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We saw in Lucci's cover story that the WG basically indoctrinates them since they're kids
We saw in Lucci's cover story that the WG basically indoctrinates them since they're kids
Even Scarfdudes sentence to Drake is heavy hitting. He basically said he envies Drake fro having his own justice. He's miserable and in a situation he can't escape.
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This is what I mean by 'dog'.
Not that he's eViL (whatever that means) but that he has no mind of his own.
You can't respect someone for an action that they don't actually want to do.
Of course I can respect that scene. And I did haha.
Yeah for real 100%. Given how much more interesting and controversial Sanji's further backstory with Germa and such, it makes me wonder why we don't know Usopp's full name (I think he's a Marshall or Montblanc or may be related to both potentially), Namis actual parents and full name, Robins father, Franky's parentage and why he was abandoned/thrown overboard and so on, it makes me want to know about them so much more too but also fearful Oda won't actually give them this much spotlight.

We don't even know Zoro's parents, where they are, what happened to them (presumably dead ofc or maybe "lost somewhere out there or in time"), why Zoro has such distinct green hair and the legacy of the Roronoas, who they are, why Zoro is the only one we know so far and such.

Like what happened with Ace and somewhat with Mihawk and Perona and is seemingly happening to Shanks to of all people with Film Red upcoming, a lot of stuff we're meant to see in the manga or should at least, is being saved for these novels, movies, one-shots/spin-offs and such for whatever reasons ofc.

I'm also really scared for Elbaf as Oda chose to show in Big Mom's flashback so it might have less chance to appear as an arc which I doubt and hope it does actually get an arc ofc but he only showed a small village too which is extremely underwhelming given how vast, creative, layered and such Norse/Scandinavian cultures and mythologies are ofc. Oda was inspired by Vicky the Viking anime for One Piece so there is hope though...But looking at how massively underwhelming Wano is in terms of worldbuilding/environmental design, lore to Wano and such too, then again...

I know I'm putting out some hot takes but I am worried for the future of OP and thus certain characters, arcs and places to see too. Even at this point, can Vegapunk can live up to well over a decade's worth of hype, like almost 2 decades even maybe? (14-15 years give or take, also its only 48 chapters? Wow...Still enjoy it vastly over Wano, Dressrosa and even WCI and any post TS arc/post TS generally honestly.)
Vegapunk and SSG imo will end up being one of the most disappointing things in OP. Everything to do with science in post TS and been hyped a fuck ton but fallen short ridiculously.
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Hahaha yep, I was worried of going into that topic or direction again but I have seen this kind of behaviour from sexually frustrated people, my neighbour and the guy who also tried to kill me (actual incels) are prime examples of how bad it can get too.

Oda really seems to be a workaholic and maybe even trying to escape his family life, maybe the responsibilities or just feeling he's trapped in a bad marriage or married the wrong person? Maybe he has actual regrets? Unfortunately the only person who really knows is him ofc and we can only speculate and analyse from things he says and does and others closely linked to him say ofc.

From what you said though, he seems to adore his wife? I've not looked into what he's said and what is known about him and his wife but I feel his wife being a Nami cosplayer would get a LOT of attention and maybe still does or even more so after marrying Oda, especially due to who he is ofc? That could and does cause problems in relationships and marriages too naturally.

He seems to really bully Sanji massively since the timeskip though, he really turned it up to 11 since then and it made me even more resentful of Oda by far, it became very personal/vindictive in how he treated Sanji and if Sanji is meant to be his self insert as I've joked about, then it explains a lot as I joke that Oda hates himself post TS for being so horny especially or other reasons and Sanji is his personal outlier/scapegoat for it lol. But again this is all speculation ofc. I just really wish I knew what he was actually thinking and feeling, why he made these decisions, why he wrote OP and Sanji this way, whats going on his mind and heart, whats affecting him and such.

Oda feels so different post TS in many ways and the Sabaody to Marineford era makes me think of how Araki went through such a bleak streak with Part 5 of Jojo, when Part 4 before it was so mostly chill, laid back, fun especially before Kira appeared ofc. Then shit got real and a lot more serious, darker and emotional with Kira and thus like later parts of Jojo wtih him. But Parts 5 and 6 (I cannot elaborate why on Part 6 especially until the anime eventually is complete for it whenever the hell that will be at this point) feel especially bleak, cruel, bitter and such and I feel Oda went through something life changing or traumatic and something really changed him.

