Who will be the next Strawhat

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THe author is god in his story, he can create everything
While this is true that an author can do what ever they want with in their story. They do follow rules that they have set up for themselves.
A character that has been shown to be at the level of, let’s say between marine captain and rear admiral can never beat a character that is admiral level without a logical explanation. Like for example a time skip and growth im strength.
for this reason yamato will always kick carrots ass

but don’t worry to much one day you will understand
Wrong, it's if there is no confirmed DEATH, not "bodies". Meaning that you need a character or the story to actually state the death of someone to confirm it. For example, a blast is not sufficient, but a daguer through the hearth is. Same way, if no one states a death, it's probably a fakeout.. but when someone says "X is dead".. then you got your confirmation.

Plus, you also need to look at how the story is narrated. If a death impacts a storyline, it will most likely stick. For example, Pedro's death will stick because of the impact it had on the story. On the contrary.. Pell's one or Pound's one
were not impactfull enough on the storyline to count. The impact of those storylines are still relevant today but Pedro's revival would destroy the entirerity of the beginning of chapter's 902.

That's why Pedro will stay dead.
Nah. Seen dead body equals confirmed death. Vivi, the Strawhats, and anyone else who saw the explosion thought Pell died. And you just stated a blast is not sufficient which leaves survival on the table.
The so-called Anime hasn't even put carrot in any of the openings other than the WCI opening not to mention the celebration of vol.100 where was carrot but boa and the ghost girl was there but no carrot
Would it have felt logical to put Carrot in the opening of wano when she is almost absent of the story ?

There aren't any things going for carrot in the story in itself like what else is there for her other than the one scene with Pedro before and after his death? 😩
Of course you think that, you don't care to check my blog. Until you check it, you won't know what Carrot has for her in the story, just like a flat earther saying that science is bad without having an education about it.

Where in the story does it show that Yamato is NEEDED for Wano? Not to mention Kaido himself said that Yamato and Him aren't from Wano, so where do u get that is Yamato's purpose to be in Wano?
Each time Yamato saves Wano. Simple ;)

Pedro was there too and had moments with them after his death so I don't see anything that shows me that carrot is a “HINTED” strawhats
Of course you don't, you don't care about storytelling so for you all the character are treated the same way.. but that's not the reality. Pedro, while being present, was not treated as a strawhat in opposite to Carrot.

There isn't any probably Carrot isn't beating Handcuff Yamato 😂 the same Yamato who knocked out Fully zoan transform utli like it's nothing not to mention one-shot numbers too the same Yamato who matches ace(logia devil fruit user) in blow for blow , the same Yamato who takes canon attacks like it nothing 😂, the same Yamato who was blocking every attacks from luffy both gear 2 and gear 3 with haki 😭😭😭
There is nothing carrot have that can put down handcuffs Yamato so stop with the fairy tales shit and you know that Yamato is built differently like bigmom(the only woman that can also take a bomb attack)
Of course there is. There is always a way for an author ;)

Momo isn't going to tell Yamato what to do most less because yamato already tell momo that she wants to go out to the seas 😩 also didn't luffy tell momo to do move the island just like what Yamato is doing so where do you get a shogun/retainer when oda himself shows that kinemom and the scabbards are Momo only retainer in this chapter or did you not read it 🤔? And there is no way momo is leaving wano his mission is to be the shogun for wano nothing else idk where u getting momo is going to pull another oden when that was the cause of wino's suffering in the first place 😭 didn't you read where wano goes downhilll?
Read between the lines and the panels ;)

Carrot fans are still here when she hasn’t interacted with a single crew member for over 50 chapters ???
That's only a bunch of minutes in the diegese of the story.

tomorrow will be 4 years since wci arc ended but people still pretend it happened yesterday and ignore carrot became a background character since.
People who thinks that because an arc ended a long time ago, it's not relevant anymore.. are delusionnal ;)

They do follow rules that they have set up for themselves.
And one of the rule of Oda is that ANYTHING is possible in One Piece.

