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The End and the Beginning
I openly stated my considerations on you, you treated me like I was a fucking moron and discredited me for speculating that you were unconcerned about being killed. Lo and behold, you have a stacked fucking role, and have probably managed to completely waste it due to your incompetence. Congratulations.
No, you don't get to put this on me. I know accepting blame is hard for you but it's a good trait to learn. You didn't couch much in my lack of ability to be killed, in fact you used that to further push the agenda that I should be lynched today, and then also tried to claim that if I'm alive later in the game, I should be auto-lynched. Between you, and several other incompetents, I've been forced to show my whole hand because everything I say gets dismissed out of hand because "ur an indie xD", and now that I have you want to pass the blame to me because suddenly you realised you've jeaporidsed the town with your idiocy.

If you don't like being treated like a moron, it's quite simple - don't act like one. Starting Day 2, you won't be around to anchor the town any longer, if you'd like to spend the rest of your time in the game bickering with me, be my guest.


The End and the Beginning
No, look, it's today or nothing. My ability is one-shot, as I've already claimed, and it reverts all actions that happen in the Day. I don't *need* to use it, because if I'm dead a random townie gets the selfsame ability in the form of an item - The Hourglass of Time. I was intending not to use it to potentially confirm a slot for free. So if you're okay with the above being lost to revive Kag then sure. Otherwise the chance is lost.
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