I know this bartender and friend he apparently based on Whitebeard on passed away a few years before Marineford but idk if that is really the reason for such a drastic, brutal change in the atmosphere and narrative style of OP from Sabaody. OP felt like a really different series to me then and now it does again but somewhat for different reasons post TS too.

I've been feeling extreme tonal dissonance post TS especially in Wano and maybe it does exist pre TS too ofc but I felt pre TS was more consistent up to Sabaody at least and then all hell kicked loose.

I'm constantly going around in circles, trying to understand what happened to Oda and OP but I don't know if I'll find out the actual answer anytime soon ofc or even ever at all. Trying too hard to be Sigmund Freud or something, although I'm more Sigmund Fraud probably lmfao:

I tried doing the same for Naruto and wondering what Kishimoto ended up doing towards the end of the series. Oda’s far more sexual with it but at least his females do something. Think the industry just stinks to work in tbh. Heard the Japanese gaming industry is just as bad in that regard.
Hahaha yep, I was worried of going into that topic or direction again but I have seen this kind of behaviour from sexually frustrated people, my neighbour and the guy who also tried to kill me (actual incels) are prime examples of how bad it can get too.

Oda really seems to be a workaholic and maybe even trying to escape his family life, maybe the responsibilities or just feeling he's trapped in a bad marriage or married the wrong person? Maybe he has actual regrets? Unfortunately the only person who really knows is him ofc and we can only speculate and analyse from things he says and does and others closely linked to him say ofc.

From what you said though, he seems to adore his wife? I've not looked into what he's said and what is known about him and his wife but I feel his wife being a Nami cosplayer would get a LOT of attention and maybe still does or even more so after marrying Oda, especially due to who he is ofc? That could and does cause problems in relationships and marriages too naturally.

He seems to really bully Sanji massively since the timeskip though, he really turned it up to 11 since then and it made me even more resentful of Oda by far, it became very personal/vindictive in how he treated Sanji and if Sanji is meant to be his self insert as I've joked about, then it explains a lot as I joke that Oda hates himself post TS for being so horny especially or other reasons and Sanji is his personal outlier/scapegoat for it lol. But again this is all speculation ofc. I just really wish I knew what he was actually thinking and feeling, why he made these decisions, why he wrote OP and Sanji this way, whats going on his mind and heart, whats affecting him and such.

Oda feels so different post TS in many ways and the Sabaody to Marineford era makes me think of how Araki went through such a bleak streak with Part 5 of Jojo, when Part 4 before it was so mostly chill, laid back, fun especially before Kira appeared ofc. Then shit got real and a lot more serious, darker and emotional with Kira and thus like later parts of Jojo wtih him. But Parts 5 and 6 (I cannot elaborate why on Part 6 especially until the anime eventually is complete for it whenever the hell that will be at this point) feel especially bleak, cruel, bitter and such and I feel Oda went through something life changing or traumatic and something really changed him.

I know this bartender and friend he apparently based on Whitebeard on passed away a few years before Marineford but idk if that is really the reason for such a drastic, brutal change in the atmosphere and narrative style of OP from Sabaody. OP felt like a really different series to me then and now it does again but somewhat for different reasons post TS too.

I've been feeling extreme tonal dissonance post TS especially in Wano and maybe it does exist pre TS too ofc but I felt pre TS was more consistent up to Sabaody at least and then all hell kicked loose.

I'm constantly going around in circles, trying to understand what happened to Oda and OP but I don't know if I'll find out the actual answer anytime soon ofc or even ever at all. Trying too hard to be Sigmund Freud or something lmao.
We sometimes joke about Sanji's VA being the problem in Oda's marriage life but whatever happened between Oda and Sanji's VA is sadly known only to them alone even if sometimes even Oda lets something slip past his interviews (even sandman said there was some intern beef between them)
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I think he’s just turned Smoothie into full on fan service. Agree on Nami. He’s gonna turn the main fucking heroine into a no agency wifu whose soul purpose is to have a child at the end of the series. I know she’s going to be important to the end game but at this point I’m afraid I already know and can predict what that’s gonna be
I think what happened to Nami perfectly shows the bad extreme of an author having his own waifu in manga. Have you noticed how Nami barely gets damaged on screen too? Pre timeskip we always had Nami thrown around like the boys too but now? Nah, Oda can't show Nami getting hurt on page anymore because he's his waifu... He however can show her naked or with her tits out whenever he wants
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I think what happened to Nami perfectly shows the bad extreme of an author having his own waifu in manga. Have you noticed how Nami barely gets damaged on screen too? Pre timeskip we always had Nami thrown around like the boys too but now? Nah, Oda can't show Nami getting hurt on page anymore because he's his waifu... He however can show her naked or with her tits out whenever he wants[/QUOTE]

Yeh it’s bait. Last two arcs especially. Always gotta be damaged cloths no blood or anything. Just fanservice for boobs.

