Who will be the next Strawhat

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the discourse someone who doesn't understand the choice of the author. Their is no such thing as plot device. The ddefeat of Big Mom was logically prepared and logically demonstrated. Don't try to argue for something you didn't understand.
Bigmom took every single attack from both kid and law and still wasn't enough to bring her down so u telling me that they officially beat bigmom? Like how zoro did king, sanji did queen and robin to black Maria
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There is .. you are just not seeing it..
There aren't 😭. Only you alone see something that the rest doesn't funny huh?
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, it's stronger, not faster. Thunder bagua - in fact - is a pretty slow move.

The reason Luffy was beaten was not because he couldn't dodge.. but because the thunder bagua was coated with Conqueror Haki.

Read the godam freaking story mate.. it's getting ridiculous.
Omg Luffy literally said in chapter 1001 that it's a fast attack not even with future sight he couldn't dodge it 😂😂😂 why are you telling lies. go read the panel
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Again.. wrong.. those are not sea stone cuff. But explosive cuff..

So like I said.

If the author wants Carrot to win.. She WILL win
Bruh she can't win against Yamato with electric power cause the same Yamato was fighting both kaido and ace who are much more strongest than carrot sulong form 😂😂😂 and there were both seastone and explosive cuff go read back the chapter cause Yamato didn't transform after luffy remove her cuff 😩
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but because the thunder Bagua was coated with Conqueror Haki
And you are saying that carrot can takes a Conqueror Haki Coating Thunder Bagua from Yamato? 👀
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Yeah they thought it. But their mourning didn't impact their storylines. hence it was possible to bring back Pell without destroying what was created in the story.

So when you see Pell, it's surprising, but it doesn't negate anything. Just like Pound.

That's the difference with Pedro. Pedro's death brought to the story an entire storyline of struggle for the strawhat and multiple chapter of mourning and multiple reference. Bringing back Pedro would negate all that.

So Pedro won't come Back.

No. Let me correct that. Pedro COULD come back but only in one way: A reminder


With Pell and Pound, the important thing in their moment where not their death, but their sacrifice. In Pedro's case, it's his death. Because of what it represents for the strawhat in that moment, for the mission and for Carrot.
There are multiple ways Pedro could have survived an explosion besides his 50 years lifespan Homie. Ways to live from an explosion have already been shown with Pell, Perospero, Mr. 5, Ceasar Clown, Gladius, likely Sabo and Smoker, etc. Pedro already escaped an explosion once with Brulee's DF Power. No reason not to think there was a contingency plan in case shit hit the fan. Pedro's had a while to think about what he'd do different if he went back to Tottoland.

Pedro's "death" came with the sacrifice of not getting to ride with the Strawhats henceforth. Pedro proved his belief in the Strawhats. Carrot has proved she's not ready.

You are reiterating what Carrot supporters have wanted/stated before in Pedro staying dead. Otherwise, Carrot's chances would plummet. You can try to reason around it but in the end you'll understand that if Luffy invites someone it will be Pedro.

In Nika We Trust
Say "I don't know what I'm talking about" without saying it.

Carrot being able to create a powerful Haki infused massif electro ball that she would send flying in the air and - with her amazing speed - send to herself back and forth.. create a literral bolid of power..
What delusion is this? Electro Ball is Pokémon... :fujilaugh:

Let's call that combo "the moon ball"

Now imagine that Carrot manage to trap Yamato is a seastone cuff first (note that Yamato's handcuff until now weren't seastones ones). Yamato would be weakened MASSIVELY..

And now imagine that the moon ball will pass through Yamato MULTIPLE TIME.

You got there not only a way to destroy completely Yamato with EASE but a way to create an amazing powerup for Carrot.
Nah, it's stronger, not faster. Thunder bagua - in fact - is a pretty slow move.

The reason Luffy was beaten was not because he couldn't dodge.. but because the thunder bagua was coated with Conqueror Haki.
Wtf? Bro take your own advice and read the story properly. Here you have it.

