Black blades are being set up to be unbreakable, I don't see how black blades are just "cosmetic" or "useless". Some ridiculously dumb arguments here. If anyone could get the black blades, it would diminish the accomplishments of the WSS. Ryuuma had one too and that MUST be why his sword is in perfect shape, no rust or damage and thus still intact after SEVERAL CENTURIES!
But you know, Black Blades are just cosmetic/useless, hurr durr. They are the pinnacle of swordsmanship and seem to be the result of a life long commitment, an eternal unwavering, fully commited devotion to swordsmanship and strengthening and protecting your blades as well as making your own skills, wit/intellect and such as sharp as your blade will be and needs to be or whatever.
Idk why Oda has ignored this so much in Wano but there must be a reason. It's surely haki related that they are become Black Blades even ofc so maybe Zoro just needs more time? If he fights Mihawk again, Mihawk is not gonna show him mercy again and destroy his swords, even haki coating them may not be enough! He might need to awaken them just before he fights Mihawk to protect them!
He may be able to protect them during the fight temporarily vs Mihawk, to buy some time but if he doesn't awaken them beforehand, he's gonna need to awaken black blades somehow vs Mihawk or Mihawk will destroy them like he did before with 2 of his swords at Baratie!

Kaido basically confirms that Haki>DF
Roger fought the strongest Paramecia with only swordsmanship and haki
Oda hinted at this with Pekoms neg diffing Caribou. Big Mom instantly deflated Luffy after blocking his Gear 4th with a haki coated arm. Luffy took out Caesar easily once he used haki vs him.I'm sure there's more examples ofc. Its probably how Kaido has been low diffing Luffy so easily too, Luffy was purposely given haki training in Udon as well from Rayleigh before ofc and his haki has only been improving with his fights with Kaido as we've evidently seen.
Devil Fruits are like shortcuts to power, making a deal with the devil to gain power hence their "curses" too. Like how Hody and his gang used those steroids with such drastic and especially permanent side effects too.
For all we know, Xebec may have no DF and just been immensely strong in both will and physical strength too!
In a series all about ambition and thus "haki", surely that will be the most important element in it? Pirates are known for their ambition most of all, that fearelessness, adventurous spirit, conquering and taming the oceans and thus waves, no matter how stormy/turbulent the weather is. Having a powerful DF is nice but you still need a strong will to conquer the oceans, beasts other people and thus the world.
"The term "Haki" is a word that has multiple meanings when translated into English. It can mean "ambition", "will power", "drive", "spirit", "vigor" and "aspiration" to name a few. The term itself, however, literally translates to "Supreme Qi".
Blackbeard acts like a pirate very much and is very ambitious but he relies too much on DFs, his will is not that great compared to the likes of Roger, Shanks, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Zoro etc. He still managed to become a Yonko ofc, to turn the world upside down and do impossible and game changing feats but he's had to rely a lot on cunning and trickery which is also a form of ambition (dark ambition) ofc but its not the same as sheer bravado/swagger/willpower/whatever.
Blackbeard will kinda be like the Admirals especially Kizaru who relies on his DF too much as Zephyr said too. (Ignoring how "canon" that film is ofc)
Roger conquered the world and everyone else, he rose to the top, the summit that nobody else reached. He is the Pirate King for a reason. Imu might be a similar case with the entire world too if they really did conquer their way to the top too and especially if they are Xebec too but for whats it worth, Roger threw himself wholeheartedly into the gauntlet without fear and rose to the top by his own will and merit!
Shanks casually did this to Whitebeards ship as he was walking!:
All haki and no DF! Willpower is what matters most! Willpower triumphs over everything! Will power gets you to the top! That has been especially prevalent in the SHs and their tragic, fucked up backstories along with characters like Law, Kidd, Killer, Pedro and such too ofc!