Fairy Tail: Spriggan 12 got treated poorly despite their hype
OP boys: loooool trash fairy fail, hypes can't deliver
One Piece: Yonko is 4 strongest pirate in world. Among them is Shanks the childhood hero of Luffy, Big Mom who has best intel, and Kaido who is immortal
OP boys: Goda!!!!!
Also One Piece: Shanks never go to Raftel, is a snitch, doesn't have black blade. Big Mom throws tantrum like kindergarten girl, spamming wedding cake with tongue out like a hungry dog. Kiddo sent Luffy to Udon to have summer camp, and got saved by a granny in the flashback
OP boys: Mimimimi still Goda!!!!!
OP: Lady Toki, a survivor from Void Century appeared
Also OP: She does nothing so far
OP boys: Be patient!!!! She will tell about Void Century later, and reason she want to come to Wano. Quit your bitching!!1
Also OP: Toki dies
OP boys: ..... still Goda!!!!!!!!