General & Others Comparing running scenes from Oda and Togashi.

Oda does not know how to write and needs to retire.

Let us take a very basic example of characters running up the stairs between the two and see how they are handled.

Here in HxH Gon, Killua, Shoot and the others are confronted by Menthuthuyoupi a Royal Guard who is equivalent to a Yonko

Here you see Shoot's intense fear when confronted by the Royal Guard

while Gon doesn't hesitate at all

And here Shoot and the others reacting to Gon's resilience in not hesitating

So you see here, something so simple as running up the stairs became a very emotional scene with great character development of not just Gon but also the side characters like Shoot? No filler. No nonsense of fighting fodder for multiple chapters. Just straight up good story telling.

So compare this scene to Luffy running up the stairs fighting fodder for multiple chapters just so Oda can stale to reach chapter 1000 lmfao! The level of quality between the two are night and day. How can an author get away with admitting himself that he was staling to reach chapter 1000 is beyond my understanding.

I am not even asking Oda to be as good as Togashi. All I ask of him is just to do the most basic fundamental things like don't waste the reader's time on nonsense filler.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
I mean, it's really easy to cherrypick one scene from HxH and just go "haha one piece stairs bad" without providing an equivalent in OP. The manga has its flaws for sure but it's really unfair to dismiss Oda's writing capabilities. Also you can bash OP's length or whatever, but at least One Piece is still publishing relatively consistently unlike Hiatus x Hiatus.
I mean, it's really easy to cherrypick one scene from HxH and just go "haha one piece stairs bad" without providing an equivalent in OP. The manga has its flaws for sure but it's really unfair to dismiss Oda's writing capabilities. Also you can bash OP's length or whatever, but at least One Piece is still publishing relatively consistently unlike Hiatus x Hiatus.
Better to end a decent series than live long enough to become trash


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
Better to end a decent series than live long enough to become trash
That's really subjective though, One Piece isn't trash for most even if you are totally free to hate it. Plus HxH hasn't properly ended, that's also kind of my issue here, the series is more in limbo than anything which sucks.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
I compared power systems and yall called it cherry pick. I compared two very similar scenes and yall called it cherry pick. So what am I allowed to compare the two without you guys calling it cherry pick? Nothing?

Yes One Piece is still publishing because Oda and his executives loves money, that is obvious. I rather OP stop publishing if the quality of the writing is this bad.
I'm unsure what threads you're referring to, however that really doesn't matter here. My point is that you purposefully chose a very emotional scene from HxH, a good one, and compared it to some really whatever transition scene in OP where the whole purpose is to get through it as fast as possible (like Luffy going through hordes of fodder). Just because OP doesn't literally have a stairs equivalent to HxH doesn't mean it doesn't do emotional scene properly, hence why I said you were cherrypicking scenes for the sole purpose of putting OP down.
That's really subjective though, One Piece isn't trash for most even if you are totally free to hate it. Plus HxH hasn't properly ended, that's also kind of my issue here, the series is more in limbo than anything which sucks.
I know I was mostly kidding. I just meant that a series ending (or taking a huge hiatus) prematurely isn't always the worst thing that can happen to it


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
I know I was mostly kidding. I just meant that a series ending (or taking a huge hiatus) prematurely isn't always the worst thing that can happen to it
That is true, I can agree with that. While unsatisfying, at least HxH was honestly good before it went into this whole semi-permanent hiatus state. I just wish we could have more of it honestly, but with the mangaka's health it's really hard to say if we ever will
This is what you call a set piece, it has nothing to do with Oda; the intention of that scene was to highlight how everything was happening at great speeds, it's no different to how Oda depicted Sanji saving Chiffon, where he slowed everything down to have us focus on his speed which was the intention of that scene. Why would Oda do the same thing with Luffy running to Kaido when the focus of that event had nothing to do with time. Let's also not pretend like you wouldn't have just made a thread saying how Oda is copying Togashi if he actually did portray those scenes in the same manner.
This is what you call a set piece, it has nothing to do with Oda; the intention of that scene was to highlight how everything was happening at great speeds, it's no different to how Oda depicted Sanji saving Chiffon, where he slowed everything down to have us focus on his speed which was the intention of that scene. Why would Oda do the same thing with Luffy running to Kaido when the focus of that event had nothing to do with time. Let's also not pretend like you wouldn't have just made a thread saying how Oda is copying Togashi if he actually did portray those scenes in the same manner.
Hey, what a surprise, look at here, someone who wants to discuss the two scenes without getting mad and throwing insults.