A character that has been shown to be at the level of, let’s say between marine captain and rear admiral can never beat a character that is admiral level without a logical explanation
And logical explanations are one of Oda's specialities ;)

Like for example a time skip and growth im strength.
for this reason yamato will always kick carrots ass
Here are the facts: In the story, Carrot in Sulong has been shown has faster than Yamato yet with less strengh.. well it's easy to bypass with a bit of luck and writing:


You can for example imagine a powerup for Carrot when her master of Sulong and electro goes so far that she is able to create powerfull blast of Electro, and you mix than with a haki awakening:

Here's an idea i love:

Carrot being able to create a powerful Haki infused massif electro ball that she would send flying in the air and - with her amazing speed - send to herself back and forth.. create a literral bolid of power..

Let's call that combo "the moon ball"

Now imagine that Carrot manage to trap Yamato is a seastone cuff first (note that Yamato's handcuff until now weren't seastones ones). Yamato would be weakened MASSIVELY..

And now imagine that the moon ball will pass through Yamato MULTIPLE TIME.

You got there not only a way to destroy completely Yamato with EASE but a way to create an amazing powerup for Carrot.

Like I said. Oda is god in his story.

If he deems it possible.. he has the power to make ANY character overcome it's adversary.

Nah. Seen dead body equals confirmed death. Vivi, the Strawhats, and anyone else who saw the explosion thought Pell died.
Yeah they thought it. But their mourning didn't impact their storylines. hence it was possible to bring back Pell without destroying what was created in the story.

So when you see Pell, it's surprising, but it doesn't negate anything. Just like Pound.

That's the difference with Pedro. Pedro's death brought to the story an entire storyline of struggle for the strawhat and multiple chapter of mourning and multiple reference. Bringing back Pedro would negate all that.

So Pedro won't come Back.

No. Let me correct that. Pedro COULD come back but only in one way: A reminder


With Pell and Pound, the important thing in their moment where not their death, but their sacrifice. In Pedro's case, it's his death. Because of what it represents for the strawhat in that moment, for the mission and for Carrot.
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Would it have felt logical to put Carrot in the opening of wano when she is almost absent of the story ?

Of course you think that, you don't care to check my blog. Until you check it, you won't know what Carrot has for her in the story, just like a flat earther saying that science is bad without having an education about it.

Each time Yamato saves Wano. Simple ;)

Of course you don't, you don't care about storytelling so for you all the character are treated the same way.. but that's not the reality. Pedro, while being present, was not treated as a strawhat in opposite to Carrot.

Of course there is. There is always a way for an author ;)

Read between the lines and the panels ;)

That's only a bunch of minutes in the diegese of the story.

People who thinks that because an arc ended a long time ago, it's not relevant anymore.. are delusionnal ;)

And one of the rule of Oda is that ANYTHING is possible in One Piece.

And logical explanations are one of Oda's specialities ;)

Here are the facts: In the story, Carrot in Sulong has been shown has faster than Yamato yet with less strengh.. well it's easy to bypass with a bit of luck and writing:


You can for example imagine a powerup for Carrot when her master of Sulong and electro goes so far that she is able to create powerfull blast of Electro, and you mix than with a haki awakening:

Here's an idea i love:

Carrot being able to create a powerful Haki infused massif electro ball that she would send flying in the air and - with her amazing speed - send to herself back and forth.. create a literral bolid of power..

Let's call that combo "the moon ball"

Now imagine that Carrot manage to trap Yamato is a seastone cuff first (note that Yamato's handcuff until now weren't seastones ones). Yamato would be weakened MASSIVELY..

And now imagine that the moon ball will pass through Yamato MULTIPLE TIME.

You got there not only a way to destroy completely Yamato with EASE but a way to create an amazing powerup for Carrot.

Like I said. Oda is god in his story.

If he deems it possible.. he has the power to make ANY character overcome it's adversary.

Yeah they thought it. But their mourning didn't impact their storylines. hence it was possible to bring back Pell without destroying what was created in the story.