He got hit although he was reading the future because it’s so fast and he couldn’t keep up with the speed. No read the story, spend less time focusing on Carrot and fantasizing about her and making fan fictions up.
@CarrotForNakama It's crazy how far you have to make stuff up to even think anything that Carrot "could" do just to make her Arbitrarily Win against Yamato. Nobody agrees with your stupid baseless arguments, Nobody else is that dumb, and if they say they do; They're lying to you for the lawls.
And before you say' Muh Evidence is in the storytelling', Stop No. It isn't, You are literally making shit up and saying it is. That is what we call Headcanon in layman's terms but I fear that concept might be to much for you to actually understand. In short You Delusional as Fuck.

The amount of Reaching you have to do to Justify anything that Carrot is or does is astronomical.

Even as I say this You cannot or will not understand because your Ignorance exceeds everything else.

Everything you have is a bad faith Argument, and there is nothing that you can say that has any worth here.
Read this Yamato's Handcuffs (Vivre Card info/potential manga spoiler)

Yamato's Vivre Card has a timeline, which includes an entry mentioning that 20 years ago, Yamato was handcuffed with Kairouseki (seastone) handcuffs. The Japanese is: "Before 20: 海楼石の手錠をかけられる ". Here is the image I translated from:
Well this change things, I was not aware of this as it was not in the story. So you are right, this would indeed make things a lot more difficult but this doesn't change what at I said about the will of the author and his power over the story and the future of the character.

What? That's the new thing??
No. Just a experience of thoughts.

Ain't no one who reads/watches the series say that carrot was treated as a strawhats not to mention it just shows us that she is friends with that crew but you think it STRAWHATS NAKAMA moments when law have better moments with the crew than carrot 😂
Law was treated as an allied, not a strawhat (at least not fully like Carrot)

We don't even know what yamato and kaido were fighting about? Cause Yamato states that when she tells kaido that she wants to be oden he beat her up at 8 years old then we don't know if it's her wanting to leave wano or stopping him from destroying wano?
She has been wanting to follow Oden's will since years old. Of course she was doing that on purpose. But she lost. Multiple times. Hence why she got so strong.

Bigmom took every single attack from both kid and law and still wasn't enough to bring her down so u telling me that they officially beat bigmom?
Defeat means putting someone out of commission. In other words : to render them useless and getting the ability to do it again if necessary. We don't care about strenght comparisons in that situation, Big Mom was defeated fair and square. She is out.. for now at least.

Only you alone see something that the rest doesn't funny huh?
Well I'm the only one here pleading the case of Carrot so yeah.. logically, i'm the only one who see stuff about her.

Omg Luffy literally said in chapter 1001 that it's a fast attack not even with future sight he couldn't dodge it 😂😂😂 why are you telling lies. go read the panel
Wtf? Bro take your own advice and read the story properly. Here you have it.
Like I said. Some things are fast. And others are EXTREMELY FAST. The thunder Bagua may be fast, is not at the speed of a Lighting fast characters. (at least not in my mind) Plus we are talking her about Kaido which is on a completely different level of speed than Yamato. So it's irrelevant to talk about Yamato.

Bruh she can't win against Yamato with electric power cause the same Yamato was fighting both kaido and ace who are much more strongest than carrot sulong form 😂😂😂 and there were both seastone and explosive cuff go read back the chapter cause Yamato didn't transform after luffy remove her cuff 😩
Again. If an author wants a character to win.. they WILL win:

And you are saying that carrot can takes a Conqueror Haki Coating Thunder Bagua from Yamato?
Yes, I think she can tank one or two at least (In sulong). you may forget it, but carrot is a brawl fighter. She is very tanky.

There are multiple ways Pedro could have survived an explosion besides his 50 years lifespan Homie. Ways to live from an explosion have already been shown with Pell, Perospero, Mr. 5, Ceasar Clown, Gladius, likely Sabo and Smoker, etc. Pedro already escaped an explosion once with Brulee's DF Power. No reason not to think there was a contingency plan in case shit hit the fan. Pedro's had a while to think about what he'd do different if he went back to Tottoland.

Pedro's "death" came with the sacrifice of not getting to ride with the Strawhats henceforth. Pedro proved his belief in the Strawhats. Carrot has proved she's not ready.

You are reiterating what Carrot supporters have wanted/stated before in Pedro staying dead. Otherwise, Carrot's chances would plummet. You can try to reason around it but in the end you'll understand that if Luffy invites someone it will be Pedro.

In Nika We Trust
No, the story would plummet. And Oda won't do that.

Pedro is ded.

