I see that Shanks and Mihawk (and therefore Zoro) rustled some jimmies.
Now the usual biased ones should try to be honest and post everything.
This shit may be written by who cares who, what matters is that it is accepted published by the Shueisha as One Piece official material.
I see they are working hard in the intent of making look like as if it's just some random people writing on who knows where... but it's not.
Sorry flat-earthers, but One Piece official material published by the Shueisha >>> your opinion.
Say what you want, but sorry, I'll trust Shueisha more than casual random internet guy. Especially when what the One Piece Magazine say is actually nothing more than what already appeared blatant from the manga and the Vivre Card databooks.
It's unbelievable how much people try to reach when Mihawk and therefore Zoro are involved.
Are we really supposed to think that the owners of One Piece would allow someone to use official scans and images from the manga to go and make their claims on the manga itself, without saying anything and stopping or at least correcting them, if said claims were wrong?
Weirdly enough, these claims just confirm what already seemed blatant from the manga, and that most people agreed on, bar the extremely biased ones. And Shueisha published those claims as One Piece official material, therefore approved the content.
You don't like? Have your claims approved and published by Shueisha, then.
I mean, why everyone's claims aren't published by Shueisha like these ones? Yours, mine, everyone's claims. Why doesn't Shueisha publish them as well?
Maaaayyyybe, that's because these people who write on One Piece Magazine know something better. But that's a big maaaayyyybe and I guess that random biased internet guy knows best!
Cope flat-earthers