Who will defeat Kaido?

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Yeah but awakening has shown to still have consequences.

kid and law lose stamina
Impel down zoans lose sanity

Luffy will likely follow the latter since he’s a zoan. The more he uses awakening, the more his mind will slip
Yeah DF awakening obviously has consequences generally. I just disagree with you about possession stuff since it'd just rob Luffy of his credit.

But about consequences...if we deal with the concept of freedom, then imo Oda can just nullify any consequences if it comes to Luffy's awakening since freedom from consequences is Nika's special ability, just like how Yami's specialty is nullifying and Marco's is healing.
And again, plenty of Marines have tried to capture Luffy over the course of the Story.
Not on orders from the Gorosei, this doesn't abide the inconsistency.

And to repeat myself, the World Government were trying to keep a low profile about the Devil Fruit.
And to repeat myself, the World Government has an entire division of covert assassin's whos objective is to keep a low profile.

They literally changed it's name and kept it a secret for 800 years. Why would they fuck it all up after all these years and start to make a big deal about it now?
Except that it was clearly a big enough deal for them to throw a Rob Lucci level prodigy in Impel Down for failing to guard it.

They had no clue Luffy would succeed in awakening it, after countless people failed over the course of centuries.
So you're telling me that they couldn't perceive risk in the pirate who is GARP'S GRANDSON, who defeated multiple warlords, and had a higher bounty than several awakened pirates?

Literally, nothing you've said explains why they would not send a CP0/CP9 agent after him once he defeated Crocodile.
Guess Robin STILL was more important than the DF they have been after for 800 years...oh well.
Because something changed in 1037. Read the dialogue here:

They were still talking about Robin, until Zunisha showed up:

Meaning its something they didnt believe could happen until this event happened (Zunisha arriving)..

Again, context is missing here. We really don't know what made them realize it. Do they know who Zunisha is? Do they know what is signifies for the elephant to arrive in Wano? Did they always know? Did someone tell them? Why did they change goals from Robin to Luffy?

Oda is infamous for this shit. He makes characters say things out of context, but explains them later to preserve the surprise element of a plotline. Big example of this is the same exact topic for this whole thing:

Goal: Kill Luffy
Reason: ?????????
Odas random explanation: it's rumor and heresay

And that last part implies that through CP-0, through the Gorosei, it's a rumor. It's heresay. Which DOES imply someone told them something
Not on orders from the Gorosei, this doesn't abide the inconsistency.

And to repeat myself, the World Government has an entire division of covert assassin's whos objective is to keep a low profile.

Except that it was clearly a big enough deal for them to throw a Rob Lucci level prodigy in Impel Down for failing to guard it.

So you're telling me that they couldn't perceive risk in the GARP'S GRANDSON who defeated multiple warlords and has a higher bounty than several awakened pirates?

Literally, nothing you've said explains why they would not send a CP0/CP9 agent after him once he defeated Crocodile.
And Cipher Pol kills Luffy, and the Devil Fruit respawns halfway across the World. That accomplishes what exactly? It still doesn't give them the fruit. At least with Luffy having the fruit, they know exactly where it is, and who has it.
Who's Who WAS apart of Cipher Pol.......... That's who they deployed to guard the fruit..... :snoopy:
Are you being serious? That was before the series.

"Oh well, we already sent one agent might as well never try again until 20 years later and the fruit user is in the middle of a world-class with Kaido."

Like, as I'm arguing the worse and worse this seems. I'm just gonna wait for more info cuz this is trash if there isn't more context.

And Cipher Pol kills Luffy, and the Devil Fruit respawns halfway across the World. That accomplishes what exactly? It still doesn't give them the fruit. At least with Luffy having the fruit, they know exactly where it is, and who has it.
You say this as if they couldn't just order "capture Luffy" or send them with a bag of fruits
Because something changed in 1037. Read the dialogue here:

They were still talking about Robin, until Zunisha showed up:

Meaning its something they didnt believe could happen until this event happened (Zunisha arriving)..

Again, context is missing here. We really don't know what made them realize it. Do they know who Zunisha is? Do they know what is signifies for the elephant to arrive in Wano? Did they always know? Did someone tell them? Why did they change goals from Robin to Luffy?

Oda is infamous for this shit. He makes characters say things out of context, but explains them later to preserve the surprise element of a plotline. Big example of this is the same exact topic for this whole thing:

Goal: Kill Luffy
Reason: ?????????
Odas random explanation: it's rumor and heresay

And that last part implies that through CP-0, through the Gorosei, it's a rumor. It's heresay. Which DOES imply someone told them something
That actualy makes sense...Sooo they knew about it but tought it was just legend and bullshit soo they didnt realy bother, but when Zunisha showed up they shat their pants as there might be truth to the legends.
So you are telling me the previous WG didn't keep a log for the future WG about the ONLY fruit that will be their downfall...thats the reason?
Yeah? Or maybe some took the note or something, one thing is clear to me and it's that the current Five Elders had no idea the Gomu Gomu no Mi was this important to them up until pretty much now
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