How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Bro use the sig I sent you. Animal Kingdom pirates is so cringe.

Again, I'm not giving up on his future role being significant. Even if this made me give up on him as a combatant lol
Yeah. He mostly likely will have more significance I a future role with what he has going on in SWORD and how that relates to the Marines, his mostly unknown allies and boss, etc, but for me, as far as combat, I just wanna see if Drake brings anything new to the table during this arc.

In a general sense, he's strong, but compared to everyone else in the WG who's been fighting, he's hardly show anything aside from endurance or what have you. Maybe this is simply not the time.

Zoro wankers wanted so hard to damage
That was irrelevant damage, wouldn't surprise if he didn't care bout them landing.

The only damage that Kaido recognized was Zoro Ashura and luffy attacks.

If you see non damaging attacks then low reason to block but if you see something that can hurt you then you try to block it.
That's what Kaido tried vs Zoro we see the club being repelled.
So your saiyng to me that Ulti is capable to doed the same as Zoro? Because her caught a FS user of guard.
I disagree. I don't think Kaido used FS until this chapter. There are ways to signal and tip off the readers yet Oda did none of that. All of the notable COO feats from the Yonko during the rooftop were from Linlin not Kaido. You're trying to circularly wank Zoro in a situation where we can't give him feats without massively reaching. Until stated otherwise, Kaido only began using FS now. It's also why I can't state that he used FS in his fight against Linlin.
"I don't think"

Well it's your view and my view pal both are valid.

Cry about BM in the last chapter thread bruh she's irrelevant.
Which means sanji dodging a fucking jelly bean isnt worth shit either.
Pick your poison:cheers:
i'll tell you what: Sanji seeing that jelly coming before kata is impressive

No tf, ulti cant tag FS user, she could never do it

Zoro tags Every FS user in the verse and doesnt need that Feat to prove it, he already proved he can tag super fast people like King in speed mode.

i just think kaido wasnt using FS that time since he talked like he just started using it, and even if he would use it, zoro would still hit him.
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