Who will defeat Kaido?

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Guys Zoan fruits have their own sentience. Look at nearly every smile fruit and weapons like Funkfreed and Lasso.

Luffy's personality has effectively changed. He's jollyer and more cheerful because of awakening. The ID guards likely got dumber because of their simple animal awakenings. Kaido, Luffy, Sengoku, etc all have mythical "god" zoans. If they have awakening, its not remotely comparable to simple animals coming out when awakened.

It's STILL the same user, but that doesn't imply there isn't a soul in the zoan. The Gorosei literally say that's the case here.
This is why Kaido might not be Awakened . He's a prideful Oni and would never surrender to his DF Dragon soul
This is why Kaido might not be Awakened . He's a prideful Oni and would never surrender to his DF Dragon soul
Buuuut on the flipside, he may give into that "pride" if he needs to win.

That would actually be an awesome way to explain why he doesn't use it, to not "rely" on the fruits full power and influence.

Idk, this whole conversation is really interesting now lol. Never thought Zoans could be this cool
No I don’t think so.. but it’s really hard because of the specific fruit
what i understood is :
- nika is a mythical creature made of rubber (a god in the one piece world)
- luffy has always been in his hybrid form human+nika
- luffy now is in his zoan form + he's using awakening which (gear 5)
- luffy's awakening is similar to katakuri's , he turns
- nika is a mythical creature made of rubber (a god in the one piece world)
- luffy has always been in his hybrid form human+nika
- luffy now is in his zoan form + he's using awakening which he referred as gear 5
- luffy's awakening is similar to katakuri's , he turns The surrounding environment into rubber

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Yes I am saying him the same thing that it grants power/abilities not soul
I think people misinterpret the zoan fruits having a will of their own as "there is someone's soul within each zoan fruit"
They can have basic animalistic instincts based off the model but that's it ...

There won't ever be a Sukuna/Kurama type stuff with Luffy people need to drop that agenda, OP isn't about that kind of stuff
from what i understood :
- nika is a mythical creature made of rubber (a god in the one piece world)
- luffy has always been in his hybrid form human+nika
- luffy now is in his zoan form + he's using awakening which he referred as gear 5
- luffy's awakening is similar to katakuri's

I'd even go to say that he doesn't have any zoan transformations outside of awakening. What he gained from the fruit was purely the rubber power and the ability be super creative with it. Awakening seems to be separate but let's see if Kaido even uses it himself and if it's a 4th form so to speak.
You know people can say what they want about this powerup, but I am wholeheartedly happy that Oda is finally bringing back that zany aspect of Luffys character that made preskip so enjoyable. I think that was one of the biggest things post skip was missing. Sure, we got it here and there, but it was always in such small increments, and always felt like it was just thrown in there for the sake of it. I really hope Oda keeps consistent with it moving forward.


Kitetsu Wanker
You brought it into the conversation and it fits my agenda that Luffy is ahead iof Zoro even when Luffy was handicapped by water, Zoro can't kill Hody. So it only makes your point laughable. Zoro did beat Hody Jones? then why is Hody alive and manage to go wreak havoc in Gyoncorde Plaza? lol
Zoro one hit from Kaido, Kaido brushed it off like an mosquito bite. Lufy hit Kaido few times, he saw Oden, Roger, Shanks and others on him. See the difference?
Zoro will defeat Fujitora if they both go serious? I can't see a guy who pass out from Killer beating Fujitora in a serious fight. lol
Zoro clapped Kaido? Lol What clap? Di he kill Kaido? You are acting like Zoro ended the war with that clap that you are cliaming. Seriously, you are comparing 1 Luffy vs Multiple Charlotte Family in their territory to the 10 minute fight of Zoro where he achieved nothing? How delusional are you.
Law can't save himself? I'm pretty sure Law jump away from the Hakai attack and that made him able to save Zoro from the failed attempt to block Hakai. lol

Lol your ZKK is about "IF", "BUT", "PRESUMABLY","COULD BE". Bottom line it's all a wishful thinking. My argument is about facts. Facts that Luffy beat the main villain and Zoro beat the next side character. lol

Challenge the sword God my ass. lol You are among the few who claim that Zoro is the new sword god. And no one would challenge the self proclaimed King of Hell seat. Even Ussop call himself a beat exterminator so that is just the same a claiming that you are the king of hell. lol
Now you are starting to cope real hard, lmao. Once again, Zoro one-shotted Hody underwater, Luffy couldnt on land... Weakling...
Because he ate a drug and kept eating it the whole time because he couldnt handle Zoro's one slash. You already knew that. Keep coping.
The only difference I see is that mythical zoan Nika cant do in 100 hits what Zoro did in 1.

Yes, you heard me, Zoro beats everyone in 1vs1, he literally cannot lose until he beats Mihawk. Cope.
Zoro literally will be the one who ends the war by clapping Kaido, this time without broken bones.
No, I am comparing Luffy+Nami+Seducing Woods vs Cracker alone and weakling still looking worse than Zoro. Cope harder.

I am pretty sure all about Law is your headcanon. The reality is that Zoro is the only one who can stand up to Hakai.
Luffy cant even think about standing up to it. Weak dont get to choose how they die.
ZKK is not IF, BUT, COULD BE. ZKK has been inevitable from the start. You are the one who is hoping that it wont happen.

Facts are also that it's not the first time Zoro stole the main villain from Luffy and that Luffy is only collecting Ls in this arc.
I claim Zoro is the new sword god because my FS is that good. Dont blame me for your own inability and coping.
You are wrong again, it seems Death itself challenged Zoro for the seat that rules Hell.
Seems like you want that title for Luffy but cant have it? I know why, because it makes even King of Pirates look bad. :goyea:
So my guess is there will be 2 really good examples of future mythical zoans, one being Blackbeard and the other being Ryokugyuu.

I think Blackbeard is tied to Hades or some concept of a dark God opposite of Nika maybe, and Ryokugyuu may have a mythical zoan that allows him to control time (to keep the Light/Logia, Gravity/Paramecia, Time/Zoan theory going).

Yamato is also interesting. I'd be curious ymto see if she can eventually awaken and have a new form too with her deity zoan (obviously depending on her joining or not)
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