General & Others Comparing running scenes from Oda and Togashi.

Meruem and the Royal Guard utterly shit on the yonko as antagonists. Its laughable how Oda had an entire decade of hype behind the yonkos and they were still dealt with miserably.

Like remember how simply being in the presence of those chimera ants gave that portal guy PTSD? Compare that to onigashima.

Beast Pirates: It is impossible for you to win!! Kaido has allied with Big Mom!!
Luffy: oh no big mom, anyways lets fucking party after this battle is over.
Kinda agree with this, not because of the hypes sake as Kaido has fought an entire gauntlet but this is for a single arc only, honestly instead of making Dressrosa a 100 chapter arc he should have cut that much sooner and have Kaido soon after Doffy's defeat show up with his army and completely spank everyone with barely escapiny, would build some good hype around them over the time and would even give not just Luffy but straw hats overall an idea of how strong Kaido snd his crew are and what they have to overcome, then he would have fought Cracker and Kata as proceeded, then finally the Wano arc and Onigashima raid.

Ever since Kaido's mention and Doffy being horrified of failing him Oda should have build more around Kaido and show him more as the saga antagonist rather than waste 100 chapters on Dressrosa first and foremost.
Kinda agree with this, not because of the hypes sake as Kaido has fought an entire gauntlet but this is for a single arc only, honestly instead of making Dressrosa a 100 chapter arc he should have cut that much sooner and have Kaido soon after Doffy's defeat show up with his army and completely spank everyone with barely escapiny, would build some good hype around them over the time and would even give not just Luffy but straw hats overall an idea of how strong Kaido snd his crew are and what they have to overcome, then he would have fought Cracker and Kata as proceeded, then finally the Wano arc and Onigashima raid.

Ever since Kaido's mention and Doffy being horrified of failing him Oda should have build more around Kaido and show him more as the saga antagonist rather than waste 100 chapters on Dressrosa first and foremost.
This is the reason the Vs Yonko saga is so ass. Oda overestimated how long he could keep OP going for. He wrote FI, PH, and Dressrosa as if he wanted to write OP into the 2030s or 2040s. But I think somewhere along the line, he or the editors realized that they needed to speed up the pace of the series. This led to things like the emperors being neglected as characters and Luffy getting spammed with power ups.

The Vs Yonko saga should have been the meat of the post skip. Kaido is supposed to be a stepping stone to Teach and the final war. But when Oda spends 10 years building up to wano, which isn't even the final or even the penultimate arc, its only natural that things will be fumbled.
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I don't think its a bad thing that Togashi prefers quality(and his own health) to quantity.
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WSJ is kinda unique in the literary world. Most authors don't crank out a chapter every week. Some of the best authors take years before publishing their books.

I don't think Oda is inherently a bad writer. The very fact he's been able to do what he's done shows he's clearly one of the best authors of our time. But I'm not going to ignore the fact that the recent arcs have had very serious flaws.

The ultimate reason for this is that weekly publishing(even with Oda's break), just isn't conducive to creating quality work. Especially with a series as big as OP. How much planning do you think it takes to effectively write a series that is over a thousand chapters long? Obviously a lot, and I just don't think WSJ affords Oda the time to do it as well as he wants.

I also think WSJ incentivized Oda to prolong OP at its peak around marineford, which ultimately led to him writing himself into a corner in the Vs Yonko saga.
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Royal guard equivalent to Yonko? In reality, Royal guard is like Yonko Commanders, but the tension is million times higher than the Yonko in OP lol.

Meruem is supposed to be the world strongest and thus comparable to Kaido. But maybe the difference is too big. Kaido will shit his pants seeing how terrify Meruem is and how "the world strongest" supposed to be
Royal guard equivalent to Yonko? In reality, Royal guard is like Yonko Commanders, but the tension is million times higher than the Yonko in OP lol.

Meruem is supposed to be the world strongest and thus comparable to Kaido. But maybe the difference is too big. Kaido will shit his pants seeing how terrify Meruem is and how "the world strongest" supposed to be
Lol nah in terms of power scaling Kaido would take a dump on Meruem, however Meruem and his royal guards I think are a good example of how encountering a yonko crew (one of the strongest groups, top of the food chain) first time be like, it feels so many chapters yet too quick at the same time handing these power ups
Lol nah in terms of power scaling Kaido would take a dump on Meruem, however Meruem and his royal guards I think are a good example of how encountering a yonko crew first time be like, it feels so many chapters yet too quick at the same time handing these power ups
lol I don't mean the difference in power scaling. I mean how they were treated in the world building. Kaido is just a crying punching bag, Luffy trainer, and doesn't know how to kill. Then look at Mureum...

