LOL at people wanting Momo, the shogun, to be babysitted... Ever since his intro, his development is leaning towards manning up without too much guidance from his subjects... Other world leaders, despite being weak, were seen to have balls such as Cobra...
And this is Shogun of Wano we're talking about, leader of the land known because of its warriors by the outsiders...
"Manning up" is a very toxic way to see the arc of Momo. A character doesn't change likefrom 0 to 1000, he needs to GROW. What you are asking from Momo, is to go from 8 to 28 mentally in 30 minutes.
It.. doesnt.. Work... like... that..
Even with the growth of a character in a story, that growth must feel logical and earned. Right now, it's literally impossible for Momo to grow out of his fear.. Damn, even Usopp who had to face his fears multiples times in the story has hard time trusting himself.
I talked about that is the section "development inertia in my blog".. In fact the reason why Momo can't become in 30 a great leader is the same reason why Carrot can't decide to go back to wano like that.
If their is a strong characterization, it take the equal amount of force in the opposite direction to change the character.
In the case of Momo, this would mean to spend multiple years with the strawhats or with a guide.
It was not a compliment. Your math is shit
Nope. it's indeed one panel.