News Volume 102 - Discussion Thread (April 4th)

Yes Shiryu is portrayed higher than Burgess. Also the fact that Zoro and him will likely fight. and the fact that Oda put him in that cover.
^You're openly using circular reasoning here.

If the point in discussion is what may be the meaning of being chosen to be in that cover, then you can't use the fact he was in the cover as an evidence to say that Shiryuu is portrayed as higher than Burgess. Ffs

Shiryuu has never been portrayed as stronger than Burgess. Burgess is the captain of the first ship, not Shiryuu.

The possibility of Zoro and Shiryuu fighting can actually be used as an explanation why Shiryuu was chosen to be in that cover to begin with, if Oda was already planning to put Zoro there in order to line him up with most of his possible future opponents.

Also, I can argue that if Shiryuu is really going to be Zoro's opponent, then that's all the more reason to think Burgess is stronger, supposing that Burgess will be Sanji's opponent, considering how Sanji is usually the one who fights against the stronger opponent when both actually get a full 1 vs 1 fight in the arc (just Onigashima was the exception, in which Sanji fought the one who was about 5% weaker than the other opponent).

Marco was said to be WB former right hand

Marco led he WBP pirate against BB

Marco was the one Shanks asked to be in his crew etc etc etc

Marco > Jozu
Being the right hand man =/= Necessarily being stronger
Being the right hand man =/= Necessarily being the only right hand man

Kaidou has three right hand men, for example.

Just what Oda said in his answer in the SBS is already a clear proof that one can have more than one right hand man/No.2

Yeah but the first is direct consequence from the second

Penguin and Sachi are more reliable usually. But they all agree that Bepo is the strongest in Sulong. And magically Bepo ends up in the cover = it's strength related.
The person who asked the question thought that one question was directly related to the other, but then Oda quickly clarified the misconception that the person was having.
Bepo appearing on the cover and him being the strongest are two different matters.

"Magically ends up in the cover"??
You can't be serious...
The other two characters are completely irrelevant, and no one even remembers their faces, let alone their names, whereas Bepo clearly has a bit of popularity, and is always remembered as the funny white bear in Law's crew.
Even if Sulong didn't exist, it's abundantly obvious that among those three Bepo would always be chosen to be the one portrayed as the No.2 in Law's crew, regardless of strength.

And keep in mind that nothing that Oda wrote there even remotely confirmed that Bepo is actually stronger than Jean Bart, who seemed to be portrayed as stronger than Bepo in Sabaody. Bepo was confirmed to be the strongest among the No.2s in the crew, and not necessarily the second strongest in the whole crew.

And for Bepo we know that strength was the important factor.
No, that wasn't an important factor; Oda was just answering the second question.
Bepo is a popular charismatic character, while the other two are irrelevant; This is the important factor.

Lets not begin here. There are 1000 ways Oda could have been clearer or Oda could have just said something else. But it's not Oda way
That's your interpretation of it, and I disagree.
To me it's evident that what's really happening here is that you're trying to twist Oda's words giving them more meaning than they actually have just in order to adapt them according to the meanings that you want them to have.

As a reader, I perceive that the much more honest attitude is to comprehend the text according to what it objectively means;
If Oda didn't clarify why he chose Zoro, besides just confirming that he's not the vice captain, then the reason is not clarified.
If Oda only referred to Bepo while answering a question that was precisely about Bepo, then that part of the text really only concerned Bepo.

"- he picked up those number 2 "

"- among those number 2 some are vice captain/right hand and some are not : like Bepo and Zoro "

"- Bepo was picked up because he was the strongest of the bunch"
No, here is where you fail, because those two irrelevant characters would never have any place being portrayed as relevant characters along with Marco, Zoro, Shiryuu, etc., regardless of strength. They don't even show their eyes.
If there's someone who could somehow compete with Bepo in Law's crew it's Jean Bart, who was even the captain of his own crew, and was monstrously strong.
But Oda thought that Bepo would look better in that cover, due to his more charismatic appearance, and Oda preferred not even to confirm whether or not Bepo is actually stronger than Jean Bart, since the person was conveniently just asking about Penguin and Sachi.


Talent is something you make bloom.
WTF?! Oda HAS to be trolling! Yonji the 3rd strongest?! Ichiji the 2nd weakest!? Reiju the 2nd strongest!? WHAT?! @BleakAsh KOL might have been right about Judge Top 5 too then?! WTF?! This can't be real?! Lmfao!

I'm lost for words right now. Surprisingly lol.

@Sanji D Goat @Doggo @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @YASER @Bango🍅 @Kagurashii @NotTommy @TheKnightOfTheSea @Hiragaro @U c 4 up da idly @Lord_Braggy @Straight From Laughtale @Tyki_Mikk

Can we go wage war on Oda now?!


Hahaha I was gonna make that joke funnily enough! You definitely did better than I was going to though, great minds think alike!
That's just Oda trying to hype the Vinsmokes a little. Relax

Deleted member 863

If Luffy, Kid, and Law were to play rock paper scissor, who would win? Is it Luffy? Because he can see the future.
(From a 6 years old)
Oda: oh, that's a great question! It's true, Luffy can see the future so he might win. But, Luffy hates cheating so I think he won't use future sight. I believe they'll all end up in a fight anyway regardless of the result!

Someone asked for a Top 5 nose length
Oda's answer(excluding Hitetsu and Giants)
1, Vasco Shot
2, Arlong
3, Catarina Devon
4, Usopp(13cm)
5, Kaku
He says that characters with bigger body and face have an advantage so Usopp is only No.4

That's it I guess, any requests?
Time to get out the ruler and compare lads


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There are so many important questions to ask

People- let's ask about nose length and Rock, paper scissors:seriously:

Or is it that the staff deliberately pick such question out of the lot? 🤷

Deleted member 83

I am confused by the coverpage translation. Is oda saying Zoro not the VC or is he saying he is but Bepo isn't
the reader is surprised because they didn’t view Bepo as someone above the other two in authority, so they also asked if his inclusion means Bepo is the strongest out of the three, which is a possible reason why he was singled out

and so Oda explained that it’s not a collection of vice captain(second highest position), and while some data books may have some related descriptions, Zoro is never an official vice captain, which is why Oda also brought him up

lastly he confirm the reader’s guess that Shachi and Penguin cannot match Sulong Bepo


Hello Odacchi, judging from the color spread of chapter 1031, Bepo is the No.2 of Heart Pirates?! I was surprised since I thought him, Penguin, and Shachi are all No.2s. So is Bepo (sulong form?) the strongest out of them?
Oda: talking about that color spread huh. Same goes for Zoro, not everyone on there holds the position of vice captain. They are just the No.2s that I picked out. Penguin and Shachi are more reliable in normal circumstances, but those two have seen Bepo's sulong transformation, so they acknowledge that "combat wise Bepo is superior!"
People gotta understand that strength ≢ vice captain

Zoro is NOT vice captain. The strawhats don't have this position.
Each member can act as a temporary vice captain depending on whose skills the situation requires.
It's started

Sanji fans new agenda- Sanji is VC after they no longer can say sanji is equal or stronger than zoro

Few years later

Oda - Zoro has always been the VC

That's how Oda has been sinking sanji fandoms headcannon ships:milaugh::milaugh:
Even if Zoro isn’t the VC it will likely be Usopp, and Zoro would still be the 2nd strongest of the crew


I hate the editors of one piece with my soul and being
But I do believe it’s Oda

His favorite pervert Sanada is almost in every volume, in this one he made it in with another perverted Nami question
inbe4 "Sanada" is Oda making up questions just to have more lewd sbs content