Yes, "the intention of that scene was to highlight how everything was happening at great speeds" AND to showcase the level of threat, fear, determination, going through Gon, Killua, Shoot and the others. That is what you are failing to realize. While Luffy is running up the stairs while fighting fodder, which showcases nothing to the level of threat, fear and determination the alliance are going through. Everything is just "happily ever after" as if they are still adventuring in East Blue.

So are you claiming that the HxH scene I provided above is better compared with the "Sanji saving Chiffon" scene? We can definitely do that if you want.

Also, Oda practically almost copies everyone. WCI was borderline plagiarism of Alice in Wonderland but that is a different topic.
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Hey, what a surprise, look at here, someone who wants to discuss the two scenes without getting mad and throwing insults.

Yes, "the intention of that scene was to highlight how everything was happening at great speeds" AND to showcase the level of threat, fear, determination, going through the Gon, Killua, Shoot and the others. That is what you are failing to realize.

So are you claiming that the HxH scene I provided above is better compared with the "Sanji saving Chiffon" scene? We can definitely do that if you want.
No, what I'm saying is that what you highlighted is referred to as a set piece and has nothing to do with Togashi being a superior writer to Oda in this department. But if you want to say that Togashi is able to create tension in his story better than Oda then we are in no disagreement. The difference in these scenes is that in one we had a much weaker squad trying to get into position against a group of four monsters capable of killing them with relative ease when given the opening VS a army of pirates invading another, usually you would pick to show the chaos of a army invasion then focus on the details of a more dangerous quality over quantity based invasion, because Luffy was in no real danger since he was facing off against foot soldiers.

Oda was also taking it as an opportunity to introduce all of the major players in the raid, which was not necessary in the Chimera Invasion since it wasn't about introduction as much as it was about them hunters executing a meticulous plan as fast as possible against far superior opposition. So my main point is that Oda and Togashi had different intentions for these scenes, in terms of what they wanted to highlight, focus on and execute.
No, what I'm saying is that what you highlighted is referred to as a set piece and has nothing to do with Togashi being a superior writer to Oda in this department. But if you want to say that Togashi is able to create tension in his story better than Oda then we are in no disagreement..
Yes, that is my intention so I am not sure what we are arguing about lol? Also, not just tension but character growth and displaying the emotions going through those characters.

The difference in these scenes is that in one we had a much weaker squad trying to get into position against a group of four monsters capable of killing them with relative ease when given the opening VS a army of pirates invading another, usually you would pick to show the chaos of a army invasion then focus on the details of a more dangerous quality over quantity based invasion, because Luffy was in no real danger since he was facing off against foot soldiers.
I strongly disagree. In that scene of Luffy running up the stairs, we still had Franky vs Sasaki occurring, Robin vs Black Maria, and there was still no tension. They are going up against a tobi roppo and as the reader we felt nothing. Also, we don't need to be wasting time on the "chaos of an army" fighting Luffy. We don't need Luffy fighting them. Let the minks focus on the fodders. You are kinda proving my point because what I am saying is that we don't need a subplot of "Luffy was in no real danger since he was facing off against foot soldiers.". We don't need that 1000+ chapters in going against a character equivalent to a royal guard. You are wasting the readers time writing that hence why Oda needs to retire. He focuses too much on irrelevant filler that provides no pay offs to the readers.

Oda was also taking it as an opportunity to introduce all of the major players in the raid, which was not necessary in the Chimera Invasion since it wasn't about introduction as much as it was about them hunters executing a meticulous plan as fast as possible against far superior opposition.
I don't understand this at all. We already were introduced to all of the major players in the raid before the running to the roof top scene. 1 v 1 fights were already established and in progress.

So my main point is that Oda and Togashi had different intentions for these scenes, in terms of what they wanted to highlight, focus on and execute.
yes, that is my point too. The intentions of what they wanted to highlight and focus on are night and day. Togi chose to highlight and focus on character development and the tension involved in going up against a Royal Guard while Oda chooses to stale making Luffy fight fodders just so he can reach the roof in chapter 1000. Oda admitted to that.