Not really, kata was matching luffy with his haki In g4 quite well and even hurting him. Look at their last minutes of fighting. Wether it’s pre ts or not, oda is not about to change his ways. That’s not how artists work. And so what? Luffy trained with the right hand man of the pirate king and coby trained with fucking garp, yet they all grow at different speeds. My problem isn’t that zoro can’t be that strong, my problem is he didn’t fight anyone of not to get that strong. And saying oh well he trained with mihawk is a baseless excuse because luffy trained with a top tier too and yet he still struggled.
You contradicting yourself..
Your post implies characters have different growth speed but it seems you are not considering two factors
1)zoro always trains himself from childhood to even while traveling with SHs..while Luffy didn't
2)this generate possibility that zoro could grasp mihawk teaching in faster way than Luffy learnt from Rayleigh.
3) Luffy was Only taught basics but no such thing was implied in case of Zoro
4) unlike Luffy,zoro has numerous opponents to fight during ts (Monkeys copying mihawk style)
So, your reasoning that zoro isn't strong enough doesn't hold much ground especially when you yourself implied that each character can grow differently unless you are totally biased against him