So when you see Pell, it's surprising, but it doesn't negate anything. Just like Pound.

That's the difference with Pedro. Pedro's death brought to the story an entire storyline of struggle for the strawhat and multiple chapter of mourning and multiple reference. Bringing back Pedro would negate all that.

So Pedro won't come Back.

No. Let me correct that. Pedro COULD come back but only in one way: A reminder


With Pell and Pound, the important thing in their moment where not their death, but their sacrifice. In Pedro's case, it's his death. Because of what it represents for the strawhat in that moment, for the mission and for Carrot.
Here are some facts of the story.

Yamato has been shown to keep up with Kaido during their fight. Same kaido who is so fast that Future sight is not enough to dodge him.
So no Carrot not even in sulong is fast enough for Yamato.
next fact
Yamato knocked out ulti in her zoan form and she is an ancient zoan. One hit of Yamatos and Carrot(sulong or not) is carrot purée.
And while Oda can do everything within his story he will not throw out the story and characters that he has build up.
Fact 3
If oda wanted to he could have made Luffy beat Kizaru on sabaody. Didn’t do it because it made no sense
He could have made him beat admirals and vice admirals on Marine Ford. Didn’t do it because it made no sense.
He will not give Carrot a power up with out any kinda explanation. (Even if he can do it)

just expect it that Oda the god one piece doesn’t care about her and is focusing on Yamato, because he is gonna make her join the Strawhats
So no Carrot not even in sulong is fast enough for Yamato.
Of course she is. You seems to think that in One Piece when you can keep up with a character in strenght, you can keep up in speed. That's completely untrue. In fact most of the time Kaido don't uses his speed. It's a strenght base character.

It's not for nothing that you can see multiple type of character strenght in Musos (Speed/power/special) some characters in One Piece are only stronger in strenght but not in speed.

For example Zoro. Zoro might be the strongest, but Brook is the faster one (at least if Carrot don't join).

Yamato might be strong, but NOWHERE as she been shown with the type of speed that would rival a Luffy in gear 4 snake man for example or Sanji in full speed or even a Carrot Sulong.

Those last three character are almost outmatched in term of speed. It's not up for debate. So Carrot could definitely have the advantage if she manage to avoid Yamato's attacks.

Yamato knocked out ulti in her zoan form and she is an ancient zoan. One hit of Yamatos and Carrot(sulong or not) is carrot purée.
Like I said. yamato is strong so yeah, logical.

And while Oda can do everything within his story he will not throw out the story and characters that he has build up.
Fact 3
The story is only limited by the imagination of Oda, the characters and their potential. If Carrot has the potential, Oda can do anything.

Carrot would not last long but she could probably tank one or two hits. That's enough to bring Yamato on the ground at least for the requiered time.
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But if you don't like the scenario I gave you. You can also imagine a way were Oda setup a powerup specially for the Sulong.. Something only a master of the form can do, let's call that the "awakening of the form": instead of just letting the mink transform, the mink will draw directely the power of the Sulong from the origin of the form (let's say that instead of transforming through the moon, you will make the Sulong transform because of the Sun. Hence proving that there is a link between the Sun, the moon, the Mink and Joy boy and the SUlong transformation.)

(You know.. because moonrays are just sun rays reflected by the moon)

Making the mink far stronger, a lot faster and completely out of control.

Well.. that would make our little Carrot while being overpowered, potentially deafly to Yamato but also all the strawhats...

Like I said..

