Current Events Are the ZKK believers ready to admit that itโ€™s over?

For the OST folks, don't you find this OST a little strange?

Something sets the Orochi castle on fire, later in the arc?
This confirms that there will be danger in the Flower Capital?
I wonder what it could be... ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
This is very interesting.:zorothink:
I've seen people using the new soundtracks as arguments for some events not happening later in the arc.
If we go by that logic then this would confirm that there's something dramatic that's going to happen in the flower capital in the future.
Look, we endure all the shit talking for 2 years, and you thought we would drop this theory after 1 or 2 chapters? No. Wano is nearing it end, there's zero point dropping it now when we will find out the answers in like 4,5 chapters whether it actually happens or not. We've been riding this for 2 years, and we will fucking ride with the train till it ends. Can't say the same for all the other ZKK believers out there, but i will accept the story and won't shit talk Oda if it doesn't happen. I won't try to convince others into believing it either. All I do now is sit back and wait.
Let's die together lol
If you try to sell me the "Shiryu will kill Mihawk and then Zoro will avenge Mihawk to become WSS" crap, let me tell you that I never bought and will never buy it. :brootea:

I can buy that Shiryu will be used for Zoro to gain ACoO, since he got ACoA and ACoC in Wano, but that's all Shiryu is gonna be utilized for. :usosmug:
How do you imagine a fight between Zoro and Mihawk would go?