Who will beat Kaido now?

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Gorosei Informer

You are right.

I have already decided to not talk too much about it because you will get jumped by these so called defenders.

- One Piece has been cartoonish, what else you expect?
- One Piece has been like this even before time skip, what else you expect?
- One Piece is not battle shonen, go read DBZ, you are edgy.
- One Piece is not seinen, go read Kingdom.
- Tama this, Denjiro that, Big Mom incredible, O-Lin bad, Super Nova's kick ass, Super novas suck, Sanji raid suite plot for WCI, I dont need it anymore in Wano, first big appearance of Rev Army, let me offscreen that because Wano is more important, I cant show Sabo on panel, let me create hype aroumd him via News Coo.

I dont want to go on another rant, so I am stopping here.

The good thing is, I am not as invested in this series as some people, like you, are. But it does not mean that I dont understand your point.

There was a guy who said only Japanese audience matter, I showed him this article:

Japanese fans' opinion about Wano Arc

He and other guys who were saying the same thing, didnt reply back and conversation ended just like that.

Yes, please take a break, read some other mangas, or go out to watch some movies (it is time for fans like us, 23-25 or +, to stop reading mangas).
Thank you so much man, you've always been supportive and I picked up on it before too. It really helps a lot. People like them just love to gang up on you, invoke hide mind and mob mentality and crucify you as the designated villain as they constantly to to Drizzt and also for Dustan Reacts in the past too.

Lmfaoooo that part about the Japanese audience DAMN!

Well said too thank you. I really wish I was never invested so much in this series who would have expected having such massive dreams for a series based around having such massive dreamls l iving for then would have fans shaming those who have such massive dreams for the series? Or even for wanting things we've been teased about for YEARS or eve DECADES?!

But you know its whatever. We're entitled, crazy, haters, overdramatic, anything they want and need to label us to make themselves feel better and protect the cult and narrative.
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