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What do you mean by nonexistent? I even called my nonexisting goldfish by your name!

But, since i got your permission, here the spoilers i got from a reliable source (#trustmebro):

Title: Gathering Allies

- Luffy and Kaido fight continues
- Kaido is injured alot, but states that Luffy cant take him down
- Luffy agrees and says he would need at least 2 weeks more training... but he still laughs and prepares a last blow ("my last attack...") and jumps towards Kaido
- We see a few scenes around the battlefield, ("5 minutes ago"), including Zoro walking in a different direction than franky says, franky tries to stop him, Killer running upstairs, Sanji gathering people together, a few scenes from the other strawhats and also Law+Kid, which are in a room of Law
- Switch to the gorosei, they are talking about Luffys DF. They praise and fear it. Final words of the conversation are about the greatest strength of JoyBoy... "gathering allies from all sources"
- Final panel we see how Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid and Killer take the finishing blow at Kaido with Luffys new attack (incl. CoC), Zoro Ashura (incl. CoC), Law Puncture WIlle, Kid Damned Punk (incl. CoC), Killer Kamaa Sonic
I really missed these juicy fake spoilers pantheos :steef:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Rated R. Not here:madmonk:

You will make me look into informers PM for more details which I am avoiding because that hell consumes all my phone data within half an hour:catcry:

Because I knew if I told you about her, you’d do exactly what you’re doing now :zosleepy:
Makes sense 😂😂
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