For the author.. anything is possible.
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course you think that, you don't care to check my blog. Until you check it, you won't know what Carrot has for her in the story, just like a flat earther saying that science is bad without having an education about it
Like I said, I won't check a biased someone as you cause Yamato read Oden’s journal for a reason 👀 like she has something going forward for her meanwhile carrot doesn't even know what's the real reason for the dawn unlike Yamato who read the journal with important information writing by Oden 👀
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Each time Yamato saves Wano. Simple
Yamato wasn't fighting for wano until Luffy and the strawhats came on onigashima 😭 Like She Said to Ulti “Today Is The Day I Can Finally Be Oden” 👀
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course you don't, you don't care about storytelling so for you all the character are treated the same way.. but that's not the reality. Pedro, while being present, was not treated as a strawhat in opposite to Carrot.
We don't even know what is the strawhats treatment cause carrot doesn't even have a backstory or a purpose in the story itself 😭😭 meanwhile Pedro who actually gets better writing as character than carrot in WCI
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course there is. There is always a way for an author ;)
No there isn't cause look at how the fight with Bigmom vs Law and Kidd they couldn't even Official beat bigmom without using of the plot plot no mi 😭😭
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Read between the lines and the panels ;)
There is nothing to read between and look at. So quit trying to make some things that aren't there in the story like you always do 😂
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Those last three character are almost outmatched in term of speed. It's not up for debate. So Carrot could definitely have the advantage if she manage to avoid Yamato's attacks
A thunder bagua is faster than sulong form carrot even luffy himself say that he couldn't dodge kaido thunder bagua even with future sight, so you Is telling me that carrot is faster than luffy with future sight?
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A character can have few yet meaningful interactions.
Hmmm but still could be in the opening thou 👀 what interaction that carrot did in wano is meaningful thou? 🤔
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Carrot would not last long but she could probably tank one or two hits. That's enough to bring Yamato on the ground at least for the requiered time.
I think you forget that Yamato is also ACOC user too Carrot isn't taken an ACOC hit from Yamato so stop right there
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Of course she is. You seems to think that in One Piece when you can keep up with a character in strenght, you can keep up in speed. That's completely untrue. In fact most of the time Kaido don't uses his speed. It's a strenght base character.

It's not for nothing that you can see multiple type of character strenght in Musos (Speed/power/special) some characters in One Piece are only stronger in strenght but not in speed.

For example Zoro. Zoro might be the strongest, but Brook is the faster one (at least if Carrot don't join).

Yamato might be strong, but NOWHERE as she been shown with the type of speed that would rival a Luffy in gear 4 snake man for example or Sanji in full speed or even a Carrot Sulong.

Those last three character are almost outmatched in term of speed. It's not up for debate. So Carrot could definitely have the advantage if she manage to avoid Yamato's attacks.

Like I said. yamato is strong so yeah, logical.

The story is only limited by the imagination of Oda, the characters and their potential. If Carrot has the potential, Oda can do anything.

Carrot would not last long but she could probably tank one or two hits. That's enough to bring Yamato on the ground at least for the requiered time.
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But if you don't like the scenario I gave you. You can also imagine a way were Oda setup a powerup specially for the Sulong.. Something only a master of the form can do, let's call that the "awakening of the form": instead of just letting the mink transform, the mink will draw directely the power of the Sulong from the origin of the form (let's say that instead of transforming through the moon, you will make the Sulong transform because of the Sun. Hence proving that there is a link between the Sun, the moon, the Mink and Joy boy and the SUlong transformation.)

(You know.. because moonrays are just sun rays reflected by the moon)

Making the mink far stronger, a lot faster and completely out of control.

Well.. that would make our little Carrot possess enourmous power while being overpowered and potentially deafly to Yamato but also all the strawhats...

Like I said..

For the author.. anything is possible.
Yamato already has 3 version of haki. One of them being advance. She was able keep up with rookie level Ace with sea stone cuffs on. On top that of in the present timeline she was able fight against gear second and gear third Luffy with sea stone cuff on. She Was willing by sometime Until Luffy returns against her father. She was also able knockout hybrid form ulti. If Carrot was going to fighting Yamato is very likely she was lose fight. Base on the fact Yamato is very durable she very skill with hak and hypbrid form. If you believe carrot will be able beat yamato that is laughable statement your making. If moon cover she basically target and in suslong transformation which taxing to body. Yamato would knock her out Sulong. Carrot couldn't fight oars like creature, she can't defeat perospero on her own she was apprehended by oven. Let me ask you Could Carrot off Kaido until he returns? The answer is no.
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Like I said, I won't check a biased someone as you cause Yamato read Oden’s journal for a reason 👀 like she has something going forward for her meanwhile carrot doesn't even know what's the real reason for the dawn unlike Yamato who read the journal with important information writing by Oden 👀
Then if you don't want to check. Don't say things like "there is no treatment for Carrot as a strawhat". You don't have the knowledge about Carrot, I do. So don't try to defend something you can't and check for the opinion of others (at least). That's what does a rationnal personn.

