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Forgot to mention earlier, but the poll will close at the halfway mark, so 12 hours from when the day phase started. Make sure you get your votes in before then if you don't want to be put into the blender!


The End and the Beginning
i expect this to be classic 13 - 4 - 1 setup like knight errant 18 players light game

lose after 4-5 mislynch, depending on what the serial shoots

lets get it

"So, indulge me. Why is that, exactly, your go-to example? We can discern if there is a Serial or not later on by counting the number of kills made in the Night Phase. In other words, there is no reason to make assumptions about the setup at this point in the game."​


Let the Fruit Wars Begin! -

A human by the name of Host™ walks to the fridge, his footsteps reverberating on the wooden floor. As he opens the fridge, he pauses. His mouth watering as he looks at the juicy stacks of fruit on the top shelf of the fridge. Plump red apples, glistening oranges, bright yellow bananas all just waiting to be devoured. "It's time to eat."

A poll has been made. All players must vote in this poll to help Host™ decide on what to eat. Failure to vote in the poll will put you in the blender!
A few things to note:
-This game will feature safe claims for scum.
Sample vanilla town role:

It is now Day 1. You have approximately 24 hours to discuss.
The phase will end tomorrow at 9:00 pm CST.

Countdown Timer
My apologies for this late start. I wasn't expecting Blue's game to have its day 5 end so early.​

wow there's even a countdown timer, that's great!


The End and the Beginning

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
I have the feeling there'll be a clown that forgets to vote and gets blended.

Make sure we remind the non-voters fellas before the vote closes.


The End and the Beginning
yeah, it was to get him talking because he liked the posts

"Correct - that was the reason I highlighted. Which brings me to two points:
  • Why did you not bring this up to Lanji when he questioned it?
  • Why did you explain that it was a joke to DoctorIndigo when he responded to you, but determine that Lanji was scum when he also had missed that it was a joke?
I suggest you answer carefully."​


Certified Memelord

"So, indulge me. Why is that, exactly, your go-to example? We can discern if there is a Serial or not later on by counting the number of kills made in the Night Phase. In other words, there is no reason to make assumptions about the setup at this point in the game."​
hi to u too ^^
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