Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Except he didn’t really progress and failed to use advanced coa against big mom, it’s only after a few days of training that we see him doing that to that tree mate.
Still asspull. From got KOed by single hit from enraged Yonko. Into only sent flying but relatively okay after being hit from another enraged Yonko

Then enlighten me what are the asspull power up in Fairy Tail?
I agree that he needs some sort of hype, but how is this guy being as strong as Ashura any different from the notion of Kyoushiro being as strong as Ashura prior to his reveal tho? Both appear to be two of Orochi's top dogs.

Above question isn't geared specifically towards you btw as I'm aware of your views on Kyoshiro in relation to Ashura. It's more of a general question as a lot of folks including me put Kyoshiro on that level by default.
To me when Tenguyama brought up that no one in the country beside Oden could handle Enma, that was very clear short hand that Zoro is stronger than all these guys already before even training with Enma. Like Oda even had Ashura and Kawamatsu witness this and Kawamatsu was calling Zoro ridiculous for pulling this off.

I mean of course we shall have to wait for like combat feats but as of now, this captain guy or kyoshiro being around Ashura is still not enough for him to be contender


Lead them to paradise.
Fairy Tail: Spriggan 12 got treated poorly despite their hype

OP boys: loooool trash fairy fail, hypes can't deliver

One Piece: Yonko is 4 strongest pirate in world. Among them is Shanks the childhood hero of Luffy, Big Mom who has best intel, and Kaido who is immortal

OP boys: Goda!!!!!

Also One Piece: Shanks never go to Raftel, is a snitch, doesn't have black blade. Big Mom throws tantrum like kindergarten girl, spamming wedding cake with tongue out like a hungry dog. Kiddo sent Luffy to Udon to have summer camp, and got saved by a granny in the flashback

OP boys: Mimimimi still Goda!!!!!

OP: Lady Toki, a survivor from Void Century appeared

Also OP: She does nothing so far

OP boys: Be patient!!!! She will tell about Void Century later, and reason she want to come to Wano. Quit your bitching!!1

Also OP: Toki dies

OP boys: ..... still Goda!!!!!!!!
Im not gonna tell ya that op took a hit post timeskip quality wise but I still prefer op to fairy tail, it’s not as bad is what I’m saying.


1)zoro always trains himself from childhood to even while traveling with SHs..while Luffy didn't
Luffy did train in childhood. But it is about mastering of DF and had a survival fest in jungle while Zoro got trained in Dojo.

2)this generate possibility that zoro could grasp mihawk teaching in faster way than Luffy learnt from Rayleigh.
How??...Rayleigh taught only haki to Luffy not some sword skills and so what you said may not be true. From the flashback we got Mihawk taught haki to Zoro.

unlike Luffy,zoro has numerous opponents to fight during ts (Monkeys copying mihawk style)
you mean 500 animals that pre-TS Luffy couldn't fight are not "numerous" opponents to Luffy. The opponents that needed G4 to counter??...


Lead them to paradise.
You contradicting yourself..

Your post implies characters have different growth speed but it seems you are not considering two factors

1)zoro always trains himself from childhood to even while traveling with SHs..while Luffy didn't

2)this generate possibility that zoro could grasp mihawk teaching in faster way than Luffy learnt from Rayleigh.

3) Luffy was Only taught basics but no such thing was implied in case of Zoro

4) unlike Luffy,zoro has numerous opponents to fight during ts (Monkeys copying mihawk style)

So, your reasoning that zoro isn't strong enough doesn't hold much ground especially when you yourself implied that each character can grow differently unless you are totally biased against him
Training is well and all but battles are the best way to actually get stronger. Luffy has always been highlighted as a fighting genius throughout the manga. Zoro is up there too but he never eclipsed luffy in that regard . All I’m saying is that I’d like zoro to fight someone before king, to actually test himself and maybe grow stronger in preparation . Why is that so bad and why is everyone fighting this? Isn’t watching your hero struggle and overcome obstacles good? Do you want zoro to just breeze through everything and magically be at set power levels throughout the story using the oh well he always trains offscreen excuse? Come on guys, im saying this because it would make people love and care about zoro even more.


Custom title
2)this generate possibility that zoro could grasp mihawk teaching in faster way than Luffy learnt from Rayleigh.

3) Luffy was Only taught basics but no such thing was implied in case of Zoro

4) unlike Luffy,zoro has numerous opponents to fight during ts (Monkeys copying mihawk style)

So, your reasoning that zoro isn't strong enough doesn't hold much ground especially when you yourself implied that each character can grow differently unless you are totally biased against him
2) BS Rayleigh said Luffy have a natural talent

3) Even if he did, again he didn't had a proper fight post that training let's even assume he was equal to Luffy when they met at sabaody Luffy improved A LOOT from that to where we are now while Zoro didn't had a single chance to push his limits again not bc he is so strong it's just Luffy that took all the big fights it's like Saying that Luffy had to improve this much cuz Zoro was too strong after TS and Luffy had to fill the gap...so BS

4) Srsly? Monkeys copying Mihawk's style? U can do better than this...


Lead them to paradise.
This should be:
"Unlike Zoro, Luffy had numerous opponents to fight during ts (giant animals all stronger than his pre TS version)"

Zoro beat the monkeys before his training even started :feelsokeman:
Didn’t luffy develop g4 because of the animals there? And then had to develop KKG because some were resistant to normal kong gun attacks. Apparently the monkeys zoro fought that he pretty much cleared before the timeskip even began besides their leader are more of a training partner lmao.
To me when Tenguyama brought up that no one in the country beside Oden could handle Enma, that was very clear short hand that Zoro is stronger than all these guys already before even training with Enma. Like Oda even had Ashura and Kawamatsu witness this and Kawamatsu was calling Zoro ridiculous for pulling this off.

I mean of course we shall have to wait for like combat feats but as of now, this captain guy or kyoshiro being around Ashura is still not enough for him to be contender
Hypothetically speaking, even if we assume Zoro, were higher end of mid high tier atm or even encroaching on King level, someone around Ashura's level should be more than enough as warm up for Zoro. Hell Even Jack would serve as a good warm up fight for King. Also bringing up Enies Lobby again, Blueno was significantly weaker than Lucci (Lucci's Doriki was more than 4 times more than Bleuno's) and yet Bleuno stills served as a warm up fight for Luffy before Lucci.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Lol What were you expecting?:arnoling:

That's new :zorothink:

This is right at the beginning...

Now,let me tell you that Mihawk was teaching zoro about how to make blade black. And, in wano we learnt that it happen through numerous battles and when one becomes one with sword.

What makes you think that Mihawk (the only second character with black blade would be unaware of this requires and will not make zoro go through fighting humandrils again and again?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Luffy did train in childhood. But it is about mastering of DF and had a survival fest in jungle while Zoro got trained in Dojo.

How??...Rayleigh taught only haki to Luffy not some sword skills and so what you said may not be true. From the flashback we got Mihawk taught haki to Zoro.

you mean 500 animals that pre-TS Luffy couldn't fight are not "numerous" opponents to Luffy. The opponents that needed G4 to counter??...
Luffy wasn't fighting them...he was simply surviving until he comes out of g4 and learnt haki..

Zoro defeated humandrils right at the beginning...big difference

Mihawk taught zoro Only haki because zoro seem to be versed in swordsmanship skills as he was training himself from the beginning
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