Spoiler One Piece Chapter 974 Spoilers Discussion

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2020 people still waiting for Kidd to be shown worthless, inferior to Luffy and cheerleader

'Luffy will save Kidď LOL

Stop comparing Kidd to Law , Kidd is a conqueror, main villain of WG, the Main rival of Luffy among WG, has a SN under him that can oneshot Zoro with namless strike.

:holdthisl: You will wait for years, Kidd will never stop being top 2 SN, top 3 WG member.

Anyway, Law>Zoro till Maybe EoS.
2020 people still waiting for Kidd to be shown worthless, inferior to Luffy and cheerleader

'Luffy will save Kidď LOL

Stop comparing Kidd to Law , Kidd is a conqueror, main villain of WG, the Main rival of Luffy among WG, has a SN under him that can oneshot Zoro with namless strike.

:holdthisl: You will wait for years, Kidd will never stop being top 2 SN, top 3 WG member.

Anyway, Law>Zoro till Maybe EoS.
EoS Zoro > EoS Kid > EoS Law

This is already know don't burn neurons.

There's no need tbh.

I can only see BB reaching that island .

I mean there's nothing securing a spot for them EoS ( for law not even post Wano) plus we have BB solidified as a direct rival/ enemy of the SHs.

BB has fleets, territories and crew with individual hype same as Luffy ( post Wano Luffy if wish) .

At this point we know that neither Kid or Law will get that so they are gonna be left behind tbh.

The next WB,Shiki ,etc are just fandom wetdreams lmao

EoS PK doesn't need rivals.
I only say this because there needs to be a definitive end to the supernova plotline, and Kid is the only Supernova who I see will probably never consider Luffy better than him without a battle.

We'll see how this arc plays out but I have a feeling he still wont he Luffy's ally until literally the final battle.
I only say this because there needs to be a definitive end to the supernova plotline, and Kid is the only Supernova who I see will probably never consider Luffy better than him without a battle.

We'll see how this arc plays out but I have a feeling he still wont he Luffy's ally until literally the final battle.
The supernova plot line is hinted in Doffy speech.

"Who will sit at the throne ?"

Which we know is Luffy.

I also don't feel he will be an ally but that would mean he will get sidelined ....that's the price of not joining the Luffy train.
The point is... it's a good reveal...
Also, a good writer WOULD NOT change his material because one of the audience guessed the right answer beforehand.. rather... he would try to throw you off with different distractions (like Okiku/Shinobu/Law...etc) and try to convince you otherwise until he reveals his mystery... Changing the material just to subvert your expectation... and just for the shock value without making any sense... is was WEAK WRITERS do... Game of Thrones last 2 seasons were exactly like this... it was even heavily done this way in last season which was poor as fuck...

So... props to oda for sticking to the "Proper" answer even though kanjuro became a very popular candidate
I would argue Oda failed at this too.

We have actual internal dialogue from Orochi saying he doesn't know whether the scabbards have returned or not. Like he can't be lying to anyone when he says thus since he's just saying it to himself

Orochi says this AFTER reviewing the Intel from Kanjuro. Why does he say he doesn't have proof of the scabbards returning when one of his men is a Scabbard?
I doubt Luffy would think of something like that, so it must have been Law that reached out to Kidd, with Alliance proposal, probably also took Luffy alongside him.

Kidd must have also been made aware of Kaidou-BM Alliance and that to stand any chance of winning this battle they need to form an temporary alliance for the Time being.

It will be cool to see, Luffy, Kidd n Law saving the RS, alongside their crews. That will those RS happiness tears.
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