I’m worried he’s gonna pull some Slave Leia type shit and make her get captured by Blackbeard…

Gorosei Informer

Vegapunk and SSG imo will end up being one of the most disappointing things in OP. Everything to do with science in post TS and been hyped a fuck ton but fallen short ridiculously.
That's exactly what I fear will happen. People are praising Bleach and Naruto in comparison to OP lately but did they forget how much hyped the (Bleach TYBW arc spoilers:)

Zero (Feats) Squad got jobbed HARD after YEARS of so much hype?! Only Ichibei lived up to the hype honestly but even so...

or how the 5 kages were wasted in Naruto? The fucking offscreening of Isshin, Yoruichi and Urahara to Aizen? All of Bleach's offscreens and death fakeouts or

the absolute BS of Gerard, Lille Barro and how some other Sternritters were treated too?

or how Kurenai was wasted in Naruto along with Konan, the pointlessness and disappointment of Zetsu imo, the sheer Sharigan overwank to hell and so on?

Bleach and Naruto had MASSIVE issues similarly to OP post TS and especially in this arc and I wanted to drop and hated both series by their final arcs and endings. I feared OP would age worse than those series for various reasons and it seems to be coming true as well unfortunately but not for the "right reasons" even as in Bleach and Naruto actually being superior series especially.

I'm so fucking scared for Vegapunk especially. Looking at how Germa were hyped up briefly and even theories of "Sanji's killer family" before that, the foreshadowings Oda set up since pre TS, Killer being potentially related to Sanji and even people suggesting Shiki would be and instead we get fucking discount Super Sentai cringe lord who are super edgy/tryhard but come off as just cringe. Shadow the Edgehog vibes but with 4Kids vibes ironically with the goofy noises for when they walk and brightly coloured raid suits. Also Judge being a massive clown.

Oda even took the explosive handcuffs idea with Judge and Sanji, made it a fake out and then reused it for Kaido and Yamato, where this they were real or not swapped out or whatever but just felt like massive deja vu to Sanji and Judge anyway.

Given how Oda has ruined CP0 so far now especially lately but also how non-canon stuff made them look bad and even FUCKING OROCHI MADE THEM LOOK BAD, I am just lost for words and hope/faith at this point.

Admiral fans think Oda won't clown them but look at Fujitora, as awesome, cool, noble, badass etc he is, he still made those goofy expressions, "fell in love" with Luffy and gets clowned by a lot of the OP fanbase and called the weakest Admiral, SMH! Green Bull seems a comedic, Sanji-esque character who I hope is actually a brutal sadist masquerading as a jester sort of character but I don't much hope for him anymore.

We've gone so many arcs and literally hundreds of chapters and several years since Fujitora appeared and we had an Admiral actually involved directly in a major arc and we still dont even know Green Bulls fucking face and appearance, he's still a mystery and silhouette and he's going to be such a last minute appearance at this point, he might just be a one arc wonder, just shines in the arc he appears in at best and thats it! He's meant to be Anti-WG like Fujitora apparently but unless he turns out to be a Revolutionary ally or Blackbeard or Shanks ally or something, I'm less hopeful for him right now too.

Speaking of the Revolutionaries, don't get me started on how shitty and a let down they are too and how Blackbeard and his crew are barely relevant post TS as someone was saying here recently somewhere. Over 10 years into the post TS and BB hasn't done a lot despite having WBs DF, becoming a Yonko and hunting DFs. I thought he was going to turn the world upside down! In Pirate Warriors 4, he shows up to Wano personally to try to kill Kaido and BM and take their DFs! Sigh...

Who is Blackbeard's 10th captain and why is their identity so necessary to still be a mystery now? Aokiji? Vegapunk? Someone else we know? Or just being hidden for the sake of mystery/hype, to bait us and make us think its someone important when it just may be a new, random character?

Don't get me started on some random dude called Rockstar (like Rocks D Xebec) joining Shanks crew pre TS and then being so irrelevant since then too, SMH. Film Red seems to have a music concert theme so it fits a guy called Rockstar joined Shanks then but his crewmates are named after drinks too? Is Shanks gonna have a music festival theme going on?