What delusion is this? Electro Ball is Pokémon...
And ? You prefer another name .. got it.. let's call that: "Moon Gem" (in reference to the jade Rabbit)

Why are you so shock? This would be so cool!

Nobody agrees with your stupid baseless arguments, Nobody else is that dumb, and if they say they do; They're lying to you for the lawls.
You are all fighting the same battle, so of course none of you agree.. lmao

Yes it is. Deal with it mu dude.

You are literally making shit up and saying it is
Correction: I'm making sh*t you don't understand. Like i'm sure you still don't understand what a subversion dialogue is.. Still.. it's a real writing tool. It may be called differently according to writers (probably not, I've never seen that concept theorized) but it's real.

And you don't understand it. Why ?

Because you don't want to learn and you complete yourself in ignorance

But that's ok..you do you, I do me

At the end, "I" will be the one to laugh:myman:

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Correction: I'm making sh*t you don't understand. Like i'm sure you still don't understand what a subversion dialogue is.. Still.. it's a real writing tool. It may be called differently according to writers (probably not, I've never seen that concept theorized) but it's real.

And you don't understand it. Why ?

Because you don't want to learn and you complete yourself in ignorance

But that's ok..you do you, I do me

At the end, "I" will be the one to laugh:myman:
And yet Oda is the one whose doing this. You are only proving me right here and you're either to blind or to stupid to realise it.

You didn't read my comment did you?
You are saying two things, That it's a real thing and that it's a concept that hasn't been theorized.

Here's something for you, What you think Oda is doing, isn't actually happening. It's far natural to read what Oda has wrote and come to one fucking conclusion. Yamato is joining, Carrot is not.
You can liken that to Occam's Razor.
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Like I said. Some things are fast. And others are EXTREMELY FAST. The thunder Bagua may be fast, is not at the speed of a Lighting fast characters. (at least not in my mind) Plus we are talking her about Kaido which is on a completely different level of speed than Yamato. So it's irrelevant to talk about Yamato.
bruh fist you said it’s a slow attack now it’s fast and lightning fast. Ofc kizarus attacks are even faster.
But Carrot is not lightning fast so your point is uselesss.
Kaido is extremely fast, as he was able to Luffy who also is fast(even in base form) and was predicting the future. Yamato was fighting the same kaido even in hybrid form and keeping up with his strength and speed. Ergo Yamato is also extremely fast(not saying she is the fastest character out there), but definitely faster than Carrot.
Use your logic and figure this things out yourself. I don’t want to have to explain them to you every time.
Meanwhile in reality Yamato fought Kaido while the Carrot and Wanda duo were beaten by Perospero alone.

Stick to “Yamato is too powerful to join the crew”, suggestions that Carrot could beat her are just a sad new level of delusion.

And are also pretty pointless for this particular discussion anyway.
Well technically yes.. Yamato is a bit too powerful to join the crew.

You are saying two things, That it's a real thing and that it's a concept that hasn't been theorized. Your English is shit.
Well my english might be *** (I think not) but this doesn't change the fact that you still don't understand what I'm talking about.

You might never understand that: A tool in storytelling can be applied WITHOUT being EVER conceptualized.

Conceptualization/theorization means that you put a light on a storytelling concept/tool. It means that you explain it. It doesn't mean that you invent it. The tool already exist.

You can liken that to Occam's Razor.

bruh fist you said it’s a slow attack now it’s fast and lightning fast.
In comparizon to Lighting fast character like Luffy gear 4 sneak man or Sanji at full speed or Carrot Sulong or Kizaru.. yeah.. it's pretty slow.. at least in my mind.

Kaido is extremely fast, as he was able to Luffy who also is fast(even in base form) and was predicting the future. Yamato was fighting the same kaido even in hybrid form and keeping up with his strength and speed.
Not keeping up at all bru. Yamato was being pummuled

I don’t want to have to explain them to you every time.
You are not explaining anything. you are just trying to find a way to put down Carrot and to say that Yamato = Kaido when the facts are: "it's wrong".
Again. If an author wants a character to win.. they WILL win:

And this is where you understand things in a completely wrong direction. It’s clear you don’t understand a single thing of difference between American & Japanese comics.

