Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Lead them to paradise.
But Zoro's always training... unlike luffy and everyone else who waits for their fights to get stronger, Zoro is canonically always training off screen... even when he gets Enma he immediately starts training

So there's no justification for saying that even Fishman island Zoro is as strong as Dressrosa Zoro unless you think either Zoro's training doesn't matter or you think Zoro doesnt train at all (which is saying Oda is lying that Zoro always trains)
Training only gets you so far, Rayleigh said that the only way to get stronger is to have your haki tested and bloom during intense fights. So no amount of training will close that gap my friend, the manga said so.
Zoro's fought the wano samurai and they are chumps

This random guy introduced like at chapter 40 of the arc bring as strong as Ashura is a slap in the face to Ashura
I agree that he needs some sort of hype, but how is this guy being as strong as Ashura any different from the notion of Kyoushiro being as strong as Ashura prior to his reveal tho? Both appear to be two of Orochi's top dogs.

Above question isn't geared specifically towards you btw as I'm aware of your views on Kyoshiro in relation to Ashura. It's more of a general question as a lot of folks including me put Kyoshiro on that level by default.
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Lead them to paradise.
I actually think kaido choking a preschooler is a bitch move
The guy follows a Viking like code of honor, women and children and the weak deserve no pity from him. It’s oretty obvious by now that he only respects strenght. In his intro the first thing the narrator said was the strong live and the weak die, that’s kaidos code. Hence why he grew to respect oden so much after he slashed him then survived 1 hour in boiling oil. I bet he expected momo to be on some other shit too but alas, he’s just a weak brat.
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