I'm ranting so much as usual but is hard to not vent and be frustrated over this. I'm cheesed off that Oda is once again baiting us and making us wait 2 weeks for things we should have seen and known this chapter too. New plotlines! New distractions! New reasons to keep waiting and be confused! This shit just feels like its dragging out more and more yet it feels so rushed at times too, such erratic pacing and writing.


Zoro Worshipper
She's coming back at the end of the arc :funky:Oda has put her to the sideline temporarily to focus on Kaido since this is his arc. Once he's dealt with then she'll be coming back. There's a reason why Oda has not had her crew join the fight yet.
I know that she is not dead (most likely) I just hope we will at best see her getting stopped and imprisoned instead of making it to Elbaf or elsewhere :josad:

Though it would be hilarious if Teach ended up killing her for some reason.


Zoro Worshipper
Yeah for real 100%. Given how much more interesting and controversial Sanji's further backstory with Germa and such, it makes me wonder why we don't know Usopp's full name (I think he's a Marshall or Montblanc or may be related to both potentially), Namis actual parents and full name, Robins father, Franky's parentage and why he was abandoned/thrown overboard and so on, it makes me want to know about them so much more too but also fearful Oda won't actually give them this much spotlight.

We don't even know Zoro's parents, where they are, what happened to them (presumably dead ofc or maybe "lost somewhere out there or in time"), why Zoro has such distinct green hair and the legacy of the Roronoas, who they are, why Zoro is the only one we know so far and such.

Like what happened with Ace and somewhat with Mihawk and Perona and is seemingly happening to Shanks to of all people with Film Red upcoming, a lot of stuff we're meant to see in the manga or should at least, is being saved for these novels, movies, one-shots/spin-offs and such for whatever reasons ofc.

I'm also really scared for Elbaf as Oda chose to show in Big Mom's flashback so it might have less chance to appear as an arc which I doubt and hope it does actually get an arc ofc but he only showed a small village too which is extremely underwhelming given how vast, creative, layered and such Norse/Scandinavian cultures and mythologies are ofc. Oda was inspired by Vicky the Viking anime for One Piece so there is hope though...But looking at how massively underwhelming Wano is in terms of worldbuilding/environmental design, lore to Wano and such too, then again...

I know I'm putting out some hot takes but I am worried for the future of OP and thus certain characters, arcs and places to see too. Even at this point, can Vegapunk can live up to well over a decade's worth of hype, like almost 2 decades even maybe? (14-15 years give or take, also its only 48 chapters? Wow...Still enjoy it vastly over Wano, Dressrosa and even WCI and any post TS arc/post TS generally honestly.)
We also still don't know about Luffy's mother sigh
Yeh it’s bait. Last two arcs especially. Always gotta be damaged cloths no blood or anything. Just fanservice for boobs.

I’m worried he’s gonna pull some Slave Leia type shit and make her get captured by Blackbeard…
LMAOOO have you seen that anime filler of Nami and Robin getting captured and dressed as slaves for the movie Gold?
I unironically think that's Nami's ""role"" for the final arc, after all we know that Oda himself likes to foreshadow future events in movies
you sure you're not projecting your fantasies here?
No because Oda had done it before loooool??? In multiple arcs and movies
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LMAOOO have you seen that anime filler of Nami and Robin getting captured and dressed as slaves for the movie Gold?
I unironically think that's Nami's ""role"" for the final arc, after all we know that Oda himself likes to foreshadow future events in movies
I’ve accepted that’s her final role in the arc and to be a baby maker of some kind but at least make her backstory interesting or her connection to the Weapons/Shirahoshi
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We also still don't know about Luffy's mother sigh
Hopefully we will see in the Dragon flashback but it’s just gonna be another death to see loool
Feel like we will never know until EoS :josad:
Ngl he needs to hype up Dragon soon. Revolutionaries been bottom tier man outside of Sabo and Koala
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Wtf happened to her special CoO too???? She could sense fucking typhoons coming from miles away but now she can't even tell if an invisible pervert is spying on her :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat:
He’ll make it some shit about her being able to get to Laugh Tale. Or it’ll be something to do with her connection to the Whales. Which Oda has hinted at

Gorosei Informer

Although imagine that but with her being a but more muscular and some abs.
Who doesn't like a nice strong fit woman!?
Oh hell yes! Big snu snu vibes haha. But seriously she would look amazing too. That's what I wanted her to look like and it would help explain her strength even better too then ofc.

*Looks for muscular Yamato art that will make Cinera hornier than the entire Beast Pirates*
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Is there a break week?
Yes unfortunately, it's an Oda break.

The anime on break for 2 weeks now at least too.
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