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Cringe sentence from Zoro ngl, saw some Zoro fans praising this scene, but it makes Zoro look kinda dumb. Toei and cringefest are always together. Luffy didn't even ordered Zoro to do something, he went to the roof because he wanted to
thats what happen when a pathetic condomtard directed the episode which even oda wont do something shit like that
Tax Expertise :josad:
I want to go back to School Just to Enjoy My Youth:pepemy:
Then study something that makes sense instead of that soul numbing bullshit. And people wonder why we have so many cases of clinical depression these days. Ofc ppl get depressed when their life goals and jobs are entirely devoid of meaning and purpose. Even reading tAx eXpErTisE makes my stomach turn around.:odenugh:
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