American comics (Marvel, DC) usually hire different writers. Writers =/= authors. For example, Dark Phoenix Saga was written by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. House of X saga is written by Jonathan Hickman. That’s the simplest example that even X-Men, can have different writers in different stories. There are some examples that Jean Grey, an Omega Level mutant whose telepathic power is beyond limitless and can transcend through multiverses, can’t simply make a telepathic connection with Professor X in House of X from Mercury to Earth.

You can’t simply compare American comics with Japanese comics. At this point you’re just basically clueless and can’t accept that you don’t understand any single thing about how comics work
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Well technically yes.. Yamato is a bit too powerful to join the crew.

Well my english might be *** (I think not) but this doesn't change the fact that you still don't understand what I'm talking about.

You might never understand that: A tool in storytelling can be applied WITHOUT being EVER conceptualized.

Conceptualization/theorization means that you put a light on a storytelling concept/tool. It means that you explain it. It doesn't mean that you invent it. The tool already exist.


In comparizon to Lighting fast character like Luffy gear 4 sneak man or Sanji at full speed or Carrot Sulong or Kizaru.. yeah.. it's pretty slow.. at least in my mind.

Not keeping up at all bru. Yamato was being pummuled

You are not explaining anything. you are just trying to find a way to put down Carrot and to say that Yamato = Kaido when the facts are: "it's wrong".

Imagine carrot fighting Kaido being demolished
And this is where you understand things in a completely wrong direction. It’s clear you don’t understand a single thing of difference between American & Japanese comics.

American comics (Marvel, DC) usually hire different writers. Writers =/= authors. For example, Dark Phoenix Saga was written by Chris Claremont and John Bryne. House of X saga is written by Jonathan Hickman. That’s the simplest example that even X-Men, can have different writers in different stories
You can’t simply compare American comics with Japanese comics.

I was waiting for someone to change the goal post to "BuT ThOsE aRe NoT tHe SaMe WrItErS"

Spoiler: I don't care. it's the SAME.

Storytelling is about stories it's not about the writers or format.

I don't care if there are multiple writers, they are ALL falling under the SAME rules:

They are GODS in there respective stories. Meaning that they can do whatever they want if they do it right.

So if Oda wants to make Carrot beat Yamato. He CAN find a way to do just that.

That's one of the main reason why powerscaling as always been nothing but a meaningless illusion. Writers are the ones who choose the winners.

Imagine carrot fighting Kaido being demolished
It would be surprising and I'm sure you would find a way to cry about it ^^
I was waiting for someone to change the goal post to "BuT ThOsE aRe NoT tHe SaMe WrItErS"

Spoiler: I don't care. it's the SAME.

Storytelling is about stories it's not about the writers or format.

I don't care if there are multiple writers, they are ALL falling under the SAME rules:

They are GODS in there respective stories. Meaning that they can do whatever they want if they do it right.

So if Oda wants to make Carrot beat Yamato. He CAN find a way to do just that.

That's one of the main reason why powerscaling as always been nothing but a meaningless illusion. Writers are the ones who choose the winners.

It would be surprising and I'm sure you would find a way to cry about it ^^
It would not surprising outcome it would be obvious. Carrot is nowhere near the level cat viper or dogstorm.
I was waiting for someone to change the goal post to "BuT ThOsE aRe NoT tHe SaMe WrItErS"

Spoiler: I don't care. it's the SAME.

Storytelling is about stories it's not about the writers or format.

I don't care if there are multiple writers, they are ALL falling under the SAME rules:

They are GODS in there respective stories. Meaning that they can do whatever they want if they do it right.

So if Oda wants to make Carrot beat Yamato. He CAN find a way to do just that.

That's one of the main reason why powerscaling as always been nothing but a meaningless illusion. Writers are the ones who choose the winners.
Changing goal post? LMAO you were the one who changed the goal post by bringing Stan Lee here. You can deny what you want but you can’t ignore the facts that they have completely different writers. You can’t ignore that American comics have inconsistencies because they keep changing writers.

Oda can find a way, indeed, but there is nothing in the story explicitly or implicitly pointing that Carrot can defeat Yamato.

It’s clear then, that you chose to don’t care = you’re ignorant. You brought up something you don’t understand a single bit and when being explained you chose to ignore it. Or should I quote what you said: it’s like scientists trying to explain flat earther.

At this point you’re just ignorant & clueless but your ego is too high to admit you are. If I would kill myself I would jump from your ego down to your IQ
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