the casual reader without us even noticing it!

Yes she didn't do much.. but we KNOW her.. and I mean from a real narrative standpoint. Every action she took was made to send her toward one purpose: making her understand the reality of the world.

And you can check with most casual readers, you will get the exact same reaction: "Carrot is like the little sister of the crew"!

Then you realize one thing.. Carrot, a background character.. in an arc where she is almost innexistant.. managed to make the TOP 8 in the popularity poll!! Yes, Carrot has a big fanbase, but as big and as strong as we are, we are just a few and Carrot should not even make the top 15 with us and the furry out there.. but she made it to the EIGHTH PLACE !!!

And this is where the genius of Oda lends:

Carrot is a strawhat constructed like a background character ! The reason to that seems pretty clear: Making the reader oblivious to the integration of Carrot, but making the integration perfectly natural!

You just have to look at this forum to understand how much of a SHOCK the integration of Carrot with the strawhat would be. Still.. it would feel perfectly natural for the casual reader to see Carrot join the crew again.

What is left to do for Oda ? Well, now that Carrot is integrated he will just need to make her shine in order to make her the official Lookout of the strawhat pirate. This could take multiple form, it could be an entire storylineduring the next arc or a focus on a few chapter.. who know..



This is why you think that we are "late" in Carrot's development. After all.. it's like we know everything about her.. but this is far from the truth.. Carrot's development is not finished yet. Her defeat was only the beginning.
so your logic is the Oda is pulling an Usopp but with an actual background character...
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