Who will defeat Kaido?

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Zoro>>>>>>>Franky>Steel door>>>>>>>Sanji
In your dreams

that pampered, plot filled, piece of cabbage patch ass, penis gagging, prick, pitiful, pathetic, punk ass prune of a swordsman wishes he could equate to sanji in terms of strength

Dude literally relies on a natsu dragneel sword to save his sorry ass
Kaido is a damn dragon. We don't know what fits a dragon, like, spitting lightning wasn't the traditional nature of a dragon, and kaido was doing it. We don't know what fits a dragon, like, spitting lightning wasn't the traditional nature of a dragon, and kaido was doing it.
and you apparently missed that part.​
By logic, Kaido's awakening should be him lifting onigashima

Luffy's awakening allowed him to transfer his mythical zoan powers to the ground, turning it rubber. Kaido effectively did the same thing by making onigashima fly.
I will show you truth
Current luffy>>zoro>sanji
But if zoro gets black blade
Luffy getting stronger dosent make Zoro weaker.

If current Luffy maintains this form at will it will be Luffy>Zoro>>Sanji as oposed to Luffy=Zoro>>Sanji that we had in the rooftop. Yall love to sleep on Zoro, just wait until you see advCoC Ashura.
That's pretty much 90% forum posts here are about. They want Zoro to defeat Death and gain power up. But can't digest Luffy's df becoming some mythical zoan type.

Wrong, I want Zoro to deal with Death and return to show us his true power. Throughout the war so many claimed enma gave Zoro extra/more/Oden's haki. That has been false. During his battle with King we learned enma was holding Zoro. It's time for Zoro to show us his full and true strength.


Zoro Worshipper
That's the Zorotard effect. So Zorotards should not feel bad when casual fans ridicule them about their stupidly obssessed Zoro nature, Seriously, the hate has nothing to do with Zoro. It's all about the hate for Zorotards.
I swear man your unfettered hate is starting to get hilarious :myman:

You should pull this show more often so we can get some laughs and alleviate our daily Life stress
I brought into conversations something that doesnt fit your agenda? Too bad!
Luffy couldnt one-shot him on land while Zoro one-shotted him underwater...
The gap is simply insane, just like in Wano - 1 hit from Zoro>>>100 hits from Luffy.
You are bringing your headcanon again, Zoro DID beat Hody Jones. Stop coping.

Law couldnt save even himself, they all got saved by Zoro alone.
You heard me the first time, Zoro wasnt serious against Fujitora.
If both go serious, Zoro is the one who wins, he literally cannot lose in 1vs1.

He clapped Kaido's RHM in 10 mins while Luffy couldnt beat weak Charlottes in 11 hours. Did you dodge that one on purpose?
He did more to Kaido in 1 attack than mythical Zoan Nika did in 100 hits. Keep coping.
In case you missed it, we told yall ZKK is inevitable the whole time and G5 is gonna fail, just like everything else failed as well.

Zoro is that low that he wants to kill the one who dares call himself World's Strongest in Zoro's presence? Definitely! :myman:
So you admit that Zoro stole and beat the main villain in his intro arc? Good. Stop coping and eat what you asked for.

Yes, I say it. My headcanon gets outdone by Oda several times over. What I am saying about Zoro, double it and you get Oda's version.
You mean nobody dares to question and challenge the sword god who rules Hell itself. :goyea:

Haha, swords go brrrr! :zosmug:
You brought it into the conversation and it fits my agenda that Luffy is ahead iof Zoro even when Luffy was handicapped by water, Zoro can't kill Hody. So it only makes your point laughable. Zoro did beat Hody Jones? then why is Hody alive and manage to go wreak havoc in Gyoncorde Plaza? lol
Zoro one hit from Kaido, Kaido brushed it off like an mosquito bite. Lufy hit Kaido few times, he saw Oden, Roger, Shanks and others on him. See the difference?
Zoro will defeat Fujitora if they both go serious? I can't see a guy who pass out from Killer beating Fujitora in a serious fight. lol
Zoro clapped Kaido? Lol What clap? Di he kill Kaido? You are acting like Zoro ended the war with that clap that you are cliaming. Seriously, you are comparing 1 Luffy vs Multiple Charlotte Family in their territory to the 10 minute fight of Zoro where he achieved nothing? How delusional are you.
Law can't save himself? I'm pretty sure Law jump away from the Hakai attack and that made him able to save Zoro from the failed attempt to block Hakai. lol

Lol your ZKK is about "IF", "BUT", "PRESUMABLY","COULD BE". Bottom line it's all a wishful thinking. My argument is about facts. Facts that Luffy beat the main villain and Zoro beat the next side character. lol

Challenge the sword God my ass. lol You are among the few who claim that Zoro is the new sword god. And no one would challenge the self proclaimed King of Hell seat. Even Ussop call himself a beat exterminator so that is just the same a claiming that you are the king of hell. lol

Deleted member 10278

I know this chapter gets a lot of hate here but gear 5 is great imo and kaido definitely lives up to his title, it took a fricking god to beat him
The only bright spot here is the fact that Kaido’s performance really shut down all the talk that his title was just hear’s say and that he’s below dudes like Akainu and Mihawk. If Kaido puts up a fight against a revived and paramecia suddenly turned mythical zoan Luffy, that all but confirms that his title was valid. BB will obviously be revealed to have surpassed him but we know that’s on the side for later.
Having own consciousness and soul are different things I guess
I agree. They are "alive" but not in a way that makes them take over the users body so to speak. All it's doing is assisting Luffy (giving him power innately, making Luffy happier, more creative, etc).

This is why the ID guards are probably dumb as rocks, because they are simple animal zoans that have been awakened, and why non-sentient weapons have limited animal sentience when given a zoan fruit.

This actually has a lot bigger lore implications just beyond Luffy's fruit explanation. His "mythical" power is rubber. He's human so he doesn't have any "zoan" transformations. When "awakened", there is a transformation, and the Sun God Nika's "influence" comes out, but it's not actually controlling Luffy. It's just influencing him to be "happier" and marching to the beat of his own drum (the heartbeat).

This is how I'm taking it for now
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