It is worth to note that you think Kaido is much stronger than Mureum. But in manga narrative, Mureum is much more terrifying than Kaido who has superior ability.
lol I don't mean the difference in power scaling. I mean how they were treated in the world building. Kaido is just a crying punching bag, Luffy trainer, and doesn't know how to kill. Then look at Mureum...

It is worth to note that you think Kaido is much stronger than Mureum. But in manga narrative, Mureum is much more terrifying than Kaido who has superior ability.
Meruem would smack Kaido around, tbh.
Lol, content.

Motherfucker said learn from Togashi
Funny how people always come back to one of two or three questionable pages in the HxH manga. Shows just how good it is.

Yeah, writing a page like that shouldn't happen in a manga, it's Light Novel stuff.

It still doesn't change the fact that all in all Togashi just wrote a better story in HxH then Oda did with OP.

That's not bashing Oda or OP - still like it - it's just the reality.

Whether it's inner manga consistency, logic, power system, consequences, thrill, pacing etc. - HxH beats OP in each of those aspects. It's not even that close tbh.

Maybe Oda would have reached that level if he had way more breaks like Togashi did. We will never know.
Jesus man, Togashi fanboys are beyond parody. Rant and rave about how terrible Oda is and how his fans worship his every move then come out with stuff like this?

What is meant to be impressive or amazing here?

First of all, the art is so very typically Togashi. That first page is terrible. There’s zero depth. It looks like he‘s copy-pasted some cut out of the characters over a poorly drawn background. The second page is meh, usual Togashi scribbles.

And what amazing depth and emotion are we getting here? It’s literally the most typical Shonen shit imaginable. The twelve year old child prodigy is so badass and charges in against a super strong opponent while the trained and experienced hunter is scared, and as such is amazed by the hero.

Wow. How brilliant. I have never in all my life seen such skill from a mangaka. How does someone come up with something so unique?

It’s like wanking yourself silly over every secondary character that’s ever been impressed by Luffy.

Then the “filler“ comment. I’d rather a few chapters of “filler” leading up to a big moment like chapter 1000 than Togashi not releasing a single chapter since November 2018.

He started HxH the year after One Piece. He’s on Chapter 390. We’ll never have to worry about him padding out the series to hit a milestone. No one should be aspiring to be more like Togashi unless they are impressed by his amazing ability to avoid doing any work.
Jesus man, Togashi fanboys are beyond parody. Rant and rave about how terrible Oda is and how his fans worship his every move then come out with stuff like this?

What is meant to be impressive or amazing here?

First of all, the art is so very typically Togashi. That first page is terrible. There’s zero depth. It looks like he‘s copy-pasted some cut out of the characters over a poorly drawn background. The second page is meh, usual Togashi scribbles.

And what amazing depth and emotion are we getting here? It’s literally the most typical Shonen shit imaginable. The twelve year old child prodigy is so badass and charges in against a super strong opponent while the trained and experienced hunter is scared, and as such is amazed by the hero.

Wow. How brilliant. I have never in all my life seen such skill from a mangaka. How does someone come up with something so unique?

It’s like wanking yourself silly over every secondary character that’s ever been impressed by Luffy.

Then the “filler“ comment. I’d rather a few chapters of “filler” leading up to a big moment like chapter 1000 than Togashi not releasing a single chapter since November 2018.

He started HxH the year after One Piece. He’s on Chapter 390. We’ll never have to worry about him padding out the series to hit a milestone. No one should be aspiring to be more like Togashi unless they are impressed by his amazing ability to avoid doing any work.
Your comment is just way over the top in the exact opposite direction.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying both OP and HxH.

If I had to summarize both series, it goes like this:

Oda satisfies his fanbase almost every week and has great work ethic.

Togashi frustrates his fans quite a lot with all those hiatuses.

However, if you solely look at storywriting, HxH is just better. Pretty easy to recognize that btw (and yeah, the example in this thread is not exactly that telling - there a lot better ones).