Here you are not being rationnal, you are using the rethoric of a flat earther toward scientist who have the actual knowledge. It's laughable at best.

Yamato wasn't fighting for wano until Luffy and the strawhats came on onigashima 😭 Like She Said to Ulti “Today Is The Day I Can Finally Be Oden” 👀
Yes she was. She was just losing. read the freaking story.

No there isn't cause look at how the fight with Bigmom vs Law and Kidd they couldn't even Official beat bigmom without using of the plot plot no mi 😭😭
"plot plot no mi".. the discourse someone who doesn't understand the choice of the author. Their is no such thing as plot device. The ddefeat of Big Mom was logically prepared and logically demonstrated. Don't try to argue for something you didn't understand.

There is nothing to read between and look at. So quit trying to make some things that aren't there in the story like you always do
There is .. you are just not seeing it.. :myman:

A thunder bagua is faster than sulong form carrot even luffy himself say that he couldn't dodge kaido thunder bagua even with future sight, so you Is telling me that carrot is faster than luffy with future sight?
Nah, it's stronger, not faster. Thunder bagua - in fact - is a pretty slow move.

The reason Luffy was beaten was not because he couldn't dodge.. but because the thunder bagua was coated with Conqueror Haki.

Read the godam freaking story mate.. it's getting ridiculous.

She was able keep up with rookie level Ace with sea stone cuffs on
Again.. wrong.. those are not sea stone cuff. But explosive cuff..

So like I said.

If the author wants Carrot to win.. She WILL win.
Then if you don't want to check. Don't say things like "there is no treatment for Carrot as a strawhat". You don't have the knowledge about Carrot, I do. So don't try to defend something you can't and check for the opinion of others (at least). That's what does a rationnal personn.

Here you are not being rationnal, you are using the rethoric of a flat earther toward scientist who have the actual knowledge. It's laughable at best.

Yes she was. She was just losing. read the freaking story.

"plot plot no mi".. the discourse someone who doesn't understand the choice of the author. Their is no such thing as plot device. The ddefeat of Big Mom was logically prepared and logically demonstrated. Don't try to argue for something you didn't understand.

There is .. you are just not seeing it.. :myman:

Nah, it's stronger, not faster. Thunder bagua - in fact - is a pretty slow move.

The reason Luffy was beaten was not because he couldn't dodge.. but because the thunder bagua was coated with Conqueror Haki.

Read the godam freaking story mate.. it's getting ridiculous.

Again.. wrong.. those are not sea stone cuff. But explosive cuff..

So like I said.

If the author wants Carrot to win.. She WILL win.
Read this Yamato's Handcuffs (Vivre Card info/potential manga spoiler)

Yamato's Vivre Card has a timeline, which includes an entry mentioning that 20 years ago, Yamato was handcuffed with Kairouseki (seastone) handcuffs. The Japanese is: "Before 20: 海楼石の手錠をかけられる ". Here is the image I translated from:

Then if you don't want to check. Don't say things like "there is no treatment for Carrot as a strawhat". You don't have the knowledge about Carrot, I do. So don't try to defend something you can't and check for the opinion of others (at least). That's what does a rationnal personn
Ain't no one who reads/watches the series say that carrot was treated as a strawhats not to mention it just shows us that she is friends with that crew but you think it STRAWHATS NAKAMA moments when law have better moments with the crew than carrot 😂
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